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FT/TT meeting minutes September 17th 2013

ADempiere...About 9 minCommunityWikiMeetings

Meeting Minutes


  • Moderator: Mario Calderón
  • Secretary: Cristina Ghita
  • Participants: Konstantin Herold, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Victor Perez, Cristina Ghita, Trifon Trifonov, Tobias Schoeneberg
  • Date / Time: Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 / 15:00 PM - 4:37 PM GMT+3
  • The meeting closed after 1 hour and 37 minutes.


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions Taken by RM
  3. Technical Team Reviews
  4. Functional Team Reviews
  5. Actions to Be Taken
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Next Meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions Taken by RM

  • Manufacturing testing completed. Shared feedback with Victor.
  • Integrated new jars.

Technical Team Reviews

  • None.

Functional Team Reviews

  • None.


  • Metas' plan for contribution.
  • Currently working on auto-complete (ZK).
  • Gearbox -- trying to finish this week.
  • Working on dunning this week.

Next Meeting

  • Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 / 12:00 PM.


[17.09.2013 15:00:58] suman ravuri: Hi All [17.09.2013 15:03:00] Mario Calderón: hi everybody! [17.09.2013 15:03:25] Cristina Ghita: Hi! [17.09.2013 15:03:31] Konstantin Herold: Hi! [17.09.2013 15:03:44] Trifon Trifonov: hi everyone [17.09.2013 15:04:24] Victor Perez Juarez: hi [17.09.2013 15:07:22] Mario Calderón: should we start? [17.09.2013 15:12:06] Mario Calderón: seems my connection is not working properly... [17.09.2013 15:12:29] suman ravuri: let us start [17.09.2013 15:14:23] Mario Calderón: should we? [17.09.2013 15:14:32] Cristina Ghita: ok [17.09.2013 15:17:44] Mario Calderón: moderator, secretary? [17.09.2013 15:27:38] Cristina Ghita: secretar I guess I can be [17.09.2013 15:28:00] Mario Calderón: I can moderate then... [17.09.2013 15:29:35] Mario Calderón: Agenda: [17.09.2013 15:29:37 | Edited 15:30:16] Mario Calderón: 1-Minutes of Previous Meeting 2-Actions taken by RM 3-Technical team reviews 4-Functional Team reviews 5-Actions to be taken 6-Misc -Next meeting [17.09.2013 15:30:36] Mario Calderón: Start with

1-Minutes of Previous Meeting [17.09.2013 15:30:50] Mario Calderón: [17.09.2013 15:32:02] Mario Calderón: here, we had pending the functionality by Metas. Mark would come up with a plan to integrate them.

Any news? [17.09.2013 15:32:12] Cristina Ghita: yes [17.09.2013 15:32:14] Cristina Ghita: SO [17.09.2013 15:32:51] Cristina Ghita: *we are currently working on auto-complete (ZK)

the collegue that did gearbox is currently sick -- try to finish this week
we will be working on dunning this week
[17.09.2013 15:33:27] Cristina Ghita: swing autocomplete you can see it in ADEMPIERE-191 branch [17.09.2013 15:33:30] Mario Calderón: I saw there were commits on branch 191 [17.09.2013 15:33:35] Cristina Ghita: yes [17.09.2013 15:33:38] Mario Calderón: yes, we noticed it.. [17.09.2013 15:33:41] Cristina Ghita: zk is not ready yet [17.09.2013 15:34:09] Cristina Ghita: for this is what we can say [17.09.2013 15:34:29] Mario Calderón: great. is this branch also instantiated, so we can test? [17.09.2013 15:34:55] Cristina Ghita: hm.. not sure [17.09.2013 15:35:00] Cristina Ghita: I will check with Tobi [17.09.2013 15:35:05] Mario Calderón: ok [17.09.2013 15:36:07] Cristina Ghita: no, is not; chekcing with Tobi if we can put swing for testing [17.09.2013 15:36:21] Mario Calderón: ok... [17.09.2013 15:37:11] Tobias Schoeneberg: [14:36:05] Cristina Ghita: no, is not; chekcing with Tobi if we can put swing for testing i gthink that should be no problem [17.09.2013 15:37:14] Mario Calderón: I hope Tobi had nice holidays [17.09.2013 15:37:39] Cristina Ghita: Tobi I also have the feeling that dunning is there also [17.09.2013 15:37:51] Tobias Schoeneberg: btw, are you aware that "metas-best practices" is already avaialable for technical (code) review? [17.09.2013 15:38:09] Tobias Schoeneberg: [17 septembrie 2013 15:37] Mario Calderón:

