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FT/TT meeting minutes Apr 12th 2016

ADempiere...About 20 minCommunityWikiMeetings



  • Participants: Mario Calderon, Michael McKay, Eduardo López, Trifon Trifonov, Gabriel Vila, Victor Perez, Yamel Senih
  • Date / Time: Tuesday, April 12th 2016 / 12:00h - 12:59h GMT
  • The meeting closed after 3 hrs


  1. Review last week's discussion
  2. Review Road Map
  3. Look at actions and progress from last week
  4. Revisit JBOSS - given recent news stories on security holes
  5. Add to Road Map - brainstorm and discuss
  6. Review and set action list
  7. Discuss Repository Management
    • We currently do changes in hotfix#002 until next release
    • The hot fix and release branches merge with develop, master, and generate a tag
  8. Discuss Next Release Strategy
    • New Feature Update
    • New POS system
    • Improvements for WMS
    • Improvements for Pay selection
  9. Next meeting
  10. Pending


  1. Review last week's discussion:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  2. Review Road Map:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  3. Look at actions and progress from last week:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  4. Revisit JBOSS - given recent news stories on security holes:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  5. Add to Road Map - brainstorm and discuss:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  6. Review and set action list:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  7. Discuss Repository Management:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  8. Discuss Next Release Strategy:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  9. Next meeting:

    • No specific details provided in the minutes.
  10. Pending:

  • No specific details provided in the minutes.


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6
[12/04/2016 05:04:01 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Hello everybody, good morning
[12/04/2016 05:04:21 a. m.] Michael McKay: Good morning.
[12/04/2016 05:04:51 a. m.] Eduardo Lopez: Good morning
[12/04/2016 05:05:14 a. m.] Trifon Trifonov: hi everyone
[12/04/2016 05:08:50 a. m.] Michael McKay: Hi Mario - it there an agenda?
[12/04/2016 05:09:18 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: Hi all
[12/04/2016 05:10:33 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Hi everybody
[12/04/2016 05:11:03 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think there is no agenda. Perhaps we should prepare it inbetween. .
[12/04/2016 05:11:12 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[12/04/2016 05:13:39 a. m. | Edited 05:16:45 a. m.] Michael McKay: Ideas then:
1. Review last week's discussion
2. Review Road Map
3. Look at actions and progress from last week
4. Revisit JBOSS - given recent news stories on security holes
5. Add to Road Map - brainstorm and discuss
6. Review and set action list
[12/04/2016 05:13:57 a. m.] Michael McKay: We can each do #1 on our own.
[12/04/2016 05:14:52 a. m.] Michael McKay: The road map is at
[12/04/2016 05:15:41 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Thanks Mike, I think the agenda you suggest is ok
[12/04/2016 05:16:03 a. m.] Michael McKay: Have to add
6. Review and set action list
[12/04/2016 05:16:14 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: good
[12/04/2016 05:17:33 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Victor wanted to participate at the meeting today. Don't know if we wait a while for him...
[12/04/2016 05:18:14 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes, lets wait
[12/04/2016 05:19:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: Hi
[12/04/2016 05:20:12 a. m.] Michael McKay: Morning Victor.
[12/04/2016 05:21:53 a. m.] Michael McKay: Mario - do you want to lead/moderate?
[12/04/2016 05:22:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: Morning Mike
[12/04/2016 05:23:05 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Morning Victor
[12/04/2016 05:23:39 a. m.] Yamel Senih: The last meeting we talk about the POS integration
[12/04/2016 05:24:28 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Yes I can
[12/04/2016 05:24:41 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Lists start with item 1
[12/04/2016 05:25:42 a. m.] Mario Calderón:
1. Review last week's discussion
[12/04/2016 05:26:25 a. m.] Michael McKay: I'm done.
[12/04/2016 05:27:37 a. m.] *** Group call ***
[12/04/2016 05:27:37 a. m.] *** Missed group call. ***
[12/04/2016 05:28:16 a. m.] *** Missed group call. ***
[12/04/2016 05:28:30 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I talked yesterday with Victor about creating a new branch
[12/04/2016 05:29:10 a. m.] *** Trifon Trifonov was unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they’re using an unsupported device. Find out more. ***
[12/04/2016 05:30:04 a. m.] Mario Calderón: 3.8.3 but he says it is not according to the procedure
[12/04/2016 05:31:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: I want understand we want release 380#003 or 383 ?
