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FT/TT meeting minutes August 26th 2013

ADempiere...About 10 minCommunityWikiMeetings

Meeting Minutes


  • Moderator: Steven Sackett
  • Secretary: Mario Calderon
  • Participants: Michael McKay, Konstantin Herold, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Steven Sackett, Cristina Ghita, Yamel Senih
  • Date / Time: August 26th, 2013 / 12:00 PM - 1:35 PM GMT
  • The meeting closed after 1 hour and 35 minutes.


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions Taken by RM
  3. Technical Team Reviews
  4. Functional Team Reviews
  5. Actions to Be Taken
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Change Meetings to Tuesdays
  8. Next Meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions Taken by RM (Suman)

Technical Team Reviews

  • N/A

Functional Team Reviews

  • Mike McKay completed ZK info panel updates and is testing integration with 380rc1. Ready for review.
  • Metas is working on integrating their contributions into their instance: in new window.
  • Goal: Finish integration next week.
  • Review for Walkingtree's Human Resources: Suman Ravuri offered a walkthrough to interested people. A date will be set. Afterward, a description page will be created to document the reviews.
  • Costing Engine still in testing: Susanne and Steven will continue testing.


  • Suman proposed changing meetings to Tuesdays. No objections were raised, but FT and TT opinions will be collected.

Next Meeting

  • Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013 (unless there is a negative vote).


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6

Monday, 26 August 2013
[21:34:34] * Mario Calderón invited kitti.upariphutthiphong
[05:59:53] suman ravuri: Hi All
[05:59:56] suman ravuri: Good Morning
[06:00:45] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[06:02:02] Cristina Ghita: Hello!
[06:06:05] Mario Calderón: hello everybody!
[06:08:08] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi All,
[06:10:06] Mario Calderón: I invited Kitti Upariphutthiphong, who is interested in the meetings, though he will not be present today
[06:11:17] Mario Calderón: should we begin?
[06:11:28] suman ravuri: yes
[06:11:31] suman ravuri: +1
[06:11:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): +1
[06:12:37] Mario Calderón: I can be the secretary (again)

[06:14:25] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, I will offer if no one else wants to do it but I am out of touch after 2 weeks vacation .. anyone else do it?
[06:15:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): all those against Steven doing it enter +1
[06:16:02] Mario Calderón: ;)
[06:16:14] Mario Calderón: go ahead Steven
[06:16:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Minutes of previous meeting .. link please.
[06:16:41] Mario Calderón:
[06:17:12] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Agenda

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions taken by RM

Technical team reviews

Functional Team reviews

Actions to be taken

Next meeting
[06:17:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any issues arising from minutes?
[06:18:17] Mario Calderón: I updated the release page at , so the results can be seen at once.

In the meeting, it was decided that Metas had the task of integrating all its contributions into the instance they rolled out
[06:18:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I saw the updated page.. any actions since?
[06:19:52] Mario Calderón: As I can see, nobody has done any review either technically nor functionally.
[06:20:53] Konstantin Herold: Could we focus on the reviews in the actual minutes of this meeting, please?
[06:21:23] Michael McKay: Hi Guys,  One update - I completed the Zk info panel updates and am testing integration with 380rc1.  The work is ready for review.
[06:21:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Mike, that is welcome news .. thanks.
[06:22:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Konstantin, would you like to start with any info about reviews
[06:22:42] Mario Calderón: hi Mike!

I saw you did the commits
[06:23:19] Mario Calderón: can I ask Victor to include it so we can review it?
[06:23:58] Michael McKay: Yes.  I need to integrate with the release candidate and can commit the integrated branch.  It will be easier to combine with the release branch.
[06:25:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mike, am I correct in assuming this will allow us to see it in Suman's demo system?
[06:26:19] suman ravuri: @Michael, are you commiiting in 38orcs directly?
[06:26:26] suman ravuri: sorry 380rc1
[06:27:32] Michael McKay: No.  I'm integrating 380rc1 with feature/ADEMPIERE-72 and will test before adding to rc1.  Don't want to screw up any of your work.
[06:27:40] suman ravuri: ok thanks
[06:29:02] Konstantin Herold: @Steve I don't really have any infos on reviews. Last week I tried to do a functional review for Walkingtree's Human resources, but I couldn't find any documentation.
[06:29:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman, any suggestions to help Konstantin?
[06:30:02] suman ravuri: @Konstatin, documentation is yet to evloved
[06:30:15] suman ravuri: I would be able to walk you through once
[06:30:24] suman ravuri: with HR features
[06:30:41] suman ravuri: does it work for you?
[06:30:56] Mario Calderón: @Suman: Enrique and me also wanted to do the same as Harold
[06:32:28] suman ravuri: @Mario, We started documentation and but it is still in early stages
[06:32:44] suman ravuri: walkthough of functionality would be ok?
[06:32:58] Mario Calderón: yes!!!