<<< I hope Tobi had nice holidaysthank you :) yes, i had :)) [17.09.2013 15:39:03] Mario Calderón: no, I think, the best would be to create a page with a short description of every functionality, so we can document our reviews [17.09.2013 15:39:37] Tobias Schoeneberg: [17 septembrie 2013 15:37] Cristina Ghita:

<<< Tobi I also have the feeling that dunning is there alsodunning is problably ready implemented, (i.e. it worked from eclipse), but regarding license headers, maybe renaming of migration scripts and building/integration with the trunk it's not yet ready. that's what i hope we will be able to finish this week [17.09.2013 15:39:56] Mario Calderón: ok looks good [17.09.2013 15:40:42] Cristina Ghita: autocompleter: [17.09.2013 15:40:43] Cristina Ghita: [17.09.2013 15:40:43] Mario Calderón: one question to Cristina and Tobi: do you think the review will take short time? [17.09.2013 15:40:57] Cristina Ghita: autocompelte and gear box, yes [17.09.2013 15:41:07] Cristina Ghita: dunning I think is partialed reviewed [17.09.2013 15:41:12] Cristina Ghita: by Karsten [17.09.2013 15:41:21] Mario Calderón: ok [17.09.2013 15:41:36] Mario Calderón: then we should invite to review as soon as instance is announced [17.09.2013 15:41:49] Tobias Schoeneberg: [17 septembrie 2013 15:40] Mario Calderón:

<<< one question to Cristina and Tobi: do you think the review will take short time?i think code-reviewing the best practices might be a big chunk [17.09.2013 15:41:55] Cristina Ghita: I am trying to do as I did in Autocomplete for each contribution in part [17.09.2013 15:42:12] Mario Calderón: this can be done by Victor and other TT members.... [17.09.2013 15:42:42] Cristina Ghita: just let me know if you think that What I wrote there is enough [17.09.2013 15:42:59] Mario Calderón: great, I ' ll do. so, we wait for the announcement of the instance. [17.09.2013 15:43:31] Mario Calderón: let's move on to the next item: 2-Actions taken by RM [17.09.2013 15:43:51] suman ravuri: Manufacturing testing completed. Shared feedback to Victor. Integrated new jars Yet to get code for new features Need to get range for WTC and RM [17.09.2013 15:44:59] Mario Calderón: @Suman: new jars? about ID range, perhaps Tobi can scream out to Norbert to fix it... [17.09.2013 15:45:24] suman ravuri: you shaed latet jars for tools and jasper reports [17.09.2013 15:45:40] Mario Calderón: ah great! the ones I sent you? [17.09.2013 15:45:51] Mario Calderón: did you review them? [17.09.2013 15:46:07] Tobias Schoeneberg: [17 septembrie 2013 15:44] Mario Calderón:

