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FT/TT meeting minutes August 19th 2013

ADempiere...About 10 minCommunityWikiMeetings

Meeting Minutes


  • Moderator: Mario Calderon
  • Secretary: Karsten Thiemann
  • Participants: Mario Calderon, Victor Perez Juarez, Yamel Senih, Suman Ravuri, Karsten Thiemann, Konstantin Herold, Tobias Schöneberg, John Agudelo
  • Date / Time: August 19th, 2013 / 12:00 PM - 1:34 PM GMT


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions Taken by RM
  3. Technical Team Reviews
  4. Functional Team Reviews
  5. Actions to Be Taken
  6. Next Meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions Taken by RM (Suman)

  • No actions taken by Suman due to illness.

Technical Team Reviews

Functional Team Reviews

  • Susanne carried out the functional review of Warehouse Management.
  • John Agudelo conducted the review of Adaxa's Mobile contribution.
  • Release 380LTSopen in new window page shows the actual status.

Actions to be Taken

Next Meeting

  • Monday, August 26th, 12:00 GMT.


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT +2

[19.08.2013 14:02:48] Mario Calderón: hello everybody!
[19.08.2013 14:03:12] ravurisuman: Hi Mario
[19.08.2013 14:03:35] Karsten Thiemann: hi
[19.08.2013 14:05:41] Mario Calderón: hi Suman,
(Karsten, nice to meet you again)
[19.08.2013 14:05:48] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[19.08.2013 14:06:46] Karsten Thiemann: sorry - I've been at hollidays without internet and  now my collegues are away - so much to do here..
[19.08.2013 14:13:22] Mario Calderón: seems that we don't have many participants.....
[19.08.2013 14:13:29] Mario Calderón: just 4
[19.08.2013 14:14:12] Tobias Schoeneberg: teo and i are reading, but we can't really attend in an active way
[19.08.2013 14:14:22] Mario Calderón: ah ok
[19.08.2013 14:14:28] Mario Calderón: we read your email
[19.08.2013 14:15:09] Mario Calderón: testing the site
[19.08.2013 14:16:53] Mario Calderón: I would  say, even if we don't have too many, we should carry out the meeting.

Things are very clear now, and it is a matter of doing.

what do you think?
[19.08.2013 14:17:20] John Agudelo: hi
[19.08.2013 14:17:21] Karsten Thiemann: sure
[19.08.2013 14:17:32] Mario Calderón: great
[19.08.2013 14:17:47] Mario Calderón: we need a secretary and a moderator
[19.08.2013 14:17:57] Mario Calderón: this time I can moderate
[19.08.2013 14:18:07] Karsten Thiemann: I'll do the minutes
[19.08.2013 14:18:20] Mario Calderón: great, then let's start
[19.08.2013 14:19:02 | Edited 14:22:05] Mario Calderón: Agenda

   1.-  Minutes of Previous Meeting
    2.- Actions taken by RM
    3.- Technical team reviews
    4.- Functional Team reviews
    5.- Actions to be taken
    6.- Next meeting
[19.08.2013 14:19:38] Mario Calderón: 1.-  Minutes of Previous Meeting
any comments?
[19.08.2013 14:21:39] Mario Calderón: actually, there was nothing new
Suman launced the instance
[19.08.2013 14:23:00] John Agudelo: Any advance from RM?
[19.08.2013 14:23:39] Mario Calderón: ok, no comments
then let's continue with
 2.- Actions taken by RM
[19.08.2013 14:24:24] ravurisuman: I was down with fever last week
[19.08.2013 14:24:32] ravurisuman: could not make much progress
[19.08.2013 14:25:05] Mario Calderón: so we are at the same point as last week?
[19.08.2013 14:25:12] ravurisuman: yes
[19.08.2013 14:26:14] Karsten Thiemann: regarding Tobis email - will we have one instance for testing with the merged features? Or will we test them one by one?
[19.08.2013 14:26:19] John Agudelo: Oh sorry, summan
[19.08.2013 14:26:42] Karsten Thiemann: I would think it is better to merge them first, because there can be side effects between them
[19.08.2013 14:27:00] ravurisuman: yes Karsten you can start testng them
[19.08.2013 14:27:39] ravurisuman: do you want start testing only after merging all features?
[19.08.2013 14:27:48] ravurisuman: defined in release?
[19.08.2013 14:28:18] Karsten Thiemann: the question is  - do we need to test them again after the merge?
[19.08.2013 14:28:38] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 19. August 2013 14:26] Karsten Thiemann: 

