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ADempiereJune 29, 2022...About 1 minFoundationMembers

As a non-for-profit association, the ADempiere Foundation is controlled by its members. Members can take part in assemblies of the Foundation, vote on Foundation business, select the Board of Directors and server on the Board.

Who can become a member and what kinds of memberships are available?

People and companies who seek to further develop and support ADempiere can become a member of the association. There are three types of members:

  • Active members are people who activly support the association and help developing while being fully responsible in terms of the association. We expect these kinds of members to collaborate, to take part in assemblies of the association and to activly make use of voting right.

  • Passive members may be people who seek to support the association through their membership but who would like to relenquish the rights of an active member. Passive membership is granted to sponsoring companies who can delegate a contact person.

  • Promoting members may be people and companies who support the aim of the aossication especially through monetary- or donations of goods. These members are represented on the website, if they wish, and have the right to take part in the general assemblies of the association without the power to vote.

Become a Member

Join us and help out! Membership is purchased as a subscription for $200 USD per year or $20 USD per month. The subscriptions are managed by Paypal and you will need to have a Paypal account or create one during the subscription process. You can cancel the subscription and your memebership at any time through your Paypal account or by clicking the Unsubscirbe button below.

If you purchase a Membership, we will assume it is Active. If you do not want to be considered Active, please contact us at

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