FT/TT meeting minutes May 31st 2016
...About 2 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Participants: Mario Calderon, Yamel Senih, Gabriel Vila, OSSAGHO, Eduardo Lopez, Victor Perez
- Date / Time: Tuesday, May 31st 2016 / 12:00h - 12:59h GMT
- The meeting closed after 45 mins
- Pending
- Other Items
- Newest trunk installation on test server
- Latest comments POS Testing
- Next meeting
- Pending
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Other Items:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Newest trunk installation on test server:
- Discussion about the installation of the latest trunk version on the test server.
Latest comments POS Testing:
- Discussion on the latest comments related to Point of Sale (POS) testing.
Next meeting:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
[31/05/2016 05:03:29 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hello everybody! !
[31/05/2016 05:03:42 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Hi Mario
[31/05/2016 05:04:10 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Hello
[31/05/2016 05:07:08 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Let's wait for others to pop up.
[31/05/2016 05:07:49 a. m.] OSSAGHO: Hi Everyone
[31/05/2016 05:09:29 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Victor installed the newest trunk, including the POS, which is available under: http://postgres.adempiere.io To use the POS log in with Garden GardenAdmin and Store Central
[31/05/2016 05:11:49 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I for my side tested the POS. There is still a couple of errors concerning product input and quantities, but with the help of Yamel and Raul we hope to overcome them soon
[31/05/2016 05:13:36 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Ok Mario, we can help to test POS
[31/05/2016 05:16:32 a. m.] Eduardo Lopez: Morning
[31/05/2016 05:16:35 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Great Gabriel, just remember the issues I mentioned
[31/05/2016 05:18:45 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Ok
[31/05/2016 05:20:48 a. m.] Victor Perez: Hi
[31/05/2016 05:21:03 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Hi Victor
[31/05/2016 05:22:05 a. m.] Victor Perez: Also was install of apparel mng
[31/05/2016 05:25:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: On the other hand Gabriel from openup will work To create a installer for 382
[31/05/2016 05:26:01 a. m.] Mario Calderón: What's it exactly?
[31/05/2016 05:27:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: A múlti plataform Ad easy installer
[31/05/2016 05:28:41 a. m.] Victor Perez: http://wiki.adempiere.net/ADempiere_Install_Linux%2526PostgreSQL
[31/05/2016 05:29:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: But update the idea is make easy of install for adempiere
[31/05/2016 05:31:33 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Since when have you noticed the error Victor?
[31/05/2016 05:32:16 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Thats right
[31/05/2016 05:35:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: Finality of Adempire EAM repository was created Yamel are update with code that we have To start of integration
[31/05/2016 05:35:59 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes i will commit the initial source today
[31/05/2016 05:37:44 a. m.] Victor Perez: https://github.com/adempiere/adempiereEAM
[31/05/2016 05:38:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: Of work will star that same way that adempierePOS
[31/05/2016 05:43:35 a. m.] Victor Perez: On the other hand I start with metas fresh code revision and evalúate a way To future integration or take this as referente and our migration for new architecture To future
[31/05/2016 05:45:15 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Which are the advantages of the approach of Metas?
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