[12/04/2016 05:31:45 a. m.] Michael McKay: Yes. I tried to create a branch for hotfix/3.8.0#003 and it does not follow the gitflow model for starting and stopping hotfix branches. We will have to wait until hotfix/3.8.0#002 is completed and merged with Master.
[12/04/2016 05:32:18 a. m.] Michael McKay: I understood that hotfix/3.8.0#00x would become 3.8.x.
[12/04/2016 05:32:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: we should have clear the release tag
[12/04/2016 05:33:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: for me 3.8.0#002 should be only patches
[12/04/2016 05:33:54 a. m.] Victor Perez: and a collect of improves should be an release
[12/04/2016 05:34:08 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: i agree with you victor
Victor Perez
[12/04/2016 05:35:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: so my propose is we would set a date to close currency hot fix 380#002
[12/04/2016 05:36:03 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: all the fixes on 380#002 are well tested ?
[12/04/2016 05:36:04 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I agree with set a date for close the hotfix#002
[12/04/2016 05:36:25 a. m.] Yamel Senih: It need testing
[12/04/2016 05:36:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: and immediately create release branch for 381 with POS integration and stabilization and improves WMS
[12/04/2016 05:36:52 a. m.] Victor Perez: this is my propose
[12/04/2016 05:37:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: we need release more frequently
[12/04/2016 05:37:19 a. m.] Yamel Senih: We currently do changes in hotfix#002
[12/04/2016 05:37:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: but we need define of cycles , so the hot fix branches should are open to some weeks
[12/04/2016 05:37:41 a. m.] Victor Perez: may be
[12/04/2016 05:37:55 a. m.] Victor Perez: and release with this only patches jar
[12/04/2016 05:38:04 a. m.] Victor Perez: not all project
[12/04/2016 05:38:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: I am sure if we have the time to create each time the data base seed and binary data
[12/04/2016 05:38:56 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok thanks for the explanations. I will read again the procedure in order to understand it better
[12/04/2016 05:40:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: about the release branch we can collect 20 or 30 hot fix 380#03…30 + new features = a new release
[12/04/2016 05:40:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: then the hot fix apply for last release
[12/04/2016 05:42:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: for example 380 have until 30 hot fix , it should be some as patches#002.jar , patches#003.jar , patches#004.jar
[12/04/2016 05:43:56 a. m.] Victor Perez: it should take sense for LTS (Long Term Support)
[12/04/2016 05:44:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: tos reason because we define this suffix
[12/04/2016 05:44:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: as Ubuntu
[12/04/2016 05:44:46 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes, good idea...
[12/04/2016 05:45:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: then here we need define times and how want management this cycles
[12/04/2016 05:45:46 a. m. | Edited 05:45:59 a. m.] Michael McKay: What of the tags on the Master branch? Will each merge with the master be tagged as in the software dev procedure? We did not do this for hotfix/3.8.0#001. That merge is tagged 3.8.0.
[12/04/2016 05:45:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: in general the ERP industry proprietary is enough with a release by year or two
[12/04/2016 05:46:05 a. m.] Victor Perez: but we are open source
[12/04/2016 05:46:55 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok let me explain about of tag
[12/04/2016 05:47:09 a. m.] Victor Perez: the tag are create from 2 branches
[12/04/2016 05:47:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: the hot fix and release branches only
[12/04/2016 05:47:53 a. m.] Victor Perez: when you close any this branches git flow make next task.
[12/04/2016 05:48:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- execute a merge with develop branch
[12/04/2016 05:48:35 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- execute a merge with master
[12/04/2016 05:48:53 a. m.] Victor Perez: 3.- create a tag for new release
[12/04/2016 05:49:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: in this case for hot fix are #002 , #003 or , ,
[12/04/2016 05:50:23 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So this means for our next release what exactly?
[12/04/2016 05:51:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: the idea is that move to quickly
[12/04/2016 05:51:09 a. m.] Michael McKay: Then we should update the tags to match.
