FT/TT meeting minutes November 26th 2013
...About 8 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Moderator: Steven Sackett
- Secretary: Mario Calderon
- Participants: Steven Sackett, Victor Perez, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Mike McKay, John Agudelo
- Date / Time: Tuesday, November 19th 2013 / 12:00h - 13:11h GMT
- The meeting closed after 1 hour 11 mins
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions taken by RM
- Actions to be taken
- Misc
- Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
- Made code changes for Manufacturing Lite integration with Libero Manufacturing and prepared the patch -- Committed changes into feature/ADEMPIERE-216-ManufacturingLite branch
- Make periods list in fin. report show only active and list descending integration with ADempiere 380 -- Tested and committed changes into release/380rc1
- Committed the following issues changes into release/380rc1:
- Combined Aging revalued payments ( payment schedule issue is fixed )
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception of Document No range look-up (Task ADEMPIERE-233)
- Nullpointer Exception issue on product selection in Component included Tab of Product window
- Delete Entities in Client is not allowing to clear the Table drop down
- Null Pointer Exception on Currency selection in Payment window
- Cost Engine
- Susanne has tested a lot and has made several changes on actual CE
- Victor will commit his newest changes
- Susanne will send the files with her changes
- Steven and Paul will help on it
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
- Tuesday, December 02nd 2013 / 12:00h. GMT
Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6
Monday, 25 November 2013
[17:57:56] Mario Calderón: I am still in Nicaragua
In case the connection is wrong, here the last meeting: here the minutes of our last meeting:
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
[05:46:43] Mario Calderón: good morning everybody!
[05:47:01] Michael McKay: Morning Mario.
[05:47:14] Mario Calderón: hi Mike
[05:47:31] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi Mike, Mario
[05:47:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, how is the vacation ;-)
[05:49:11] Mario Calderón: "vacation" is great thanks! ;)
and how about you?
[05:51:16] John Agudelo: Hi everybody!
[05:51:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hi John
[05:59:25] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): are we ready to start?
[05:59:33] suman ravuri: Hi All
[05:59:56] John Agudelo: yes!
[06:00:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I reproduce here the summary Minutes of the last meeting
[06:00:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): FT/TT meeting minutes November 19th 2013
Moderator: Steven Sackett
Secretary: Mario Calderon
Participants: Victor Perez, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Mike McKay
Date / Time: Tuesday, November 19th 2013 / 12:00h - 13:11h GMT
The meeting closed after 1 hour 11 mins
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Made code changes for Manufacturing Lite integration with Libero Manufacturing and prepared the patch -- Tested and not committed
Combined Aging revalued payments ( payment schedule issue is fixed ) -- Tested and not committed
Fixed Null Pointer Exception of Document No range look-up -- Tested and not committed (Task ADEMPIERE-233)
Nullpointer Exception fix on product selection in Component included Tab of Product window -- tested and not committed
Delete Entities in Client is not allowing to clear the Table drop down -- fixed and not committed
Null Pointer Exception on Currency selection in Payment window -- Tested and not committed
Actions to be taken
Suman is going to commit in branch Manufacturing Lite changes before merging in 380
end of the week we should be ble to do some Manufacturing Lite testing
Costing Engine: testing by Victor, complex matter
Cost Engine: Victor will chat with Susanne
Cost Engine test instance (kind thanks to Paul Aviles): http://portal.nickelnetworks.com/web/adempiere-io/home
Warehouse Management: not discussed; still open
Next meeting
Tuesday, November 19th 2013 / 12:00h. GMT
[06:00:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): do we have candidates for moderator and secretary?
[06:01:51] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. do we have any objections to same people as last meeting?
[06:03:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I assume that means no ... lets start
[06:03:21] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Minutes of pervious meeting .. actions arising?
[06:03:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): "Suman is going to commit in branch Manufacturing Lite changes before merging in 380"
[06:04:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, any news for us?
