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FT/TT meeting minutes May 10th 2016

ADempiere...About 6 minCommunityWikiMeetings



  • Participants: Mario Calderon, Michael McKay, Gabriel Vila, Steven Sackett, Yamel Senih, OSSAGHO, Victor Perez
  • Date / Time: Tuesday, May 10th 2016 / 12:00h - 12:59h GMT
  • The meeting closed after 50 mins


  1. Review
  2. Actions update
  3. New items Review last week's discussion
  4. Actions List
  5. Start to release task
  6. We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task.
  7. Close of issue list in GitHub
  8. POS integration
  9. Setup demo for intensive testing
  10. Fix any big fix found
  11. Release
  12. Next meeting
  13. Pending


  1. Review:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  2. Actions update:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  3. New items Review last week's discussion:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  4. Actions List:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  5. Start to release task:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  6. We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  7. Close of issue list in GitHub:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  8. POS integration:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  9. Setup demo for intensive testing:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  10. Fix any big fix found:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  11. Release:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  12. Next meeting:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  13. Pending:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.


[10/05/2016 05:01:12 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Good morning everybody
[10/05/2016 05:01:27 a. m.] Michael McKay: Morning
[10/05/2016 05:02:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: Hi
[10/05/2016 05:03:55 a. m.] Eduardo Lopez: Good morning
[10/05/2016 05:03:57 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hi Mike, Victor .
[10/05/2016 05:04:04 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hi Eduardo
[10/05/2016 05:04:30 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Morning
[10/05/2016 05:07:02 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Good morning
[10/05/2016 05:08:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: We can star?
[10/05/2016 05:08:25 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes
[10/05/2016 05:08:49 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Let's start
[10/05/2016 05:08:58 a. m.] Victor Perez: Please
[10/05/2016 05:11:58 a. m.] Michael McKay: Agenda:
[10/05/2016 05:13:24 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes
[10/05/2016 05:18:53 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Review of last week?
[10/05/2016 05:19:12 a. m.] Michael McKay: Sorry - interupted.
[10/05/2016 05:19:20 a. m.] Michael McKay: 1. Review
[10/05/2016 05:19:27 a. m.] Michael McKay: 2. Actions update
[10/05/2016 05:19:41 a. m.] Michael McKay: 3. New items
[10/05/2016 05:20:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: I think that we are close for 382?
[10/05/2016 05:22:12 a. m.] *** Group call ***
[10/05/2016 05:22:22 a. m.] *** Missed group call. ***
[10/05/2016 05:23:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: So we need some task
[10/05/2016 05:23:47 a. m. | Edited 05:24:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- Start to release task
[10/05/2016 05:24:07 a. m.] Mario Calderón: We agreed to integrate the POS but we've still closing issues. It's mere an organizational task.
[10/05/2016 05:25:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- close of issue list in github
[10/05/2016 05:25:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: 3.- pos integration
[10/05/2016 05:26:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: 4.- setup demo to intensive test
[10/05/2016 05:27:43 a. m.] Victor Perez: 6.- fix any thing big fix found
[10/05/2016 05:28:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: 7.- release
[10/05/2016 05:31:07 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think these are the steps Victor
[10/05/2016 05:31:13 a. m.] OSSAGHO: Hi all
[10/05/2016 05:33:30 a. m.] Victor Perez: Now is simple how distribuye work
[10/05/2016 05:34:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: I can make 1 ,3,4,7
[10/05/2016 05:34:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: Where need more help is in testing
[10/05/2016 05:35:08 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: i can help in testing
[10/05/2016 05:35:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: Ok great
[10/05/2016 05:36:00 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: tell me when can I start
[10/05/2016 05:36:06 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So.
1.- Start to release task
[10/05/2016 05:36:19 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I can testing and help you to integrate
[10/05/2016 05:36:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need define a schedule
[10/05/2016 05:37:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel i think that can help me with release
[10/05/2016 05:37:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: To create some task
[10/05/2016 05:37:46 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can the schedule be published in a wiki page?
[10/05/2016 05:40:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yes
[10/05/2016 05:41:09 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mario can you help to close pos issue
[10/05/2016 05:41:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: And test
[10/05/2016 05:42:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need end this week
[10/05/2016 05:42:20 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I think that the date may be for last days of current month or it is more premature?
[10/05/2016 05:42:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: To make integration