[12/04/2016 05:51:38 a. m.] Victor Perez: even a new digit would be a issue solve
[12/04/2016 05:51:58 a. m.] Victor Perez: but we need a CI tools to make this
[12/04/2016 05:52:38 a. m.] Victor Perez: this reason that I think collect multiples bug fix while a period may be for each week
[12/04/2016 05:52:58 a. m.] Victor Perez: this depends on collaboration
[12/04/2016 05:54:03 a. m.] Victor Perez: for hot fix not exist road map, because in general are bug fix that we found for version
[12/04/2016 05:54:20 a. m.] Victor Perez: then if you found a bug fix make a hot fix
[12/04/2016 05:54:40 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Yes I agree
[12/04/2016 05:54:44 a. m.] Michael McKay: Are the hotfixes released then? Or just merged into master?
[12/04/2016 05:54:50 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes, i understand, maybe we can collect fixes for each month
[12/04/2016 05:54:59 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: need time for testing
[12/04/2016 05:55:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: @Mike the hot fix and release branches merge with develop , master and generate a tag[12/04/2016 05:55:42 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I think that we need put new fixes each week
[12/04/2016 05:55:48 a. m.] Victor Perez: here can see the general idea
[12/04/2016 05:56:24 a. m. | Edited 05:56:32 a. m.] Michael McKay: I mean- will we generate a new binary for the hotfix as in publish the release?
[12/04/2016 05:56:35 a. m.] Victor Perez: but can see the confusion because in the image a tag using 381 , 382 , 383
[12/04/2016 05:56:43 a. m.] Michael McKay: Yes.
[12/04/2016 05:56:54 a. m.] Victor Perez: but we can define here the management of digits
[12/04/2016 05:57:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: allow finish
[12/04/2016 05:57:33 a. m.] Victor Perez: the release branch should have a road map
[12/04/2016 05:58:07 a. m.] Yamel Senih: I think that it can be week release
[12/04/2016 05:58:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: the reason is because the release branch collect all merge from features branches that was included in develop while a period
[12/04/2016 05:58:38 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Own testing
[12/04/2016 05:58:42 a. m.] Yamel Senih: A standard version and a testing version
[12/04/2016 05:58:44 a. m.] Victor Perez: for example we make a new functionally , in my case I want include budget management
[12/04/2016 05:59:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: the I create an new feature branch from develop
[12/04/2016 05:59:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: and starting my work
[12/04/2016 05:59:22 a. m.] Victor Perez: when I have all my develop
[12/04/2016 05:59:28 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- create new model
[12/04/2016 05:59:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- reserved my central ids
[12/04/2016 05:59:49 a. m. | Edited 05:59:56 a. m.] Victor Perez: 3.- development my code based on ABP
[12/04/2016 06:00:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: 4.- Create my test scenarios
[12/04/2016 06:00:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: 5.- my documentation about the new feature
[12/04/2016 06:01:02 a. m.] Victor Perez: then ask the FT and TT to approval new feature
[12/04/2016 06:01:33 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can we come to a conclusion on item #1 ?
[12/04/2016 06:01:42 a. m.] Victor Perez: id it is ok in 2 teams then is merge in develop
[12/04/2016 06:01:55 a. m.] Victor Perez: and so all the feature of all contributors
[12/04/2016 06:02:20 a. m.] Victor Perez: other example of feature would be migration ZK8
[12/04/2016 06:02:28 a. m.] Victor Perez: or new ADempiere UX
[12/04/2016 06:02:44 a. m.] Victor Perez: or remove Jboss server and so
[12/04/2016 06:03:50 a. m.] Victor Perez: after the that time happen for a release
[12/04/2016 06:04:05 a. m.] Michael McKay: It seems we need to split the work into the hotfix and the POS integration so that hotfix/3.8.0#002 to and POS in 3.8.1
[12/04/2016 06:04:11 a. m.] Victor Perez: then a release branch is create to collect all this improves
[12/04/2016 06:04:28 a. m.] Victor Perez: the main different between an hot fix and release
[12/04/2016 06:04:44 a. m.] Victor Perez: is that release we need set all for a release
[12/04/2016 06:04:53 a. m.] Victor Perez: create a new seed data base
[12/04/2016 06:05:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: and generate new binary Adempiere_381.tgz , Adempiere_382.tgz
[12/04/2016 06:05:57 a. m.] Victor Perez: or would be Adempiere_390.tgz , Adempiere_400.tgz
[12/04/2016 06:06:06 a. m.] Mario Calderón: So first step would be?