<<< I would think it is better to merge them first, because there can be side effects between themi also think it's the most practical way (i'm not talking about the rc-branch), but if a contributor has multiple contribs, i think it's too much effort to provide a server for each of them
[19.08.2013 14:29:50] ravurisuman: I am doing my own testing as part of merge, but another round of testing is always nice
[19.08.2013 14:29:57] ravurisuman: and needed
[19.08.2013 14:30:24] Mario Calderón: agree with Tobi, Karten
[19.08.2013 14:31:00] John Agudelo: @Tobi:  where is the code of PM Software Project Management, Process Gear in Window and  Autocomplete ?
[19.08.2013 14:31:27] Mario Calderón: to review technically?
[19.08.2013 14:31:31] Mario Calderón: then, let's go to 
3.- Technical team reviews
[19.08.2013 14:31:53] Tobias Schoeneberg: @John not yet rolled out. what's now rolled out is adempiere-195
[19.08.2013 14:33:27 | Edited 14:34:05] Mario Calderón: @Karsten one question:did you receive my email where I sumed up the reviews missing?
should I put it here or can you copy+paste it from my email directly  in the minutes?
[19.08.2013 14:34:07] Karsten Thiemann: wait a second
[19.08.2013 14:35:16] Karsten Thiemann: I'm not sure which email you refer to - so please copy paste it
[19.08.2013 14:36:27] Mario Calderón: ok
[19.08.2013 14:37:29] Mario Calderón: here it is
(and just emailed it to you)
[19.08.2013 14:37:32] Mario Calderón: Resume of

Metas Test Site: should be available last week.    

Manufacturing Light (Adaxa)
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Payment Allocation to charge (Adaxa)
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Payment Request (OFB)
Missing- Functional Review: Enrique Ruibal
Missing- Technical Review: Enrique Ruibal

Budget Management (e-Evolution)
Missing: code
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet

New Costing Engine  (e-Evolution)
Missing- Functional Review: Susanne
Missing- Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Cashflow Management  (e-Evolution)
Missing- Functional Review: Mark
Missing- Technical Review: Suman

New Dunning Functionality (Metas)Missing- Functional Review: Mark
Missing- Functional Review: Karsten
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

SPM Software Project Management  (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Human Resources (Walking Tree)
Missing Code
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Improvements of Info forms (Mike McKay)
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation (e-Evolution)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation (e-Evolution)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Process Gear in Window (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Autocomplete  (Metas)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Chart into Application Dictionary (Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina

Password Hash(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina

Memo Alert(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: Cristina

Generate test data(Adaxa)
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Metas best practices / bugfixes / improvements (Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

AIT/ Unit Testing Framework (Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

ADempiere ID Converter Tool(Metas)
No Page with functional description yet
No code available
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Range based lookup (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

XLS option for jasper reports (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Included tabs as horizontal tabs (Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: John
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet

Separate database for read and write operations(Walking Tree)
Missing- Functional Review: no volunteers yet
Missing Technical Review: no volunteers yet
[19.08.2013 14:38:11] Mario Calderón: this was a list og things missing
[19.08.2013 14:39:54] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 19. August 2013 14:37] Mario Calderón: 

