FT/TT meeting minutes August 19th 2013
...About 10 minCommunityWikiMeetings
Meeting Minutes
- Moderator: Mario Calderon
- Secretary: Karsten Thiemann
- Participants: Mario Calderon, Victor Perez Juarez, Yamel Senih, Suman Ravuri, Karsten Thiemann, Konstantin Herold, Tobias Schöneberg, John Agudelo
- Date / Time: August 19th, 2013 / 12:00 PM - 1:34 PM GMT
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions Taken by RM
- Technical Team Reviews
- Functional Team Reviews
- Actions to Be Taken
- Next Meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions Taken by RM (Suman)
- No actions taken by Suman due to illness.
Technical Team Reviews
- Metas test site is now available with "AIT/Unit Testing Framework (Metas)".
- Release 380LTS page shows the actual status.
Functional Team Reviews
- Susanne carried out the functional review of Warehouse Management.
- John Agudelo conducted the review of Adaxa's Mobile contribution.
- Release 380LTS page shows the actual status.
Actions to be Taken
- Finish tasks listed in Contributions Summary.
- Complete all technical and functional reviews (everyone responsible for their review).
- RM continues merging (responsibility: Suman).
Next Meeting
- Monday, August 26th, 12:00 GMT.
Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT +2
[19.08.2013 14:02:48] Mario Calderón: hello everybody!
[19.08.2013 14:03:12] ravurisuman: Hi Mario
[19.08.2013 14:03:35] Karsten Thiemann: hi
[19.08.2013 14:05:41] Mario Calderón: hi Suman,
(Karsten, nice to meet you again)
[19.08.2013 14:05:48] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[19.08.2013 14:06:46] Karsten Thiemann: sorry - I've been at hollidays without internet and now my collegues are away - so much to do here..
[19.08.2013 14:13:22] Mario Calderón: seems that we don't have many participants.....
[19.08.2013 14:13:29] Mario Calderón: just 4
[19.08.2013 14:14:12] Tobias Schoeneberg: teo and i are reading, but we can't really attend in an active way
[19.08.2013 14:14:22] Mario Calderón: ah ok
[19.08.2013 14:14:28] Mario Calderón: we read your email
[19.08.2013 14:15:09] Mario Calderón: testing the site
[19.08.2013 14:16:53] Mario Calderón: I would say, even if we don't have too many, we should carry out the meeting.
Things are very clear now, and it is a matter of doing.
what do you think?
[19.08.2013 14:17:20] John Agudelo: hi
[19.08.2013 14:17:21] Karsten Thiemann: sure
[19.08.2013 14:17:32] Mario Calderón: great
[19.08.2013 14:17:47] Mario Calderón: we need a secretary and a moderator
[19.08.2013 14:17:57] Mario Calderón: this time I can moderate
[19.08.2013 14:18:07] Karsten Thiemann: I'll do the minutes
[19.08.2013 14:18:20] Mario Calderón: great, then let's start
[19.08.2013 14:19:02 | Edited 14:22:05] Mario Calderón: Agenda
1.- Minutes of Previous Meeting
2.- Actions taken by RM
3.- Technical team reviews
4.- Functional Team reviews
5.- Actions to be taken
6.- Next meeting
[19.08.2013 14:19:38] Mario Calderón: 1.- Minutes of Previous Meeting
any comments?
[19.08.2013 14:21:39] Mario Calderón: actually, there was nothing new
Suman launced the instance
[19.08.2013 14:23:00] John Agudelo: Any advance from RM?
[19.08.2013 14:23:39] Mario Calderón: ok, no comments
then let's continue with
2.- Actions taken by RM
[19.08.2013 14:24:24] ravurisuman: I was down with fever last week
[19.08.2013 14:24:32] ravurisuman: could not make much progress
[19.08.2013 14:25:05] Mario Calderón: so we are at the same point as last week?
[19.08.2013 14:25:12] ravurisuman: yes
[19.08.2013 14:26:14] Karsten Thiemann: regarding Tobis email - will we have one instance for testing with the merged features? Or will we test them one by one?
[19.08.2013 14:26:19] John Agudelo: Oh sorry, summan
[19.08.2013 14:26:42] Karsten Thiemann: I would think it is better to merge them first, because there can be side effects between them
[19.08.2013 14:27:00] ravurisuman: yes Karsten you can start testng them
[19.08.2013 14:27:39] ravurisuman: do you want start testing only after merging all features?