[12/04/2016 06:06:49 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: i think it would be more clear once we start with these procedures...
[12/04/2016 06:07:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: now in 380#002 the cycle is not fully achieved because there are few contributors
[12/04/2016 06:07:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: but in future I hope that can be
[12/04/2016 06:08:49 a. m.] Victor Perez: also I would not like this to be very bureaucratic :-) , but I want a way to management LTS
[12/04/2016 06:09:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: so we need define now cycles times
[12/04/2016 06:09:26 a. m.] Victor Perez: how many hot fix cycles we want support for LTS
[12/04/2016 06:10:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: and every time that we will release a version with digit change
[12/04/2016 06:10:29 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: yes I understand
[12/04/2016 06:11:31 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: the problem is that we dont have expeirience to determinate the time cycles
[12/04/2016 06:11:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: for example ubuntu support this the definition about of ubuntu
[12/04/2016 06:11:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: A new LTS version is released every 2 years. In previous releases, a Long Term Support (LTS) version had 3 years support on Ubuntu (Desktop) and 5 years on Ubuntu Server.
[12/04/2016 06:11:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: we need owner
[12/04/2016 06:12:44 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Dear all, let's agree on puntual steps for the next release and so we finish item #1
[12/04/2016 06:14:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: @Mario first I will like know if all understand the release cycle
[12/04/2016 06:14:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: next if we want continue this way or want change
[12/04/2016 06:14:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: and when we finish wth definition of cycle time then would continue with next step
[12/04/2016 06:15:10 a. m.] Victor Perez: so WDYT?
[12/04/2016 06:16:02 a. m.] Victor Perez: on the other hand Yamel team and me will work implement CI tools in foundation server
[12/04/2016 06:16:12 a. m.] Victor Perez: this way the release task would be more easy
[12/04/2016 06:16:13 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: i understand cycles, we should continue learning and doing these way
[12/04/2016 06:17:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: the tools that testing and evaluate is
[12/04/2016 06:17:41 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes, we are testing the CI Tools
[12/04/2016 06:18:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok my propose is:
[12/04/2016 06:19:19 a. m.] Victor Perez: the LTS only will support the previos versions change digit tag
[12/04/2016 06:19:42 a. m. | Edited 06:20:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: this should be may be 2 or 1 year
[12/04/2016 06:19:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: then any customer would work with old version
[12/04/2016 06:20:49 a. m.] Victor Perez: for example 380 while 2 year that we will create for LTS hot fix
[12/04/2016 06:21:42 a. m.] Victor Perez: we would change the digit each year so 390 , 400 , 410 , 420 for year
[12/04/2016 06:22:31 a. m.] Victor Perez: we can collect the bug fix by week and create patches.jar for week
[12/04/2016 06:22:40 a. m.] Yamel Senih: i agree
[12/04/2016 06:23:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: so we will have 52 patches files for the TLS version
[12/04/2016 06:23:17 a. m.] Yamel Senih: but everybody can make chages with fork from ADempiere
[12/04/2016 06:23:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: and this 52 patches + new improves will create a new release
[12/04/2016 06:23:48 a. m.] Victor Perez: for example 390
[12/04/2016 06:24:26 a. m.] Victor Perez: @Yamel all contribution and patches should come from pull request workflow
[12/04/2016 06:24:45 a. m.] Victor Perez: in summary :
[12/04/2016 06:25:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- the hot fix will create by week to collect the bugs fix of all a week
[12/04/2016 06:26:49 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- we collect 26 cycles = (26 week) + new features and create a new release
[12/04/2016 06:27:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: So we would have 2 release by year
[12/04/2016 06:27:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: and our customer can have of benefit of new contribution and functionality each 6 months
[12/04/2016 06:27:57 a. m.] Victor Perez: and patches by week
[12/04/2016 06:28:30 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes, is good