<<< about ID range, perhaps Tobi can scream out to Norbert to fix it...i'm sorry, Norbert was sick yesterday and today. hope i will be back tomorrow [17.09.2013 15:46:42] suman ravuri: @Mario, I will share test results with latest jars today [17.09.2013 15:47:33] Mario Calderón: @Victor: this means, the whole Libero Manufacuting and newest functions around Manufacturing are integrated? [17.09.2013 15:48:10] Victor Perez Juarez: Suman I saw a sf msg that say that exist a issue with barcode new jasper library [17.09.2013 15:48:22] Mario Calderón: like scheduling of the demands, scheduling of the supplies, etc... [17.09.2013 15:49:01] Victor Perez Juarez: @Mario currently is integrate only base [17.09.2013 15:49:20] Victor Perez Juarez: I need add this week the other new small improves [17.09.2013 15:50:49] Mario Calderón: ok [17.09.2013 15:51:14 | Edited 15:52:56] Mario Calderón: @Suman: is there any contribution besides Metas and Libero to be integrated? [17.09.2013 15:52:09] Mario Calderón: My questions aims to the following: we've reviewed the different contributions; now we should move on to test. We should set now a date for starting the functional tests. [17.09.2013 15:52:40] Mario Calderón: to which the whole community should be invited... [17.09.2013 15:53:15] suman ravuri: All the features for which review is completed and code is avilable integration is completed [17.09.2013 15:56:37] Mario Calderón: I remember we set September / October to Release... [17.09.2013 15:59:19] suman ravuri: If features ready I have bandwidth to integrate [17.09.2013 15:59:30] suman ravuri: still we can october 21 release [17.09.2013 15:59:32] suman ravuri: aim [17.09.2013 16:01:24] Tobias Schoeneberg: i think we should *not* change the date.. even if we or other's don't manage to rpoved all contribs in time it would be sad, but still i think the date should be sacrosant [17.09.2013 16:02:22] Mario Calderón: good. We should move to keep it. So, when will be the contribs -exceptin Libero and Metas- be integrated? [17.09.2013 16:02:31] Tobias Schoeneberg: (note that we defentely want our contribs inside the next release :), it's just that i wouldn't want the release be postponed because something is not ready at the deadline ) [17.09.2013 16:03:08] Mario Calderón: my question aims to set a date for testing [17.09.2013 16:03:29] Mario Calderón: review finish -or ongoing- but test starts [17.09.2013 16:03:57] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that can set this september end for release rc1 [17.09.2013 16:04:14] Mario Calderón: by then integration must be done... [17.09.2013 16:04:17] Cristina Ghita: yes, sound a doable term [17.09.2013 16:04:18] Victor Perez Juarez: so we have all october and november to test [17.09.2013 16:04:24] Mario Calderón: ok [17.09.2013 16:05:09 | Edited 16:05:24] Mario Calderón: so question: anybody for closing integration with September 30th? And start officially to test October 1st? [17.09.2013 16:06:39] Victor Perez Juarez: +1 [17.09.2013 16:07:02] Victor Perez Juarez: the is have all October to test [17.09.2013 16:07:48] suman ravuri: All the features that need intgegrated should be ready at least 7 days before September 30th [17.09.2013 16:07:50] Tobias Schoeneberg: +1 (strictly, we should even close integration at sept 21th, but i'm gratefull for the additional time :) ) [17.09.2013 16:08:23] Mario Calderón: +1 from me then [17.09.2013 16:08:29] Cristina Ghita: +1 [17.09.2013 16:08:37] suman ravuri: i.e. 23rd we need to have features technically and functionally reviewed with code in place [17.09.2013 16:09:22] suman ravuri: can we aim 23rd as cut off date for features to be integrated in 380? [17.09.2013 16:10:21] Victor Perez Juarez: September 30th [17.09.2013 16:10:46] Mario Calderón: we need a couple of days to review Metas contribs. If they are done this week, we need at least 4-5 days more [17.09.2013 16:10:47] Victor Perez Juarez: so we have 2 week to finish [17.09.2013 16:11:12] Cristina Ghita: yes, I think we need this timeframe [17.09.2013 16:11:37] suman ravuri: then can put test start date as october 7th? [17.09.2013 16:11:48] Cristina Ghita: yes [17.09.2013 16:11:58] Cristina Ghita: or 8th? [17.09.2013 16:12:19] Victor Perez Juarez: so the question how many time need to build of binary Suman [17.09.2013 16:12:54] suman ravuri: build binary does not take time [17.09.2013 16:13:06] suman ravuri: but i am doing integration testing as well [17.09.2013 16:13:13] Victor Perez Juarez: I think is necessary finish some task [17.09.2013 16:13:21] suman ravuri: in all different combination [17.09.2013 16:13:27] Victor Perez Juarez: for example update of jdbc to last version [17.09.2013 16:13:51] Victor Perez Juarez: modify of oracle script for oracle 11 [17.09.2013 16:13:52] Mario Calderón: ok... [17.09.2013 16:13:59] Mario Calderón: so we have a lot to do [17.09.2013 16:14:08] Mario Calderón: anything more on this item? [17.09.2013 16:14:14] Victor Perez Juarez: create of seed for postgresql 8.3 [17.09.2013 16:14:24] Victor Perez Juarez: create of seed for oracle 11 [17.09.2013 16:14:30] Victor Perez Juarez: create seed for mysql [17.09.2013 16:14:36] Mario Calderón: you mean Postgres 9.2 Victor? [17.09.2013 16:15:31] Victor Perez Juarez: create the seed for this new log version [17.09.2013 16:15:48] Victor Perez Juarez: we will migrate our old infrestructure [17.09.2013 16:16:00] Victor Perez Juarez: so with that we should test [17.09.2013 16:16:36] suman ravuri: @Victor, mysql is not yet ready [17.09.2013 16:16:46] suman ravuri: we do not have base seed ready yet [17.09.2013 16:16:50] Victor Perez Juarez: I think should test with must recent data bases , of same way that we update out libraries [17.09.2013 16:17:26] Victor Perez Juarez: yes I know this reason why we need 2 week :) [17.09.2013 16:17:43] Mario Calderón: we decided last week to put a special point in the wiki. I must do it [17.09.2013 16:17:43] Victor Perez Juarez: or then need remove mysql of core [17.09.2013 16:17:51] Mario Calderón: If nothing more, let's move on to 3-Technical team reviews 4-Functional Team reviews