this would be enough
[06:33:08] Mario Calderón: we can from then review
[06:33:16] suman ravuri: once this meeting is over we decide the suitable time
[06:33:21] suman ravuri: we can walkthough once
[06:33:24] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:34:06] Konstantin Herold: @suman: ok
[06:34:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Just to be clear .. are we going to include functionality that may be good even if there is no documentation so other possible users can understand it?
[06:34:40] Mario Calderón: we are going to review it
[06:35:10] Mario Calderón: while we are reviewing, Walking Tree will complete the documentation, so I understood Suman
[06:35:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, what is the documentation plan please?
[06:35:42] Mario Calderón: (we don't need the 100% documentation to review)
[06:36:37] suman ravuri: We don't have a plan at this point of time to complete documentation. I need to revisit the decision, I will be able to communicate date after review of resource plan
[06:38:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks .. I am sure the review is a good idea.  my concern is the same as with payroll, I would like to be able to use it but I can not understand how it works ..
[06:38:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): without documentation it is of limited value (in my view) .. perhaps others think differently? comments?
[06:40:09] suman ravuri: Mario and others will be able to comments once they review with me together
[06:40:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:40:29] Mario Calderón: @Suman: there is no need a complete documentation, but a page summarizing it, like , or less.

If we have a walkthrough, Enrique, John and me can complete the documentation page.
[06:40:51] Mario Calderón: and Harold, for sure
[06:40:56] suman ravuri: ok
[06:41:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): next item?  "it was decided that Metas had the task of integrating all its contributions into the instance they rolled out"
[06:41:29] Yamel Senih: Hi all
[06:41:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): can anyone report on the status of this item?
[06:42:05] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Yamel..
[06:42:23] Mario Calderón: hi Yamel
[06:43:39] Mario Calderón: only Cristina and Herold are from Metas; actually it is Tobi who knows exactly about it, because he's the one in charge of doing it...
[06:44:44] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Cristina, Harold .. have you heard anything from Tobi on this?
[06:45:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I guess not, perhaps we hear more later.
[06:46:55] Konstantin Herold: Tobi created a branch and started integrating but noticed that some modifications need to be done.
[06:47:23] Konstantin Herold: hopefully we can manage to finish this next week
[06:48:06] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): does this mean before the next meeting or the following one?
[06:48:21] Konstantin Herold: following one
[06:48:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:48:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks
[06:48:51] Konstantin Herold: (btw. its "Herold" with an "e" ;) )
[06:50:21] Mario Calderón: @Herold: copied ;)
[06:50:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks for correction .. I was following Mario!
[06:50:48] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, is there a plan to follow up on the testing as outlined in your update to the Contributions Summary page?
[06:51:58] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): or we are just hoping people will pick a part of the work and do it?
[06:52:55] Mario Calderón: @Steven: people should pick up and review
[06:53:13] Mario Calderón: there are some pending...

mostly technically
[06:54:41] Mario Calderón: functionally is almost everything from Adaxa and eEvolution review.

When Metas publishes code and function, we'd be almost done
[06:55:09] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. and of course the WT HR review..
[06:55:11] Mario Calderón: (the ominous Cost Engine is waiting)
[06:55:48] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thank you for that reminder :-(
[06:56:44] Mario Calderón: Susanne tested it for satandard , average and last invoice

she had to do some changes, and you have to covince Victor to adopt them
[06:57:02] Mario Calderón: then, it can be included
[06:57:57] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. will try to follow up with Victor, he may have made some of the cnages we suggested already but I have not tried to re-test
[06:58:09] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can we move on to next section...
[06:58:10] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Actions taken by RM
[06:58:14] suman ravuri: 

