FT/TT meeting minutes January 07th 2014
...About 9 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Moderator: Steven Sackett
- Secretary: Mario Calderon
- Participants: Steven Sackett, Suman Ravuri, Mike McKay, Mario Calderon, Victor Perez, Colin Rooney
- Date / Time: Tuesday, January 7th 2014 / 12:00h - 13:12h GMT
- The meeting closed after 1 hour 12 mins
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions taken by RM
- Actions to be taken
- Misc
- Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
- Integration in Branch of Susanne's changes to Costing Engine
- Migration scripts for some columns are missing; see Issue ADEMPIERE-250
Actions to be taken
- Instances: there is an offer from Paul Aviles
- Mario will contact Tobi and Mark in order to use ADeV's server for community testing
- There is at least two instances needed: one for Postgres and one for Oracle
- A page is needed for documenting the tests. Mario will ask somebody to help.
- Mike will write a document on how to get a JIRA account so non-technical people can follow bug fixing
- Garden World data is quite old. Steven had a suggestion on how to update it. There was no task assigned to somebody.
- Victor will send Mike demo data for Payroll & MFG so he can use it for SAHI testing
Next meeting
- Tuesday, January 14th 2014 / 12:00h. GMT
Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6
Monday, 6 January 2014
[16:33:19] Mario Calderón: hi,
see http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_December_17th_2013
meet you tomorrow!
[21:23:17] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
[06:01:09] suman ravuri: Hi All
[06:01:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Suman
[06:01:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): happy new year to all...
[06:01:47] suman ravuri: Hi Steve
[06:02:22] Mario Calderón: happy New Year!!
[06:02:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi Mario
[06:03:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): start in 3 minutes?
[06:04:01] suman ravuri: fine
[06:06:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): there are 3 persond present .. lets start.
[06:06:39] suman ravuri: same roles?
[06:06:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): these are the summary minutes from last meeting
[06:06:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): FT/TT meeting minutes December 17th 2013
Moderator: Steven Sackett
Secretary: Mario Calderon
Participants: Steven Sackett, Suman Ravuri, Mike McKay
Date / Time: Tuesday, Dezember 17th 2013 / 12:00h - 12:54h GMT
The meeting closed after 54 mins
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Costing engine code changes are integrated
Migration scripts for some columns are missing; see https://adempiere.atlassian.net/browse/ADEMPIERE-250
Actions to be taken
Steven to follow up with Nickel Networks deployment opportunity
Suman: review the apparent slowness on the WT machine and advise.
Steven: follow up what Susanne sent recently about CE and make some changes Susanne requested and pass to Suman.
Suman: suggest solution that a user without db access can use to reset costing so docs ca be re-completed after change to costing method
Suman:ML issues that were identified by tony
Adaxa received Cost Engine code from Susanne. They are working on it.
Where to deploy test instances
ADeV was asked for Hardware; answer expected yet. ADeV also has domains which could be used for testing (e.g. adempiere.com.au and .net.au ..)
Next meeting
Not specified
[06:07:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I suspect not much has happened over the holiday season?
[06:07:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, anything to tell us?
[06:08:41] suman ravuri: Costing engine integration is done, Deployed in adempiere.walkingtree.in
[06:09:05] suman ravuri: ML issues are fixed
[06:09:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): good to hear
[06:09:53] Mario Calderón: good news
[06:10:21] Mario Calderón: does it include Susanne's changes?
[06:10:42] suman ravuri: yes, we took susanne's changes
[06:11:24] Mario Calderón: ok. Then, Victor has to review it and integrate it into RC
[06:12:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Mario, what does Victor have to do?
[06:12:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): if the code is already integrated by Suman .. except testing?
[06:12:44] suman ravuri: it is already part of rc
[06:13:14] Mario Calderón: oh, then you're right
[06:13:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we talked in last meeting of a way to simplify the testing of all the different costing methods..
[06:14:02] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): "Suman: suggest solution that a user without db access can use to reset costing so docs ca be re-completed after change to costing method
[06:14:05] suman ravuri: Design I am yet to conclude
[06:14:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:14:12] suman ravuri: ran into few isssues
[06:14:23] suman ravuri: with the appraoch I thought
[06:14:29] suman ravuri: need little time
[06:14:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): this week?
[06:14:50] suman ravuri: yes
[06:15:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): the other issue was getting systems onto Nickel Networks for testing if the ADeV systems were not available to help.