<<< Metas Test Site: should be available last week.    the test site is now available with "AIT/ Unit Testing Framework (Metas)" beeing rolled out. our other contributions are not yet avaiable
[19.08.2013 14:40:38] Mario Calderón: ..and you will roll them out on the same instance Tobi?
[19.08.2013 14:40:59] Mario Calderón: then you just inform us as you go
[19.08.2013 14:42:22] Mario Calderón: This is the list of technical reviews I carried out last week:
- Mobile WebUI
- Migration Management
- Budget Management (missig code from Victor)
- Warehouse Management
- Initial Client Setup
- Print Format Copy
[19.08.2013 14:43:45] Mario Calderón: if you read the summary of reviews, you can see, most missing items are of technical nature, so the technical team is demanded to finish the reviews
[19.08.2013 14:45:23] Mario Calderón: now, let's go over to 
 4.- Functional Team reviews
[19.08.2013 14:46:47] Mario Calderón: - Susanne carried out the functional review of Warehouse Management
- John Agudelo the review of Adaxa's Mobile contrib
[19.08.2013 14:47:18] Karsten Thiemann: metas New Dunning Functionality - I made a functional walk through with Mark but the technical review was delayed and waiting for metas release
[19.08.2013 14:48:21] Mario Calderón: ok, this we can discuss in the "to-dos" item
[19.08.2013 14:48:40] Karsten Thiemann: Forecast Management - looks good to me but Colin had problems to complete a functional review on the test system
[19.08.2013 14:48:41] Mario Calderón: let's start with it right now
 5.- Actions to be taken
[19.08.2013 14:48:53] John Agudelo: I need the demo site of Metas to continue with my revision
[19.08.2013 14:49:26 | Edited 14:50:33] John Agudelo: and code for the technical team
[19.08.2013 14:51:36] Mario Calderón: so, one point would be that metas integrates all its contributions in the instance Tobi created so they can be functionally reviewed, and name a branch where the code can be reviewed
Another important point would be to give a small description in the wiki about the contribs.
[19.08.2013 14:52:42] Mario Calderón: @All: what do you think if the "to do's" enumerate the summary I elaborated?
[19.08.2013 14:53:09] Mario Calderón: if we finish this list, we are almost done
[19.08.2013 14:53:15] John Agudelo: +1 for me
[19.08.2013 14:53:37] Karsten Thiemann: +1
[19.08.2013 14:54:01] suman ravuri: @Mario, will you be sharing list of features I can start integration for this week
[19.08.2013 14:54:04] suman ravuri: ?
[19.08.2013 14:55:01] Mario Calderón: @Suman: yes
I can elaborate another summary, this time of completed reviews
[19.08.2013 14:55:07] Mario Calderón: I can do it today
[19.08.2013 14:55:18] suman ravuri: thanks
[19.08.2013 14:55:29] Mario Calderón: thus:  Suman integrates all items where the functional and technical reviews have been done
[19.08.2013 14:55:42] John Agudelo: I think we need to mark the features that are already in the RC1
[19.08.2013 14:56:06] John Agudelo: in the wiki
[19.08.2013 14:56:58] Mario Calderón: @John: I can add a index in the wiki, and Suman can fill it up.
what do you think?
[19.08.2013 14:58:11] John Agudelo: I agree
[19.08.2013 14:58:33] Karsten Thiemann: we can just use the table here:
[19.08.2013 14:59:45] Mario Calderón: the table has to be updated
[19.08.2013 14:59:54] Karsten Thiemann: right
[19.08.2013 15:00:31] Karsten Thiemann: I just thought that it's ment to show the actual integration status
[19.08.2013 15:00:47] Mario Calderón: yes, this is actually te summary
[19.08.2013 15:00:59] Mario Calderón: I will try to update it
[19.08.2013 15:01:07] Mario Calderón: so it is more readable
[19.08.2013 15:01:27] Mario Calderón: but I don't know how to arrange it more readable
[19.08.2013 15:01:35] Mario Calderón: does anybody?
[19.08.2013 15:01:46] Mario Calderón: then I would update it
[19.08.2013 15:04:53] Karsten Thiemann: maybe a border would be helpful - I'll try something..
[19.08.2013 15:05:24] Mario Calderón: thanks
[19.08.2013 15:05:43] Mario Calderón: can you email me when you're done? I finish it then
[19.08.2013 15:05:51] Karsten Thiemann: just take a look now
[19.08.2013 15:06:06] Karsten Thiemann: I guess that's better
[19.08.2013 15:06:31] Mario Calderón: @Karsten: a question: how easy is to integrate your contibution of changing the background color of fields?
IMHO it is a nice feature with impressive results.
I talked to John and we can review it.