[19.08.2013 14:27:48] ravurisuman: defined in release?
[19.08.2013 14:28:18] Karsten Thiemann: the question is - do we need to test them again after the merge?
[19.08.2013 14:28:38] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 19. August 2013 14:26] Karsten Thiemann:
<<< I would think it is better to merge them first, because there can be side effects between themi also think it's the most practical way (i'm not talking about the rc-branch), but if a contributor has multiple contribs, i think it's too much effort to provide a server for each of them
[19.08.2013 14:29:50] ravurisuman: I am doing my own testing as part of merge, but another round of testing is always nice
[19.08.2013 14:29:57] ravurisuman: and needed
[19.08.2013 14:30:24] Mario Calderón: agree with Tobi, Karten
[19.08.2013 14:31:00] John Agudelo: @Tobi: where is the code of PM Software Project Management, Process Gear in Window and Autocomplete ?
[19.08.2013 14:31:27] Mario Calderón: to review technically?
[19.08.2013 14:31:31] Mario Calderón: then, let's go to
3.- Technical team reviews
[19.08.2013 14:31:53] Tobias Schoeneberg: @John not yet rolled out. what's now rolled out is adempiere-195
[19.08.2013 14:33:27 | Edited 14:34:05] Mario Calderón: @Karsten one question:did you receive my email where I sumed up the reviews missing?
should I put it here or can you copy+paste it from my email directly in the minutes?
[19.08.2013 14:34:07] Karsten Thiemann: wait a second
[19.08.2013 14:35:16] Karsten Thiemann: I'm not sure which email you refer to - so please copy paste it
[19.08.2013 14:36:27] Mario Calderón: ok
[19.08.2013 14:37:29] Mario Calderón: here it is
(and just emailed it to you)
[19.08.2013 14:37:32] Mario Calderón: Resume of http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS:
Metas Test Site: should be available last week.
Manufacturing Light (Adaxa)
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Payment Allocation to charge (Adaxa)
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Payment Request (OFB)
Missing- Functional Review: Enrique Ruibal
Missing- Technical Review: Enrique Ruibal
Budget Management (e-Evolution)
Missing: code
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet
New Costing Engine (e-Evolution)
Missing- Functional Review: Susanne
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Cashflow Management (e-Evolution)
Missing- Functional Review: Mark
Missing- Technical Review: Suman
New Dunning Functionality (Metas)Missing- Functional Review: Mark
Missing- Functional Review: Karsten
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
SPM Software Project Management (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Human Resources (Walking Tree)
Missing Code
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Improvements of Info forms (Mike McKay)
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation (e-Evolution)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation (e-Evolution)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Process Gear in Window (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Autocomplete (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Chart into Application Dictionary (Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina
Password Hash(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina
Memo Alert(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina
Generate test data(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Metas best practices / bugfixes / improvements (Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
AIT/ Unit Testing Framework (Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
ADempiere ID Converter Tool(Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Range based lookup (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
XLS option for jasper reports (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Included tabs as horizontal tabs (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
Separate database for read and write operations(Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
[19.08.2013 14:38:11] Mario Calderón: this was a list og things missing
[19.08.2013 14:39:54] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 19. August 2013 14:37] Mario Calderón:
<<< Metas Test Site: should be available last week. the test site is now available with "AIT/ Unit Testing Framework (Metas)" beeing rolled out. our other contributions are not yet avaiable
[19.08.2013 14:40:38] Mario Calderón: ..and you will roll them out on the same instance Tobi?
[19.08.2013 14:40:59] Mario Calderón: then you just inform us as you go
[19.08.2013 14:42:22] Mario Calderón: This is the list of technical reviews I carried out last week:
- Mobile WebUI
- Migration Management
- Budget Management (missig code from Victor)
- Warehouse Management
- Initial Client Setup
- Print Format Copy
[19.08.2013 14:43:45] Mario Calderón: if you read the summary of reviews, you can see, most missing items are of technical nature, so the technical team is demanded to finish the reviews
[19.08.2013 14:45:23] Mario Calderón: now, let's go over to
4.- Functional Team reviews
[19.08.2013 14:46:47] Mario Calderón: - Susanne carried out the functional review of Warehouse Management
- John Agudelo the review of Adaxa's Mobile contrib
[19.08.2013 14:47:18] Karsten Thiemann: metas New Dunning Functionality - I made a functional walk through with Mark but the technical review was delayed and waiting for metas release
[19.08.2013 14:48:21] Mario Calderón: ok, this we can discuss in the "to-dos" item
[19.08.2013 14:48:40] Karsten Thiemann: Forecast Management - looks good to me but Colin had problems to complete a functional review on the test system
[19.08.2013 14:48:41] Mario Calderón: let's start with it right now
5.- Actions to be taken
[19.08.2013 14:48:53] John Agudelo: I need the demo site of Metas to continue with my revision
[19.08.2013 14:49:26 | Edited 14:50:33] John Agudelo: and code for the technical team
[19.08.2013 14:51:36] Mario Calderón: so, one point would be that metas integrates all its contributions in the instance Tobi created so they can be functionally reviewed, and name a branch where the code can be reviewed
Another important point would be to give a small description in the wiki about the contribs.