[06:15:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, any news on the ADeV resources?
[06:16:11] Mario Calderón: not yet
[06:16:27] Mario Calderón: I will write Tobi and Mark
[06:16:53] Mario Calderón: today and inform you by mail these days
[06:18:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok.. I had a message from Paul A asking about setting up test systems on Nickel Networks. I can ask Jacken to follow up with Paul to provide the dns info tomorrow. Paul asks what we want set up.
[06:18:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Is testing normally done separately on postgres and oracle?
[06:19:15] Mario Calderón: yes
[06:19:15] suman ravuri: yes
[06:19:20] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): if so do we need systems running each?
[06:19:30] Mario Calderón: yes
[06:20:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): shall we proceed with Paul's offer straight away?
[06:20:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): rather than wait to hear from ADeV?
[06:20:41] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): or wait for ADev?
[06:22:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I hope we can get test instances up immediately .. this is taking too long.
[06:24:02] Mario Calderón: I think it can be dealt quickly
[06:24:15] Mario Calderón: we can set this week as limit
[06:24:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok with me .. Suman?
[06:25:42] suman ravuri: I am fine with Paul's offer
[06:27:10] Colin ROONEY: Happy new year all - great work these last months! Last time Paul provided us a system it was very fast! And he had scripts to update to trunk every night - it could only be a plus I would have thought
[06:27:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi Colin, good to hear from you.
[06:28:10] Mario Calderón: hi Colin, Happy New Year!
Then we go right: we ask ADeV and Paul is a good alternative
[06:28:20] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:28:31] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other matters from anyone?
[06:28:55] Mario Calderón: when do we start community testing?
[06:30:03] suman ravuri: as soon as machine is ready, I may need few hours of time to setup the server
[06:30:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I guess there are two parts to that .. non technical people like me are waiting for test instances to be available with reasonable performance so testing is not too painful. I assume technical people need to be able to install their own version?
[06:30:49] Mario Calderón: if there is a build, yes...
[06:31:14] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Is everything that technically competent people need to set up and build their own instance in place?
[06:31:51] suman ravuri: yes Steve
[06:32:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I assume we need to get the oracle and postgres test instances in place, advertise them and ask for testing?
[06:32:48] Colin ROONEY: is victors github repo now part of the main repo or does one still need to do a little magic to merge them? I actually tried to create a test env for myself but failed. That was months ago now mind.
[06:33:15] suman ravuri: Still we need to follow few more steps
[06:33:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Is there a document to guide people trying to do what Colin was trying?
[06:33:55] suman ravuri: I have shared one document and Mike prepared another one
[06:33:59] suman ravuri: either would work
[06:34:04] Mario Calderón: we need a page for removing bugs
[06:34:34] Colin ROONEY: I will cehck out out - my system in being repaired right now as soon as I get it ack I will try to create a new development env from scratch and see how I get on
[06:34:37] Colin ROONEY: thx
[06:34:39] Mario Calderón: and for testing modules, like in the last release. I will look at the page
[06:35:24] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): will we be logging bug reports etc on Sourceforge? or do we have to learn something else beforehand?
[06:36:24] Colin ROONEY: I had thought Jira was the logging tool of choice for the project these days?
[06:36:43] suman ravuri: in JIRA, we added few documents for most of features we integrated
[06:37:11] suman ravuri: those documents can be used as reference
[06:37:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): how do people without aJira account get one? (I have one)
[06:37:45] suman ravuri: I think they can signup
[06:38:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so its all simple and should cause no problems? and there will be guidance in our document?
[06:38:51] Mario Calderón: Teo Sarca is our JIRA Admin
[06:39:20] Mario Calderón: this should be straight -if you are a developer, you solve more difficult things
[06:39:41] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi jira is simple
[06:40:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): sure, but please consider users who are not technical and who are trying to help with testing .. its not so clear to them.
[06:40:17] Victor Perez Juarez: You can create a user and post
[06:40:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): well if it is that simple it should not take much effort to document it.
[06:40:50] Colin ROONEY: :D
[06:40:56] Colin ROONEY: check mate
[06:41:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): otherwise you will just have people like me sending emails to Mario and Suman!
[06:41:50] Victor Perez Juarez: So for posting bug i think we need of user name
[06:41:56] Mario Calderón: ok, then somebody has to document how to get a JIRA account
[06:43:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I had only one other thing I wanted to mention.. we are looking at writing a program to update GW data..