[12/04/2016 06:28:39 a. m.] Victor Perez: I not sure if a customer want a release each week (381, 382, 383) and execute each time the migration process
[12/04/2016 06:29:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: is complex and in reliantly of ERP when a customer have stable deployment , they not will want change
[12/04/2016 06:29:39 a. m.] Yamel Senih: by week no, but is nice to have patches by week
[12/04/2016 06:30:12 a. m.] Victor Perez: but here also exit other subject the commercial approach
[12/04/2016 06:31:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: the implementor they may want to match the dates of release, with support contracts
[12/04/2016 06:31:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: this is good moment to discussion
[12/04/2016 06:31:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mario I finished
[12/04/2016 06:31:55 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Can I suggest we come to a finish on this item?we can read the procedure later and try to understand the meaning. Right now we have to decide and move on
[12/04/2016 06:33:49 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: ok
[12/04/2016 06:35:14 a. m. | Edited 06:43:02 a. m.] Yamel Senih: @Mario the PaySelection is own development
[12/04/2016 06:35:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok My propose is that close 380#002 in 2 week while that solve technical strategy for patches jar
[12/04/2016 06:35:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: this merge the 380#002 with develop and master and create a new tag
[12/04/2016 06:36:29 a. m.] Victor Perez: next we include the improves
[12/04/2016 06:36:40 a. m.] Victor Perez: into of develop for example :
[12/04/2016 06:36:53 a. m.] Victor Perez: 1.- New POS system
[12/04/2016 06:37:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: 2.- Improves the WMS
[12/04/2016 06:37:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: 3.- Improves the Pay selection
[12/04/2016 06:37:52 a. m.] Victor Perez: and release next month 381 as release
[12/04/2016 06:37:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: and starting with new cycle
[12/04/2016 06:38:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: the patches by week
[12/04/2016 06:38:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: and we starting work in road map for 390
[12/04/2016 06:41:31 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I don't know if we should include pay selection, because it is not developed and tested... WMS is also not tested, but it is in 3.8.2 so it has to be included
[12/04/2016 06:42:12 a. m.] Mario Calderón: POS is developed and tested so it should be included
[12/04/2016 06:43:21 a. m.] Yamel Senih: today is the testing of it
[12/04/2016 06:43:27 a. m.] Victor Perez: the next release is
[12/04/2016 06:43:31 a. m.] Victor Perez: 381
[12/04/2016 06:44:02 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Of what Yamel?
[12/04/2016 06:44:56 a. m.] Yamel Senih: Payment Selection
[12/04/2016 06:46:00 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: In wich branch can i find the payment selection ?
[12/04/2016 06:46:05 a. m.] Victor Perez: this week I finish with improves in WMS
[12/04/2016 06:46:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: and my adempiere test suite for WMS
[12/04/2016 06:46:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: this reason I think that 2 week is ok
[12/04/2016 06:46:42 a. m. | Edited 06:46:52 a. m.] Victor Perez: for 380#002
[12/04/2016 06:47:19 a. m.] Victor Perez: and next would release 381 with improves
[12/04/2016 06:48:46 a. m.] Victor Perez: Mike What do you think ?
[12/04/2016 06:48:47 a. m.] Mario Calderón: We must ensure WMS and payment selection is tested 100%
[12/04/2016 06:49:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: Trifon What do you think?
[12/04/2016 06:49:15 a. m.] Mario Calderón: This is my only constraint
[12/04/2016 06:58:08 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Please vote if you want release 3.8.1 will be hotfix#2 + POS + WMS + Payment selection. .
[12/04/2016 06:58:45 a. m.] Victor Perez: + 1 vote
[12/04/2016 06:59:01 a. m.] Michael McKay: Sorry had to step out for a sec. +1 on the plan as proposed.
[12/04/2016 07:02:09 a. m.] Yamel Senih: +1
[12/04/2016 07:02:32 a. m.] Mario Calderón: +1
[12/04/2016 07:03:09 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Other votes?
[12/04/2016 07:04:31 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Next item:
2. Review Road Map
[12/04/2016 07:05:10 a. m.] Victor Perez: the road map is simple we need ask other round of contribution and implementor
[12/04/2016 07:05:25 a. m.] Victor Perez: I know that Adaxa have
[12/04/2016 07:05:50 a. m.] Victor Perez: I have budget management
[12/04/2016 07:07:09 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Who can ask Steven? Well, Steven is member of this chat, so he'll read it and can think of what Adaxa can contribute. Other we can ask him.