[19.08.2013 14:52:42] Mario Calderón: @All: what do you think if the "to do's" enumerate the summary I elaborated?
[19.08.2013 14:53:09] Mario Calderón: if we finish this list, we are almost done
[19.08.2013 14:53:15] John Agudelo: +1 for me
[19.08.2013 14:53:37] Karsten Thiemann: +1
[19.08.2013 14:54:01] suman ravuri: @Mario, will you be sharing list of features I can start integration for this week
[19.08.2013 14:54:04] suman ravuri: ?
[19.08.2013 14:55:01] Mario Calderón: @Suman: yes
I can elaborate another summary, this time of completed reviews
[19.08.2013 14:55:07] Mario Calderón: I can do it today
[19.08.2013 14:55:18] suman ravuri: thanks
[19.08.2013 14:55:29] Mario Calderón: thus: Suman integrates all items where the functional and technical reviews have been done
[19.08.2013 14:55:42] John Agudelo: I think we need to mark the features that are already in the RC1
[19.08.2013 14:56:06] John Agudelo: in the wiki
[19.08.2013 14:56:58] Mario Calderón: @John: I can add a index in the wiki, and Suman can fill it up.
what do you think?
[19.08.2013 14:58:11] John Agudelo: I agree
[19.08.2013 14:58:33] Karsten Thiemann: we can just use the table here: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS#Misc
[19.08.2013 14:59:45] Mario Calderón: the table has to be updated
[19.08.2013 14:59:54] Karsten Thiemann: right
[19.08.2013 15:00:31] Karsten Thiemann: I just thought that it's ment to show the actual integration status
[19.08.2013 15:00:47] Mario Calderón: yes, this is actually te summary
[19.08.2013 15:00:59] Mario Calderón: I will try to update it
[19.08.2013 15:01:07] Mario Calderón: so it is more readable
[19.08.2013 15:01:27] Mario Calderón: but I don't know how to arrange it more readable
[19.08.2013 15:01:35] Mario Calderón: does anybody?
[19.08.2013 15:01:46] Mario Calderón: then I would update it
[19.08.2013 15:04:53] Karsten Thiemann: maybe a border would be helpful - I'll try something..
[19.08.2013 15:05:24] Mario Calderón: thanks
[19.08.2013 15:05:43] Mario Calderón: can you email me when you're done? I finish it then
[19.08.2013 15:05:51] Karsten Thiemann: just take a look now
[19.08.2013 15:06:06] Karsten Thiemann: I guess that's better
[19.08.2013 15:06:31] Mario Calderón: @Karsten: a question: how easy is to integrate your contibution of changing the background color of fields?
IMHO it is a nice feature with impressive results.
I talked to John and we can review it.
[19.08.2013 15:07:03 | Edited 15:08:42] John Agudelo: @Mario: remove the last 6 columns (like Integration Estimate, decision) and add a column named integrated in RC1
[19.08.2013 15:07:39] Yamel Senih: Hi
[19.08.2013 15:07:51] Karsten Thiemann: isn't that integrated in the metas features?
[19.08.2013 15:07:53] Mario Calderón: hi Yamel, welcome to our meeting
[19.08.2013 15:08:10] Mario Calderón: there is no list of Metas' features
[19.08.2013 15:08:24] Karsten Thiemann: ok
[19.08.2013 15:08:34] Mario Calderón: if Tobi say, it is integrated, the better
[19.08.2013 15:09:02] Karsten Thiemann: I know they use something similar because we did a merge of some features a year ago or so
[19.08.2013 15:09:34] Mario Calderón: so, what can de do here?
ask Metas?
