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How to Apply for Projects?

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Procedure to Apply for Projects to allocate funds from the foundation

General Requirements

1.- Research the foundation and its selection criteria: start by researching the foundation that organizes the contest and understand its objectives and requirements for the allocation of funds.

Check to see if the foundation has a particular interest in projects related to Adempiere.

2.- Definition of the project for Adempiere: Clearly define the scope and objectives of the project. It is important to make sure that the project is well structured, with clear functionalities and a clear vision of the value that it will bring to the community and to the companies interested in using it.

3.- Establish a development plan and budget: Develop a detailed plan that describes the architecture of how it integrates into Adempiere, the functionality it will include, the development stages and deadlines. Also include a specific budget detailing how the allocated funds will be used.

4.- Form a competent development team: Assemble a team of developers with experience in software projects and Adempiere. Make sure you have specialists in key areas such as design, programming, testing and documentation.

5.- Create a demo or prototype version: If possible, develop a demo version or prototype integrated with the latest version of Adempiere to show the functionality and potential of the project. This can be a powerful tool to demonstrate the value of the project to the foundation.

6.- Prepare the application: Write a solid proposal that clearly explains the details of the project, its purpose, the advantages it will bring and how it aligns with the objectives of the foundation and the Adempiere project.

7.- Comply with the application requirements: Make sure to include all the information required by the foundation, such as legal documents, description of the team, contact details and any other specific requirements of the contest.

8.- Send the application: Send the proposal to the foundation within the established term and following the instructions provided by them.

9.- Presentation (if required): If the foundation requests a live presentation or a meeting with the project team, be prepared for it. Highlight the most important aspects of the project and answer any questions they may have.

10.- Follow-up: After submitting the application, maintain active communication with the foundation, offering to answer any additional questions they may have.

Technical Requirements

1.- The project must be executed and developed within the project repositories

2.- The project must follow the current methodology, best practices and development procedures stipulated by the project, being approved by the technical and functional team.

3.- The project must be released under a license approved by the foundation (GPL2, GPL3, Apache2)

4.- The developers participating in the project must sign the Adempiere Contribution Agreement (important to define) the objective is that any contribution has no problems for any intellectual property or patent use

5.- The project must be documented in order to be evaluated and tested by any interested party

6.- Once the project is nominated, it must be voted on by the citizens. Resources are assigned based on their percentage of participation in the voting for the three most voted projects. If there is a tie in the vote, the resources are assigned by dividing between the projects with the same vote

7.- Define a way to allocate resources according to the result of the vote. It is suggested to open the applications for a defined period, close the applications, vote on the applications and allocate the resources to the winning projects.

8.- The foundation will give the recognition publicly of project contributors

9.- Announce and publish the project officially

Projects Promoted by the Foundation

1.- The foundation can promote projects of interest to Adempiere, these projects are for the development of specific characteristics and for which a developer will receive a monetary prize stimulated at the time of publication of the project, if the developer performs the task and complies with the project requirements.

2.- The projects promoted by the foundation must follow the technical requirements of the postulated projects

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