[12/04/2016 07:07:38 a. m.] Victor Perez: Steven have public the code in SF
[12/04/2016 07:07:49 a. m.] Victor Perez: around of Adaxa 2 fork
[12/04/2016 07:07:59 a. m.] Victor Perez: we can review and start of migration
[12/04/2016 07:08:25 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Asset Maintenance module is another possibility, but it can take long
[12/04/2016 07:08:38 a. m.] Michael McKay: For the roadmap, I'm updating
[12/04/2016 07:08:39 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Mike has written something
[12/04/2016 07:08:48 a. m.] Victor Perez: the features that we think that are good
[12/04/2016 07:09:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: I know that OpenUp have some contribution
[12/04/2016 07:09:44 a. m.] Victor Perez: Yamel work in the integration of spin
[12/04/2016 07:09:54 a. m.] Victor Perez: and any other is welcome
[12/04/2016 07:10:39 a. m.] Mario Calderón: It should be updated on the wiki ...
[12/04/2016 07:13:12 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok I will update with my contribution
[12/04/2016 07:14:28 a. m.] Mario Calderón: The others can do the same.
Next item
3. Look at actions and progress from last week
[12/04/2016 07:15:19 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think Mike created a new branch but besides this, no action was executed
[12/04/2016 07:15:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: I merge of current 380#002
[12/04/2016 07:15:57 a. m.] Victor Perez: with develop manually
[12/04/2016 07:16:12 a. m.] Victor Perez: if any want integrate here your features
[12/04/2016 07:16:43 a. m.] Victor Perez: the reason develop is very before that 380#002
[12/04/2016 07:16:54 a. m.] Victor Perez: but now are synchronize
[12/04/2016 07:16:56 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes i agree, develop is very old
[12/04/2016 07:17:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: so any can start features brach from develop
[12/04/2016 07:19:37 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok now we should work on the "develop " branch instead of hotfix #002. ..
[12/04/2016 07:19:58 a. m.] Michael McKay: Yes. For actions from last week, the new branch will not work, so consider that closed.
[12/04/2016 07:20:09 a. m.] Victor Perez: yes for a new features
[12/04/2016 07:20:17 a. m.] Michael McKay: But only for new features. Bugfixes still need to go into a hotfix.
[12/04/2016 07:20:20 a. m.] Victor Perez: POS integration
[12/04/2016 07:20:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: Payselection
[12/04/2016 07:20:45 a. m.] Victor Perez: WMS improves
[12/04/2016 07:20:48 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes
[12/04/2016 07:21:16 a. m.] Michael McKay: That means we create feaure branches from development and merge them back only when they are ready and tested, yes?
[12/04/2016 07:22:04 a. m.] Victor Perez: all the features brach should be create from develop
[12/04/2016 07:22:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: when a feature is close
[12/04/2016 07:22:22 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Right, got it
[12/04/2016 07:22:24 a. m.] Victor Perez: git flow merge with develop only
[12/04/2016 07:23:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: when a feature is close
[12/04/2016 07:23:37 a. m.] Victor Perez: remember only hot fix and release brach merge with master and create a tag
[12/04/2016 07:23:38 a. m.] Michael McKay: Where there any other actions from last week? There were requests for inputs but we did not receive anything new.
[12/04/2016 07:24:21 a. m.] Victor Perez: each branch continue your way
[12/04/2016 07:24:33 a. m.] Victor Perez: the idea is that in 2 weeks close 380#002
[12/04/2016 07:24:52 a. m.] Victor Perez: join with develop and join with new features
[12/04/2016 07:25:06 a. m.] Victor Perez: WMS inmproves
[12/04/2016 07:25:09 a. m.] Victor Perez: PAyselection
[12/04/2016 07:25:17 a. m.] Victor Perez: POS integration
[12/04/2016 07:25:45 a. m.] Victor Perez: and I saw that Mike work in ASI improves
[12/04/2016 07:26:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: if the ASI are patches for 380
[12/04/2016 07:26:23 a. m.] Victor Perez: then should are into 380#002
[12/04/2016 07:26:27 a. m.] Michael McKay: The ASI stuff won't be ready yet, so leave it for the future.
