FT/TT meeting minutes May 10th 2016
...About 6 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Participants: Mario Calderon, Michael McKay, Gabriel Vila, Steven Sackett, Yamel Senih, OSSAGHO, Victor Perez
- Date / Time: Tuesday, May 10th 2016 / 12:00h - 12:59h GMT
- The meeting closed after 50 mins
- Review
- Actions update
- New items Review last week's discussion
- Actions List
- Start to release task
- We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task.
- Close of issue list in GitHub
- POS integration
- Setup demo for intensive testing
- Fix any big fix found
- Release
- Next meeting
- Pending
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Actions update:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
New items Review last week's discussion:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Actions List:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Start to release task:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Close of issue list in GitHub:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
POS integration:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Setup demo for intensive testing:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Fix any big fix found:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
Next meeting:
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
- No specific details provided in the minutes.
[10/05/2016 05:01:12 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Good morning everybody
[10/05/2016 05:01:27 a. m.] Michael McKay: Morning
[10/05/2016 05:02:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: Hi
[10/05/2016 05:03:55 a. m.] Eduardo Lopez: Good morning
[10/05/2016 05:03:57 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hi Mike, Victor .
[10/05/2016 05:04:04 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hi Eduardo
[10/05/2016 05:04:30 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Morning
[10/05/2016 05:07:02 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Good morning
[10/05/2016 05:08:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: We can star?
[10/05/2016 05:08:25 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes
[10/05/2016 05:08:49 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Let's start
[10/05/2016 05:08:58 a. m.] Victor Perez: Please
[10/05/2016 05:11:58 a. m.] Michael McKay: Agenda:
[10/05/2016 05:13:24 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes
[10/05/2016 05:18:53 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Review of last week?
[10/05/2016 05:19:12 a. m.] Michael McKay: Sorry - interupted.
[10/05/2016 05:19:20 a. m.] Michael McKay: 1. Review
[10/05/2016 05:19:27 a. m.] Michael McKay: 2. Actions update
[10/05/2016 05:19:41 a. m.] Michael McKay: 3. New items
[10/05/2016 05:20:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: I think that we are close for 382?
[10/05/2016 05:22:12 a. m.] *** Group call ***
[10/05/2016 05:22:22 a. m.] *** Missed group call. ***
[10/05/2016 05:23:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: So we need some task
[10/05/2016 05:23:47 a. m. | Edited 05:24:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- Start to release task
[10/05/2016 05:24:07 a. m.] Mario Calderón: We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task.
[10/05/2016 05:25:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- close of issue list in github
[10/05/2016 05:25:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: 3.- pos integration
[10/05/2016 05:26:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: 4.- setup demo to intensive test
[10/05/2016 05:27:43 a. m.] Victor Perez: 6.- fix any thing big fix found
[10/05/2016 05:28:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: 7.- release
[10/05/2016 05:31:07 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think these are the steps Victor
[10/05/2016 05:31:13 a. m.] OSSAGHO: Hi all
[10/05/2016 05:33:30 a. m.] Victor Perez: Now is simple how distribuye work
[10/05/2016 05:34:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: I can make 1 ,3,4,7
[10/05/2016 05:34:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: Where need more help is in testing
[10/05/2016 05:35:08 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: i can help in testing
[10/05/2016 05:35:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: Ok great
[10/05/2016 05:36:00 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: tell me when can I start
[10/05/2016 05:36:06 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So.
1.- Start to release task
[10/05/2016 05:36:19 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I can testing and help you to integrate
[10/05/2016 05:36:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need define a schedule
[10/05/2016 05:37:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel i think that can help me with release
[10/05/2016 05:37:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: To create some task
[10/05/2016 05:37:46 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can the schedule be published in a wiki page?
[10/05/2016 05:40:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yes
[10/05/2016 05:41:09 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mario can you help to close pos issue
[10/05/2016 05:41:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: And test
[10/05/2016 05:42:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need end this week
[10/05/2016 05:42:20 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I think that the date may be for last days of current month or it is more premature?