1. Mobile UI is integrated. Testing completed. Will be deployed in walkingtree env by EOD today

2. Ware house manaement integrated, Under testing

3. Forecast management - waiting for input from Victor on missing files
[06:59:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks .. what will follow after that?
[07:00:00] suman ravuri: HR manament and MFG
[07:00:38] suman ravuri: but for MFG Victor has to update the code as per package suggested by teo
[07:00:41] suman ravuri: he is working on it
[07:01:04] suman ravuri: can I start manufacturing lite?
[07:01:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I expect so .. its in production use and there is some documentation.
[07:01:49] suman ravuri: ok
[07:02:00] suman ravuri: lite and MFG can co exist?
[07:02:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): main issue as mentioned before is whether to use the old BOM tables that it presently uses of invest the effort to adopt the same as Victor's
[07:03:02] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I think they co-exist.. they do in the version that is in the Adaxa branch on sourceforge
[07:03:34] suman ravuri: ok
[07:03:35] Mario Calderón: @Steven: this is also my  opinion. Of course, later on sb can integrate them
[07:03:55] suman ravuri: sb means?
[07:04:06] Mario Calderón: somebody
[07:04:13] suman ravuri: ok
[07:04:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): oh .. him!
[07:04:34] Mario Calderón: the culprit
[07:04:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, we go forward with the old BOM tables then?
[07:05:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): the impact is mainly that a single parent product can only have a single set of chold products and services to make it .. one of the reasons it is called "Light"
[07:06:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): the newer BOM tables let you have multiple BOMs for same end product.
[07:06:32] suman ravuri: can on product be child of multiple prodcuts?
[07:06:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): yes
[07:07:12] suman ravuri: if product has muliple BOMs,user will have choice to choose?
[07:07:32] suman ravuri: at appropriate place based on the need?
[07:09:17] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): if we have an m_product with a BOM that says qty 2 m_product "A" and qty 3 m_product "B" then you cant also make it from qty 2 m_product "A" and qty 3 m_product "XX"
[07:10:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so it also restricts you from having a current production BOM formula and another one fro engineering development etc .. a single made product can only have a single set of child products at any one time
[07:10:51] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): does that answer the question?
[07:11:08] suman ravuri: yes
[07:11:26] suman ravuri: my suggestion would be to go with single BOM for product to make it simple
[07:11:50] suman ravuri: but migration would be tricky if some one want to migrate from lite to MFG
[07:11:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): .. but note that you can substitute in child product XX after you created the Production Lines
[07:12:47] suman ravuri: @Mario, any suggestions?
[07:12:50] suman ravuri: ok
[07:13:14] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I don't understand the newer BOM table structure but if migrating you should only have a 1:1 relationship in the source data so I am guessing it would not be that complex.
[07:13:26] Mario Calderón: as I said, it is OK

"somebody" can integrate in the future Libero and Light
[07:13:50] Mario Calderón: not  a big deal, I suppose
[07:13:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. so Suman starts integrating?
[07:13:56] Mario Calderón: yes!
[07:13:58] suman ravuri: ok
[07:14:02] suman ravuri: fine with it
[07:14:09] Mario Calderón: ..and the rest of the items
[07:14:22] suman ravuri: I will get this done this week
[07:14:28] Mario Calderón: well, I've just seen a couple of them while we were talking
[07:14:43] Mario Calderón: that suman committed
[07:14:59] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): what is left for Suman to do that has passed functional and technical review already?
[07:15:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): other than the items mentioned above
[07:15:34] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman?
[07:15:45] suman ravuri: one minute
[07:16:55] suman ravuri: Add Export Account Viewer

New grouping for product

MRP Supply and Demand Pegging

MRP Browse for demand and supply

Net Change Material Plan and Selective Material Plant

Smart Browse for approval of Planning Order
[07:17:14] suman ravuri: these are all there reviewed by mario technically and functionally
[07:18:19] suman ravuri: many of them arel based on MFG if I understand correctly so MFG integration will be priority
[07:19:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): that sounds like a large piece of work .. and then after you are dependent on the rest of us completing reviews?
[07:19:49] suman ravuri: yes
[07:20:07] Mario Calderón: we can call the teams to complete the reviews
[07:21:31] Mario Calderón: WT's contributions...


missing eEvolution's and Adaxa's..
[07:23:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I think we shopuld follow those items up after the meeting .. people ok with that?
[07:23:29] Mario Calderón: ok
[07:23:54] suman ravuri: ok
[07:24:09] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Technical team reviews

Functional Team reviews
[07:24:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Nothing to report this week?
[07:25:12] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok...
[07:25:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Actions to be taken
[07:25:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Adaxa ... more work on costing review..
[07:26:09] Mario Calderón: I will take on some technical reviews still open so suman can integrate them
[07:26:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, u mentioned above something that is outstanding from adaxa .. what was it please.
[07:27:09] Mario Calderón: ..mmh don't remeber well right now

I can have a look and tell you?
[07:27:14] Mario Calderón: should we set up a date to be finished with reviews, so that we publish it to the community to test?

The resting contributions (WT's, Metas, costin Engine) can still be included in the meantimen
[07:28:31] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can we take that as an action for next meeting and get an up-to-date view on what is required into the hands of the people we hope will do it? .. before that meeting
[07:29:04] Mario Calderón: I'd like to, so we can publish a date
[07:29:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Next Meeting?
[07:29:59] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): same time next Monday?
[07:30:14] Mario Calderón: +1
[07:31:12] suman ravuri: @Steve, I have request here
[07:31:23] suman ravuri: can we make it tuesday every week?
[07:31:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I am ok with Tuesday .. what do others want?
[07:32:43] Mario Calderón: for me, NP

but it would be good to hear other opinions

we should ask in the mailing list...
[07:32:59] suman ravuri: can I initiate thread?
[07:33:07] Mario Calderón: yes Suman, do it
[07:33:11] suman ravuri: ok thanks
[07:33:25] suman ravuri: will do that based on response we can finalize it
[07:33:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. next Tuesday unless others raise objections before then.
[07:34:10] Mario Calderón: bye to all and have a nice day!
[07:34:24] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario .. as you send minutes so quick p[erhaps you can just highlight this change at start of minutes?
[07:34:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye
[07:34:54] suman ravuri: bye
[07:35:24] Mario Calderón: I will do the minutes today

in a couple of hours I will publish them
[07:35:39] Mario Calderón: ok, I will do it
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