[12/04/2016 07:26:47 a. m.] Michael McKay: There were only a few fixes added to #002, nothing substanial.
[12/04/2016 07:26:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: if are new features should go to develop
[12/04/2016 07:27:29 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok.
Next item:
4. Revisit JBOSS - given recent news stories on security holes
Is it needed to be discussed right now? I have almost no time now. Can we put our opinions on the chat here and decide on the road?
[12/04/2016 07:27:46 a. m.] Victor Perez: I think that we should be in 381
[12/04/2016 07:27:57 a. m.] Victor Perez: but here need the help of Yamel
[12/04/2016 07:28:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: we need remove the EJB functionality
[12/04/2016 07:28:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: and make testing
[12/04/2016 07:28:25 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes
[12/04/2016 07:28:27 a. m.] Victor Perez: this way only will use tomcat 8 or 9
[12/04/2016 07:28:51 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I think a change of the application server is too big a step to do it in a minor release
[12/04/2016 07:29:26 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok then can scheduling for 382 ?
[12/04/2016 07:29:58 a. m.] Trifon Trifonov: Mike, what changes are you doing on ASI?
[12/04/2016 07:30:00 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I'd say the earliest 382 ...
[12/04/2016 07:30:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: yes may be june or july
[12/04/2016 07:31:19 a. m.] Victor Perez: exist other big change that I want introducing
[12/04/2016 07:31:27 a. m.] Victor Perez: is more technical
[12/04/2016 07:31:46 a. m.] Victor Perez: I need added the UUID column for all tables
[12/04/2016 07:32:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: this way we not need more reserve central ids
[12/04/2016 07:32:10 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok. Do the others agree?
Who knows the steps needed, possible consequences, collateral effects, constraints, disadvantages?
[12/04/2016 07:32:16 a. m.] Victor Perez: and solve the replication functionality issues
[12/04/2016 07:32:17 a. m.] Yamel Senih: i agree, currently is very hard make changes
[12/04/2016 07:32:26 a. m.] Gabriel Vila: +1
[12/04/2016 07:32:41 a. m.] Victor Perez: I have ready
[12/04/2016 07:32:52 a. m.] Victor Perez: but I want first finish with 380#002
[12/04/2016 07:33:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: the idea is add a new column all tables UUID
[12/04/2016 07:33:32 a. m.] Victor Perez: this have 38 length
[12/04/2016 07:33:50 a. m.] Victor Perez: and generate an universal unit code using java.util.uuid
[12/04/2016 07:34:03 a. m.] Victor Perez: for each new record
[12/04/2016 07:34:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: the class need little change
[12/04/2016 07:34:44 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes, the PO class must be generate or reference it for generate ID
[12/04/2016 07:34:45 a. m.] Mario Calderón: This should be all documented
[12/04/2016 07:34:47 a. m.] Victor Perez: and when this are included not need more central reserve ids
[12/04/2016 07:35:01 a. m.] Victor Perez: all tables the application dictionary
[12/04/2016 07:35:05 a. m. | Edited 07:40:25 a. m.] Michael McKay: @trifon, I'm working towards component management, so tracking of individual serial numbers, prevention of duplicates, restrictions on serial numbers, text entry in the ASI field so you can find ASI entries by typing the serial/lot or guarantee date. And creation of ASI entries (serial numbers specifically) if you enter text that isn't found. Also allowing product ASI and instance ASI to share values yet be unique so product ASI has specs and instance ASI has specs and instance attributes.
[12/04/2016 07:35:49 a. m.] Trifon Trifonov: @Mike, this sounds good.
[12/04/2016 07:36:13 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Next item
5. Add to Road Map - brainstorm and discuss
I think we touched it already, didn't we?
[12/04/2016 07:36:35 a. m.] Michael McKay: Yes. Just need to document it.