[10/05/2016 05:42:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: To make integration
[10/05/2016 05:43:12 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I am at it. I can be responsible for closing POS issues
[10/05/2016 05:43:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: Can schedule for end June
[10/05/2016 05:44:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: We have 2 week to end integration and demo
[10/05/2016 05:44:40 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I can join to close the iasuea
[10/05/2016 05:44:43 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Issues
[10/05/2016 05:45:02 a. m. | Edited 05:45:15 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2 week to test
[10/05/2016 05:45:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1 of bugfix
[10/05/2016 05:45:56 a. m.] Victor Perez: And release
[10/05/2016 05:46:16 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Then we need merge the currents branch's
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Hotfix, develop
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Mario Calderón: What about the adempiere issues?
[10/05/2016 05:47:27 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Currently exists around of 120
[10/05/2016 05:47:59 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I have like 20 issues but it can be applied for next release
[10/05/2016 05:49:35 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok. Then we should close in this week as many issues as possible
[10/05/2016 05:49:45 a. m.] Steven _: Hi
[10/05/2016 05:53:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: Gabriel and Yamel is here the test task that need be execute
[10/05/2016 05:53:29 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[10/05/2016 05:53:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: So if you have a team can be good to distribute
[10/05/2016 05:54:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can an additional test implementation be exposed in the portal? So everybody can see there's a new release and test .
[10/05/2016 05:56:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yes mario as an task list
[10/05/2016 05:56:41 a. m.] Victor Perez: The idea is when all functionality test are make we can release
[10/05/2016 05:57:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel is here of release task some task i need your help
[10/05/2016 05:59:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: In special of last
[10/05/2016 05:59:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: Build schemapy
[10/05/2016 05:59:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: Build Java docs
[10/05/2016 05:59:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: Update util/ddl
[10/05/2016 06:00:55 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need add the docker imagen
[10/05/2016 06:01:17 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok. Who is in charge of it? I mean of the additional installation.
[10/05/2016 06:01:35 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I can prepare the seed
[10/05/2016 06:01:42 a. m. | Edited 06:02:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: And remove all adempiere.com and adempiere.org
[10/05/2016 06:02:05 a. m.] Victor Perez: For adempiere.net and adempiere.io
[10/05/2016 06:02:38 a. m.] Mario Calderón: With the newest DB changes. Perhaps you guys can help me here. I am also preparing a doc.
[10/05/2016 06:03:07 a. m.] Victor Perez: My propuse here is for adempiere.com for adempiere.net
[10/05/2016 06:03:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: Adempiere.org for adempiere.io
[10/05/2016 06:04:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mike and Eduardo would help with news and release advertaise
[10/05/2016 06:04:38 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need make spanish translator
[10/05/2016 06:04:46 a. m.] Victor Perez: too
[10/05/2016 06:05:15 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Victor Perez – Heute 07:03
My propuse here is for adempiere.com for adempiere.net
What do you mean Victor?
[10/05/2016 06:06:09 a. m.] *** Mario Calderón removed Steven _ from this conversation. ***
[10/05/2016 06:06:25 a. m.] *** Mario Calderón added Steven _ ***
[10/05/2016 06:07:05 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can you see us Steven?
[10/05/2016 06:07:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need move of any refrence in code
[10/05/2016 06:07:35 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel start this work
[10/05/2016 06:08:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: Steve are in team
[10/05/2016 06:08:43 a. m.] Victor Perez: But is as ausent
[10/05/2016 06:10:37 a. m.] Michael McKay: Steve was having technical problems with skype. I think he has left us for the night.
[10/05/2016 06:10:45 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes I can help you Victor
[10/05/2016 06:11:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I move the old URL .com and .org to .net and .io
[10/05/2016 06:14:00 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think I did it too late ...
[10/05/2016 06:14:32 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So what else do we need?
[10/05/2016 06:21:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: Only start :-)
[10/05/2016 06:27:24 a. m.] Michael McKay: Have to go guys. I'll help with the testing as well.
[10/05/2016 06:27:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok
[10/05/2016 06:27:43 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Bye Mike
[10/05/2016 06:28:19 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I'll be at the issues today and this week. We can comment here
[10/05/2016 06:30:17 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Bye everybody GTG also
[11/05/2016 04:04:47 a. m.] *** Steven _ has left ***
[11/05/2016 04:05:40 a. m.] *** Michael McKay added Steven _ ***
[11/05/2016 04:13:37 a. m.] OSSAGHO: hi
[11/05/2016 05:48:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can you see this Steven?
[11/05/2016 05:50:06 a. m. | Edited 05:52:25 a. m.] Steven _: I can now see it...
[11/05/2016 05:52:09 a. m.] Steven _: test
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