[10/05/2016 05:43:12 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I am at it. I can be responsible for closing POS issues
[10/05/2016 05:43:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: Can schedule for end June
[10/05/2016 05:44:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: We have 2 week to end integration and demo
[10/05/2016 05:44:40 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I can join to close the iasuea
[10/05/2016 05:44:43 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Issues
[10/05/2016 05:45:02 a. m. | Edited 05:45:15 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2 week to test
[10/05/2016 05:45:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1 of bugfix
[10/05/2016 05:45:56 a. m.] Victor Perez: And release
[10/05/2016 05:46:16 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Then we need merge the currents branch's
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Hotfix, develop
[10/05/2016 05:46:47 a. m.] Mario Calderón: What about the adempiere issues?
[10/05/2016 05:47:27 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Currently exists around of 120
[10/05/2016 05:47:59 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I have like 20 issues but it can be applied for next release
[10/05/2016 05:49:35 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok. Then we should close in this week as many issues as possible
[10/05/2016 05:49:45 a. m.] Steven _: Hi
[10/05/2016 05:53:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: Gabriel and Yamel is here the test task that need be execute
[10/05/2016 05:53:29 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[10/05/2016 05:53:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: So if you have a team can be good to distribute
[10/05/2016 05:54:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can an additional test implementation be exposed in the portal? So everybody can see there's a new release and test .
[10/05/2016 05:56:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yes mario as an task list
[10/05/2016 05:56:41 a. m.] Victor Perez: The idea is when all functionality test are make we can release
[10/05/2016 05:57:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel is here of release task some task i need your help
[10/05/2016 05:59:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: In special of last
[10/05/2016 05:59:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: Build schemapy
[10/05/2016 05:59:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: Build Java docs
[10/05/2016 05:59:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: Update util/ddl
[10/05/2016 06:00:55 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need add the docker imagen
[10/05/2016 06:01:17 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok. Who is in charge of it? I mean of the additional installation.
[10/05/2016 06:01:35 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I can prepare the seed
[10/05/2016 06:01:42 a. m. | Edited 06:02:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: And remove all and
[10/05/2016 06:02:05 a. m.] Victor Perez: For and
[10/05/2016 06:02:38 a. m.] Mario Calderón: With the newest DB changes. Perhaps you guys can help me here. I am also preparing a doc.
[10/05/2016 06:03:07 a. m.] Victor Perez: My propuse here is for for
[10/05/2016 06:03:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: for
[10/05/2016 06:04:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mike and Eduardo would help with news and release advertaise
[10/05/2016 06:04:38 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need make spanish translator
[10/05/2016 06:04:46 a. m.] Victor Perez: too
[10/05/2016 06:05:15 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Victor Perez – Heute 07:03
My propuse here is for for
What do you mean Victor?
[10/05/2016 06:06:09 a. m.] *** Mario Calderón removed Steven _ from this conversation. ***
[10/05/2016 06:06:25 a. m.] *** Mario Calderón added Steven _ ***
[10/05/2016 06:07:05 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can you see us Steven?
[10/05/2016 06:07:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: We need move of any refrence in code
[10/05/2016 06:07:35 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel start this work
[10/05/2016 06:08:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: Steve are in team
[10/05/2016 06:08:43 a. m.] Victor Perez: But is as ausent
[10/05/2016 06:10:37 a. m.] Michael McKay: Steve was having technical problems with skype. I think he has left us for the night.
[10/05/2016 06:10:45 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes I can help you Victor
[10/05/2016 06:11:47 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I move the old URL .com and .org to .net and .io
[10/05/2016 06:14:00 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think I did it too late ...
[10/05/2016 06:14:32 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So what else do we need?
[10/05/2016 06:21:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: Only start :-)
[10/05/2016 06:27:24 a. m.] Michael McKay: Have to go guys. I'll help with the testing as well.
[10/05/2016 06:27:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok
[10/05/2016 06:27:43 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Bye Mike
[10/05/2016 06:28:19 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I'll be at the issues today and this week. We can comment here
[10/05/2016 06:30:17 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Bye everybody GTG also
[11/05/2016 04:04:47 a. m.] *** Steven _ has left ***
[11/05/2016 04:05:40 a. m.] *** Michael McKay added Steven _ ***
[11/05/2016 04:13:37 a. m.] OSSAGHO: hi
[11/05/2016 05:48:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can you see this Steven?
[11/05/2016 05:50:06 a. m. | Edited 05:52:25 a. m.] Steven _: I can now see it...
[11/05/2016 05:52:09 a. m.] Steven _: test
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