[12/04/2016 07:37:26 a. m.] Victor Perez: on the other hand I started the repository to start the development of new ADempiere UX
[12/04/2016 07:37:36 a. m.] Victor Perez: the idea is create a new client html5
[12/04/2016 07:37:48 a. m.] Victor Perez: for adempiere
[12/04/2016 07:37:59 a. m.] Mario Calderón: You can add it to the road map
[12/04/2016 07:38:08 a. m.] Victor Perez: ok
[12/04/2016 07:38:10 a. m.] Michael McKay: I'll do it now.
[12/04/2016 07:39:09 a. m.] Michael McKay: Done.
Victor Perez
[12/04/2016 07:39:51 a. m.] Victor Perez: I am think please this subproject using GPL3
[12/04/2016 07:40:00 a. m.] Victor Perez: this way can be compatible with apache 2
[12/04/2016 07:40:48 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Excuse me if I push too hard, but we have to finish..
Next item:
6. Review and set action list
[12/04/2016 07:41:24 a. m.] Michael McKay: Update wiki with notes from the meeting: Mike, by end of week.
[12/04/2016 07:41:40 a. m.] Michael McKay: Update wiki with details of contributions: Victor, by end of week.
[12/04/2016 07:41:44 a. m.] Michael McKay: Sound good?
[12/04/2016 07:42:15 a. m.] Victor Perez: yes
[12/04/2016 07:42:18 a. m.] Victor Perez: is ok
[12/04/2016 07:42:54 a. m.] Michael McKay: Close hotfix/3.8.0#002. Victor by end of April.
[12/04/2016 07:43:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: right
[12/04/2016 07:43:35 a. m.] Michael McKay: Review patch strategy: Victor by end of next week?
[12/04/2016 07:44:14 a. m.] Victor Perez: next end week
[12/04/2016 07:44:31 a. m.] Mario Calderón: I will document our meetings and publish them.... didn't do it last time :$
[12/04/2016 07:44:42 a. m.] Victor Perez: I need found a way the compare code between branches
[12/04/2016 07:44:57 a. m.] Victor Perez: this way can extract the .class and generate parches jar
[12/04/2016 07:45:08 a. m.] Michael McKay: (These don't mean Victor works alone - just that he leads the effort.)
[12/04/2016 07:45:33 a. m.] Michael McKay: And yes, that is what I understood by the Patch Strategy.
[12/04/2016 07:45:34 a. m.] Victor Perez: Thank a lot Mike
[12/04/2016 07:45:49 a. m.] Victor Perez: I know that you work previos approach about the patches
[12/04/2016 07:45:58 a. m.] Victor Perez: we can continue with this work
[12/04/2016 07:46:00 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Ok... preparation of the inclusion of POS ,WMS and payment selection?
[12/04/2016 07:46:10 a. m.] Victor Perez: and any hand is welcome
[12/04/2016 07:46:13 a. m.] Victor Perez: :-)
[12/04/2016 07:46:23 a. m.] Michael McKay: Good.
[12/04/2016 07:46:24 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Yamel?
[12/04/2016 07:46:37 a. m.] Yamel Senih: yes
[12/04/2016 07:46:38 a. m.] Yamel Senih: ?
[12/04/2016 07:47:12 a. m.] Yamel Senih: the payment selection i have own hotfix
[12/04/2016 07:47:48 a. m.] Yamel Senih: but i can crete a diff file and wait for merge between hotfix and develop
[12/04/2016 07:49:30 a. m.] Yamel Senih: good
[12/04/2016 07:50:44 a. m.] Michael McKay: I think that is it Mario. Thanks.
[12/04/2016 07:53:21 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Bye everybody
[12/04/2016 07:53:25 a. m.] Yamel Senih: for me is ok
[12/04/2016 07:53:29 a. m.] Yamel Senih: bye all
[12/04/2016 07:53:32 a. m.] Mario Calderón: Meet you next week
[12/04/2016 07:54:53 a. m.] Victor Perez: bye all, thank a lot
[12/04/2016 07:55:06 a. m.] Trifon Trifonov: bye
[12/04/2016 09:07:30 a. m.] Enrique Ruibal: Hi.. I didn't have a chance to join this meeting but read the actions to be taken and agree +1
[12/04/2016 09:24:54 a. m.] Victor Perez: Hi Enrique
[12/04/2016 09:25:20 a. m.] Victor Perez: Thank a lot
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