[06:04:15] suman ravuri: Made code changes for Manufacturing Lite integration with Libero Manufacturing and prepared the patch -- Committed changes into feature/ADEMPIERE-216-ManufacturingLite branch
Make periods list in fin. report show only active and list descending integration with ADempiere 380 -- Tested and committed changes into release/380rc1
Committed the following issues changes into release/380rc1:
Combined Aging revalued payments ( payment schedule issue is fixed )
Fixed Null Pointer Exception of Document No range look-up (Task ADEMPIERE-233)
Nullpointer Exception issue on product selection in Component included Tab of Product window
Delete Entities in Client is not allowing to clear the Table drop dow
Null Pointer Exception on Currency selection in Payment window
[06:05:43] John Agudelo: good job suman
[06:05:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman, Can we test the ML work anywhere yet?
[06:06:31] suman ravuri: I need TT to review the code once and then we will be able to merge into 380/rc1
[06:06:44] suman ravuri: then it will be ready for testing
[06:07:20] suman ravuri: other option is I can bring one intance from new branch and make it ready
[06:07:31] suman ravuri: I am ok to doboth
[06:07:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Who in the TT may be able to assist with the .. oops .. reviewing?
[06:08:10] John Agudelo: victor?
[06:09:19] John Agudelo: keep on
[06:09:22] Mario Calderón: I am sorry, here is the connection sooo bad..
[06:09:41] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi
[06:09:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Victor
[06:10:12] John Agudelo: what happened with Costing Engine?
[06:10:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @John, who are you asking?
[06:10:50] John Agudelo: @victor
[06:11:29] Victor Perez Juarez: I had work but not is perfect
[06:11:30] John Agudelo: Costing Engine: testing by Victor, complex matter
Cost Engine: Victor will chat with Susanne
[06:12:15] Victor Perez Juarez: Susanne have changes but i need check with she
[06:12:22] John Agudelo: ok
[06:13:20] Victor Perez Juarez: Then I think need integrate susanne work
[06:15:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I received an email from Susanne today with a report of of how her testing is going and with the code for "CEValidator, which organizes the generation of entries in the table m_costdetail". Is this the work you need to integrate or just part of it?
[06:15:30] Victor Perez Juarez: But first need undenrstan how work of changes
[06:16:58] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes this work because the model validaror delete a cost detail but when is generate again
[06:17:39] Victor Perez Juarez: I not understand
[06:17:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Is it sensible for Suman to incorporate what Susanne sent me so it can be tested?
[06:18:35] Mario Calderón: +1 from me, so others can test and find out how it works, just functionally
[06:18:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I ask because I dont know if what Susanne sent is all that Suman would need.
[06:19:16] Victor Perez Juarez: I not sure of changes are alot and have not some order
[06:20:13] Victor Perez Juarez: I try chat with susanne but i can not found
[06:20:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we spent some time testing what Susanne made avaiable in a test instance and it seemed to be doing what made sense for an average costing system
[06:20:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we did not test any other costing method at this stage.
[06:20:59] Mario Calderón: Thomas Krausse from Cibex (Austria) says the same
[06:21:27] Mario Calderón: but it has to be reviewd at code level by Victor...
[06:22:10] John Agudelo: I agreed with mario: +1 from me, so others can test and find out how it works, just functionally
[06:22:10] Mario Calderón: and correct anything which doesn't comply with ABP
[06:22:30] Victor Perez Juarez: Mario in my code i have patches that Susanne have not then i not sure that work completly
[06:22:59] Mario Calderón: that is what I mean: you review it and correct these patches
[06:23:32] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes on other hand i need complete code
[06:23:39] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:24:02] Victor Perez Juarez: Susanne send me but not have All dependences
[06:24:27] Victor Perez Juarez: I copy of code and have errors
[06:24:56] Mario Calderón: then:
1. you talk to Susanne to get the complete code
2.- you put it in a way it can be commited, so others can test
3.- in the meanwhile, you review and correct the code, but the functionality remains
[06:25:02] Victor Perez Juarez: When can meet to review this ?