[06:43:27] Victor Perez Juarez: Is as any register page
[06:43:34] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): wanted to check people ok with a suggestion
[06:44:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): the most recent trx in GW seem to be >8 years old. Plan is to add all years up to say 2015.
[06:44:32] Victor Perez Juarez: About of install of new instance in Paul server not is issue i can
[06:45:12] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): find every date in the system and add 8 years to it. reset any period_id to the period containing the new date.
[06:45:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): delete the ancient years and periods.
[06:45:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): as it would be a java program it would update either database type.
[06:46:09] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): it would be a program not a migration script. any other suggestions?
[06:46:51] Mario Calderón: I would support Steven's suggestion
[06:47:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): question is whether this can be used to update the seed database or whether everyone who wants it should just run the program?
[06:48:29] Victor Perez Juarez: So more easy is use applicarion dictonary we need read All tablea with a date and add year a and this for all
[06:49:33] Victor Perez Juarez: When we finish only export new seed
[06:49:33] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): pls explain that more..
[06:50:34] Mario Calderón: can this be managed at a technical level? The goal is to have the GW data from 2013 backwards, isn't it?
[06:50:44] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): yes.
[06:51:26] Victor Perez Juarez: We need suman make a main class that read All applicarion dictonary and found All entity that management dates
[06:51:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): what I was being warned about was new installs can just take the new seed database all nicely updated .. what about existing sites.. wont they need either a program or a script to achieve same?
[06:52:30] suman ravuri: I can the program in place
[06:52:38] suman ravuri: have
[06:52:50] Victor Perez Juarez: Then can use Genéric class Po to read All récord for each entity and add 10 year
[06:53:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, do we continue with what we started?
[06:54:13] Mario Calderón: we were at JIRA
[06:54:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): or does someone else want the task?
[06:54:51] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): and?
[06:55:10] Mario Calderón: did we finish JIRA?
[06:55:31] Mario Calderón: sb had to document how to get an account...
[06:56:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other matters to be raised?
[06:56:46] Michael McKay: Hi all, I can document the testing process and JIRA in the wiki.
[06:57:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Mike .. that would help people like me.
[06:58:14] Mario Calderón: hi Mike, Happy New Year
[06:58:31] Victor Perez Juarez: I have create demo data for my new créate functionality
[06:58:55] Victor Perez Juarez: Payroll & mfg
[06:59:46] Victor Perez Juarez: Think that we need got other functionality
[06:59:59] Michael McKay: @Victor, can you send me rough info of how these processes work? I'd like to use SAHI to test them as well.
[07:00:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Was payroll added to the 380 roadmap?
[07:00:56] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I thought it would added after 380?
[07:02:27] Victor Perez Juarez: Mi idea is creste ademiere tv Chanel in vimeo for now in spanish and Mario can help with translation it is a good way of document add to wiki
[07:03:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, no new payroll functionality being added to 380 then?
[07:03:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman?
[07:04:01] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven payroll always is but not data demo
[07:04:41] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): your plan is to add demo data, not additional code and functionality?
[07:05:34] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes only data demo
[07:05:56] suman ravuri: I too have same understanding
[07:05:59] Victor Perez Juarez: Of people as me for an demo info
[07:06:20] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): demo data is always good to have.
[07:06:53] Victor Perez Juarez: But we need créate for libero and other new functionality
[07:06:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Any more matters to raise?
[07:07:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): other than payroll what other demo data needs adding?
[07:08:08] Victor Perez Juarez: @Mike we can create a document scrip and use this to creste to créate sahi test
[07:08:23] Victor Perez Juarez: Cash flow
[07:08:33] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[07:08:39] Victor Perez Juarez: Forecast
[07:08:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): This message has been removed.
[07:08:59] Victor Perez Juarez: Crm
[07:09:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks
[07:09:39] Victor Perez Juarez: Mfg for Both approach
[07:09:57] Victor Perez Juarez: WM
[07:10:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): .. lot of work
[07:10:49] Mario Calderón: so, I hope next meeting we can -at last- officially start testing
[07:11:45] Mario Calderón: GTG, bye people
[07:12:02] Mario Calderón: I will write the minutes
[07:12:08] suman ravuri: bye
[07:12:14] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye..
[07:12:24] Victor Perez Juarez: Bye
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