[19.08.2013 15:07:03 | Edited 15:08:42] John Agudelo: @Mario: remove the last 6 columns (like Integration Estimate, decision) and add a column named integrated in RC1
[19.08.2013 15:07:39] Yamel Senih: Hi
[19.08.2013 15:07:51] Karsten Thiemann: isn't that integrated in the metas features?
[19.08.2013 15:07:53] Mario Calderón: hi Yamel, welcome to our meeting
[19.08.2013 15:08:10] Mario Calderón: there is no list of Metas' features
[19.08.2013 15:08:24] Karsten Thiemann: ok
[19.08.2013 15:08:34] Mario Calderón: if Tobi say, it is integrated, the better
[19.08.2013 15:09:02] Karsten Thiemann: I know they use something similar because we did a merge of some features a year ago or so
[19.08.2013 15:09:34] Mario Calderón: so, what can de do here?
ask Metas?
[19.08.2013 15:09:50] Yamel Senih: Hi Mario, tanks
[19.08.2013 15:09:52] Mario Calderón: to integrate it in its intance?
[19.08.2013 15:09:55] Victor Perez Juarez: HI everybody
[19.08.2013 15:10:01] Mario Calderón: hi Victor
[19.08.2013 15:10:12] Victor Perez Juarez: I sorry I am delayed
[19.08.2013 15:10:28] Mario Calderón: @all: Yamel is developing the Android sales solution
[19.08.2013 15:10:33] Karsten Thiemann: the easiest way would to integrate the metas solution because it wouldn't interfer with the rest of their features
[19.08.2013 15:11:15] Mario Calderón: @Kasrten: OK
this means, Metas will integrate it in its instance
[19.08.2013 15:11:44] Mario Calderón: I asked Yamel if he could integrate his development in 3.8
[19.08.2013 15:11:45] Victor Perez Juarez: I am finish with integration of libero to core
[19.08.2013 15:11:53] Karsten Thiemann: I'll ask tobi
[19.08.2013 15:12:07] Victor Perez Juarez: I am following of Teo recommendation
[19.08.2013 15:12:40] Victor Perez Juarez: so this is my new structure that I will move to integrate
[19.08.2013 15:12:48] Victor Perez Juarez:
[19.08.2013 15:13:19] Victor Perez Juarez: Suman ask via Technical Team Mail List
[19.08.2013 15:13:45] Victor Perez Juarez: Why was reason to integrate this contribution in separate directory and jars
[19.08.2013 15:13:48] Mario Calderón: ok, also missing some code and descriptions from you (example budget, etc.)
[19.08.2013 15:14:05] Mario Calderón: it is because a future "mavenization"
[19.08.2013 15:14:19] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that we should answer
[19.08.2013 15:14:38] Mario Calderón: Karsten can answer it in the minutes
[19.08.2013 15:14:58] Mario Calderón: it is because of a possible future "mavenization"
[19.08.2013 15:16:19] Mario Calderón: @Yamel: I think, if you agree, Victor or Suman can integrate your development in their instance so we can review it
[19.08.2013 15:17:10] Mario Calderón: and then suman can integrate it in the Release candidate. Thus, you will have many people who can test your development.
[19.08.2013 15:18:10] Mario Calderón: any further comments, ideas, opinions?
[19.08.2013 15:19:17] Yamel Senih: Yes, the source code is in the wiki
[19.08.2013 15:19:54] Yamel Senih: For now is just windows, process and model class
[19.08.2013 15:20:15] Victor Perez Juarez: I have a question about how should integrate , for example in my case I have a lot the history in repository I should try migrate all this history?
[19.08.2013 15:20:30] Yamel Senih: Currently we is working in the synchronizing and mobile client
[19.08.2013 15:20:43] suman ravuri: it is better to have history
[19.08.2013 15:21:42] Victor Perez Juarez: jejejeje, Suman I am agree
[19.08.2013 15:21:56] Victor Perez Juarez: now need how migrate from git to merculrial
[19.08.2013 15:22:03] Victor Perez Juarez: :)
[19.08.2013 15:24:23] Mario Calderón: if there is no further items

 6.- Next meeting
Monday, August the 26th, 12:00 GMT?
[19.08.2013 15:24:44] Karsten Thiemann: +1
[19.08.2013 15:25:26] suman ravuri: hmm
[19.08.2013 15:25:28] suman ravuri: :)
[19.08.2013 15:26:10] John Agudelo: +1
[19.08.2013 15:26:31] Mario Calderón: is there something Suman?
[19.08.2013 15:28:27] Mario Calderón: then, next week , same time
[19.08.2013 15:28:42] Mario Calderón: thank you gentlemen, and wish you a happy week!
[19.08.2013 15:29:19] Yamel Senih: Thank Mario
[19.08.2013 15:29:40] suman ravuri: thanks
[19.08.2013 15:29:42] suman ravuri: bye
[19.08.2013 15:30:10] Konstantin Herold: thanks, bye
[19.08.2013 15:30:43] Yamel Senih: Bye everybody
[19.08.2013 15:31:08] Karsten Thiemann: bye
[19.08.2013 15:34:14] John Agudelo: bye
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