[06:25:56] Mario Calderón: I don't know..
you can agree with Susanne on an hour today...
[06:26:31] Mario Calderón: she's in EL SAlvador now, -1 hour from Ecuador
[06:27:50] Victor Perez Juarez: Mi mayor doubt is what happen with earling transaction before delete All trx after of date and generate again
[06:28:18] Mario Calderón: understand...
[06:28:40] Victor Perez Juarez: Now i see that susanne only delete when regeneraye again
[06:29:05] Mario Calderón: you can talk with Susanne about it...
she tested it with a couple of client's data from several years
[06:30:17] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok because my bugs found are with production and reverse
[06:30:28] Victor Perez Juarez: My patches
[06:30:53] Mario Calderón: ;)
[06:31:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we have to bring this to a conclusion .. what are we going to do?
[06:32:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we can take up what Victor provided with the changes from Susanne and put it out for testing .. or we can wait while Victor has a chance to review if Victor has time .. which shall it be?
[06:33:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I assume we can revert if we find serious issues?
[06:34:02] suman ravuri: Hi All, I need to leave now
[06:34:08] John Agudelo: susanne is online now, may be victor can talk with her in private
[06:34:08] Mario Calderón: bye John
[06:34:17] suman ravuri: I will read it
[06:34:21] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes
[06:34:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye Suman
[06:34:49] suman ravuri: Steve, I will get back to you in case I need some clarifcation on action items for em
[06:34:50] suman ravuri: me
[06:34:53] suman ravuri: thanks
[06:35:04] Victor Perez Juarez: I will try contact susanne
[06:35:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:37:21] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we should nopt leave this another week .. it would be good if Victor and Susanne can confirm what if any changes are needed in next couple of days otherwise perhaps we shopuld take up and put it out for testing?
[06:37:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any disagreement to that?
[06:37:47] Victor Perez Juarez: Other opción is i commit my last change and susanne next can integrate your change
[06:38:09] Mario Calderón: can I rephrase it Victor?
[06:38:11] Victor Perez Juarez: I am agree
[06:38:46] Victor Perez Juarez: 1. I commit mi last change with my parches
[06:39:00] Mario Calderón: 1.- Victor commit his changes
2.- Susanne integrates (with the help of Suman or Paul) her changes
3.- Victor reviews them
[06:39:22] Victor Perez Juarez: 2. Susanne merge your change in last code
[06:39:25] John Agudelo: + 1 for me
[06:39:36] Victor Perez Juarez: 3 we can test
[06:40:23] Victor Perez Juarez: @Mario yes we are agree then
[06:40:47] Victor Perez Juarez: I commit my change to day
[06:41:09] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:41:24] Mario Calderón: I will tell Susane
[06:41:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Mario, can Susanne work with this plan?
[06:41:39] Mario Calderón: yes, I will inform her
[06:42:28] Mario Calderón: she needs the help of somebody (Victor, Suman, Paul) so she sends the code and it is being integrated
[06:42:49] Victor Perez Juarez: @Suman can send me of code of hr
[06:43:03] Victor Perez Juarez: I sent by email the class i need
[06:43:37] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes i can help if need some support
[06:43:44] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): It will be good to see this item finished
[06:44:03] John Agudelo: ok, guys I need to go now
[06:44:26] John Agudelo: is nice "see you" again
[06:44:29] John Agudelo: bye all
[06:44:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye
[06:45:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman said earlier that he had done the work on Manuf Light so hopefully we can test that... I think that leaves Warehouse Management?
[06:45:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can anyone advise where we are with that subject?
[06:48:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok, no one knows .. perhaps we should leave things for next meeting?
[06:50:34] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:50:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks .. I need to go. someone want to keep meeting going or shall we close?
[06:51:03] Mario Calderón: ok with me
[06:51:05] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye from me..
[06:51:13] Mario Calderón: bye to all!
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