[19.08.2013 15:09:50] Yamel Senih: Hi Mario, tanks
[19.08.2013 15:09:52] Mario Calderón: to integrate it in its intance?
[19.08.2013 15:09:55] Victor Perez Juarez: HI everybody
[19.08.2013 15:10:01] Mario Calderón: hi Victor
[19.08.2013 15:10:12] Victor Perez Juarez: I sorry I am delayed
[19.08.2013 15:10:28] Mario Calderón: @all: Yamel is developing the Android sales solution
[19.08.2013 15:10:33] Karsten Thiemann: the easiest way would to integrate the metas solution because it wouldn't interfer with the rest of their features
[19.08.2013 15:11:15] Mario Calderón: @Kasrten: OK
this means, Metas will integrate it in its instance
[19.08.2013 15:11:44] Mario Calderón: I asked Yamel if he could integrate his development in 3.8
[19.08.2013 15:11:45] Victor Perez Juarez: I am finish with integration of libero to core
[19.08.2013 15:11:53] Karsten Thiemann: I'll ask tobi
[19.08.2013 15:12:07] Victor Perez Juarez: I am following of Teo recommendation
[19.08.2013 15:12:40] Victor Perez Juarez: so this is my new structure that I will move to integrate
[19.08.2013 15:12:48] Victor Perez Juarez: https://github.com/adempiere/extension_libero_manufacturing/tree/develop
[19.08.2013 15:13:19] Victor Perez Juarez: Suman ask via Technical Team Mail List
[19.08.2013 15:13:45] Victor Perez Juarez: Why was reason to integrate this contribution in separate directory and jars
[19.08.2013 15:13:48] Mario Calderón: ok, also missing some code and descriptions from you (example budget, etc.)
[19.08.2013 15:14:05] Mario Calderón: it is because a future "mavenization"
[19.08.2013 15:14:19] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that we should answer
[19.08.2013 15:14:38] Mario Calderón: Karsten can answer it in the minutes
[19.08.2013 15:14:58] Mario Calderón: it is because of a possible future "mavenization"
[19.08.2013 15:16:19] Mario Calderón: @Yamel: I think, if you agree, Victor or Suman can integrate your development in their instance so we can review it
[19.08.2013 15:17:10] Mario Calderón: and then suman can integrate it in the Release candidate. Thus, you will have many people who can test your development.
[19.08.2013 15:18:10] Mario Calderón: any further comments, ideas, opinions?
[19.08.2013 15:19:17] Yamel Senih: Yes, the source code is in the wiki
[19.08.2013 15:19:54] Yamel Senih: For now is just windows, process and model class
[19.08.2013 15:20:15] Victor Perez Juarez: I have a question about how should integrate , for example in my case I have a lot the history in repository I should try migrate all this history?
[19.08.2013 15:20:30] Yamel Senih: Currently we is working in the synchronizing and mobile client
[19.08.2013 15:20:43] suman ravuri: it is better to have history
[19.08.2013 15:21:42] Victor Perez Juarez: jejejeje, Suman I am agree
[19.08.2013 15:21:56] Victor Perez Juarez: now need how migrate from git to merculrial
[19.08.2013 15:22:03] Victor Perez Juarez: :)
[19.08.2013 15:24:23] Mario Calderón: if there is no further items
6.- Next meeting
Monday, August the 26th, 12:00 GMT?
[19.08.2013 15:24:44] Karsten Thiemann: +1
[19.08.2013 15:25:26] suman ravuri: hmm
[19.08.2013 15:25:28] suman ravuri: :)
[19.08.2013 15:26:10] John Agudelo: +1
[19.08.2013 15:26:31] Mario Calderón: is there something Suman?
[19.08.2013 15:28:27] Mario Calderón: then, next week , same time
[19.08.2013 15:28:42] Mario Calderón: thank you gentlemen, and wish you a happy week!
[19.08.2013 15:29:19] Yamel Senih: Thank Mario
[19.08.2013 15:29:40] suman ravuri: thanks
[19.08.2013 15:29:42] suman ravuri: bye
[19.08.2013 15:30:10] Konstantin Herold: thanks, bye
[19.08.2013 15:30:43] Yamel Senih: Bye everybody
[19.08.2013 15:31:08] Karsten Thiemann: bye
[19.08.2013 15:34:14] John Agudelo: bye
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