as far as I know, nothing has been done last week [17.09.2013 16:19:27] Victor Perez Juarez: So we need some way to migrate from oracle xe to mysql [17.09.2013 16:19:51] Victor Perez Juarez: some know if oracle have some tootls to make this work [17.09.2013 16:19:57] Victor Perez Juarez: ? [17.09.2013 16:23:48] Mario Calderón: not that I know, perhaps Trifon or some technical guy. This is a good question to post to the community... [17.09.2013 16:24:23] Mario Calderón: (I think we jumped to 5.- Misc ?) [17.09.2013 16:24:33] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that we should include as a good tools of work of Stefan [17.09.2013 16:24:35] Victor Perez Juarez: [17.09.2013 16:24:44] Victor Perez Juarez: and try enable mysql [17.09.2013 16:24:56] Mario Calderón: this is really good Victor [17.09.2013 16:25:10] Victor Perez Juarez: this will go way to migrate of old adempiere version , even from compiere [17.09.2013 16:25:54] Victor Perez Juarez: we should take in our perspective that this should be way to an easy migration , if we had a good base seed [17.09.2013 16:26:22] Victor Perez Juarez: can release as experimental or testing [17.09.2013 16:26:35] Victor Perez Juarez: WDYT [17.09.2013 16:26:58] Cristina Ghita: sounds good [17.09.2013 16:29:23] Mario Calderón: k [17.09.2013 16:29:26] Mario Calderón: ok [17.09.2013 16:29:38] Mario Calderón: anything mor for Misc? [17.09.2013 16:29:47 | Removed 16:31:07] Mark Krake: This message has been removed. [17.09.2013 16:30:05 | Removed 16:31:11] Mark Krake: This message has been removed. [17.09.2013 16:30:12 | Removed 16:31:15] Mark Krake: This message has been removed. [17.09.2013 16:30:24 | Removed 16:31:19] Mark Krake: This message has been removed. [17.09.2013 16:31:28] Mark Krake: sorry, wrong chat. hi all :) [17.09.2013 16:31:32] Cristina Ghita: wrong window :D [17.09.2013 16:31:40] Tobias Schoeneberg: [17 septembrie 2013 16:29] Mario Calderón:

<<< anything mor for Misc?one thing (one second) [17.09.2013 16:31:47] Mario Calderón: hi Mark, anyway, nice to meet you [17.09.2013 16:32:02] Tobias Schoeneberg: i saw some odd code in.. [17.09.2013 16:32:12 | Edited 16:32:15] Cristina Ghita: where? [17.09.2013 16:32:42] Tobias Schoeneberg: org.compiere.grid.ed.VBinary [17.09.2013 16:32:53] Tobias Schoeneberg: in the 380rc1 branch [17.09.2013 16:33:05] Tobias Schoeneberg: lots of // TODO Auto-generated method stub [17.09.2013 16:33:29] Tobias Schoeneberg: maybe suman can have a look? i think it came in with trifons 370lts-patches [17.09.2013 16:33:56] suman ravuri: Hi Tobi, send this feedback to me. I will fix it [17.09.2013 16:34:10] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, thx [17.09.2013 16:35:28] Mario Calderón: so, next item

-Next meeting

same time , next week? [17.09.2013 16:36:30] Cristina Ghita: yes [17.09.2013 16:36:33] Cristina Ghita: same same [17.09.2013 16:36:40] suman ravuri: bye [17.09.2013 16:36:46] Cristina Ghita: bye [17.09.2013 16:37:03] Tobias Schoeneberg: bye [17.09.2013 16:37:19] Mario Calderón: bye and nice day still
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