FT/TT meeting minutes August 12th 2013
...About 9 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Moderator: Mario Calderon
- Secretary: Enrique Ruibal
- Participants: Mario Calderon, Victor Perez Juarez, Suman Ravuri, Cristina Ghita, Enrique Ruibal, Tobias Schöneberg, John Agudelo
- Date / Time: August 13th 2013 / 12:00h - 13:07h GMT
- The meeting closed after 1 hour
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions taken by RM
- Technical team reviews
- Functional Team reviews
- Actions to be taken
- Misc
- Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Link to previous meeting minutes
Actions taken by RM (Suman):
- Launched specific instance for oracle http://adempiereora.walkingtree.in/webui/
- Oracle seed is prepared and checked in
- Got import workflow code from Victor and under testing
- Memo alert testing completed
- Smart browser testing completed
- Got the shell script for automation for new migration application (yet to be checked in)
- Dunning testing is under progress
Technical team reviews:
- Nothing new
- Metas promised to setup revision site this week
- http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS will be modified so it is easier to understand and follow up what can be integrated
- Responsibles for functionalities will define an exact date when they will finish reviewing (applies to functional reviews)
Functional team reviews:
- Applies the same as Technical Team reviews
Actions to be taken:
- Update page: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS (responsible: Mario)
- Metas finishes review instance (responsible: Tobi)
- Finish all technical and functional reviews (everyone responsible for his/her review)
- RM continues merging (responsible: Suman)
- Review HHRR from Walking Tree (responsible: Enrique)
- Setup a date when the release candidate will contain all reviewed contributions, will be published for testing by the community and setup a release date will be done on next meeting, when the reviews have been finished and documented.
Next Meeting:
- Monday, August 19th, 12:00 GMT
Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
[05:59:47] suman ravuri: Hi
[06:01:01] Cristina Ghita: Hi1
[06:01:12] Enrique Ruibal: Hi ..
[06:01:16] Mario Calderón: hi
[06:01:26] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[06:02:39] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): hi
[06:04:46] suman ravuri: Agenda?
[06:06:09] Enrique Ruibal: Looking at previous minute
[06:06:10] Mario Calderón: Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Technical team reviews
Functional Team reviews
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
[06:06:44] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi
[06:06:55] Mario Calderón: and I asked for some additional items:
- setup a date when the release candidate will contain all reviewed contributions
- setup a date when the release candidate will be published for testing by the community
- setup a release date
[06:07:54] Mario Calderón: I can be the secretary
[06:08:14] Mario Calderón: any suggestion for moderator?
[06:10:22] Enrique Ruibal: I can try
[06:10:40] suman ravuri: +1 for Enrique
[06:10:49] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:11:01] Enrique Ruibal: all right lets start then
[06:11:24] Enrique Ruibal: with item No. 1 - the actions taken for release
[06:11:28] Enrique Ruibal: suman?
[06:11:45] suman ravuri: - Launched specific instance for oracle http://adempiereora.walkingtree.in/webui/
- Oracle seed is prepared and checked in
- Got import workflow code from Victor and under testing
- Memo alert testing completed
- Smart browser testing completed
- Got the shell script for automation for new migration application( yet to be checked in)
- Dunning testing is under progress
- Waiting for Susanne to share migration scripts for sales management
[06:12:18] John Agudelo: hi all
[06:12:47] Mario Calderón: concerning the last point: Victor told me he already sent it to you Suman
[06:12:48] Victor Perez Juarez: What happen with other contribution
[06:13:34] suman ravuri: can you please confirm that once?
[06:14:11] suman ravuri: @Victor, can you please confirm this once
[06:15:27] suman ravuri: did you share these details in last two days?
[06:15:52] Victor Perez Juarez: What i know about any script for sales management
[06:17:01] Mario Calderón: @Victor: I think Suman means the rv_bank view
[06:17:09] Victor Perez Juarez: I know tha casflow and this was sent me in branch for casflow
[06:17:47] Enrique Ruibal: then what do we conclude for this particular pont?
[06:18:57] suman ravuri: @Victor, if you check in the scripts related to migration I will verify
[06:19:08] suman ravuri: once let you know
[06:19:19] Mario Calderón: if the view has been commited, Suman should include it; otherwise Victor has to tell Suman how to find it
[06:19:47] Enrique Ruibal: I think we should leave this for Victor and suman to resolve among themselves
[06:19:50] Enrique Ruibal: let us move on
[06:19:51] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:19:56] suman ravuri: +1
[06:20:02] John Agudelo: +1
[06:20:12] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok
[06:20:23] Enrique Ruibal: about the rest of the integrations I suggest we should update the chart at the bottom of the wiki
[06:20:29] Enrique Ruibal: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS
[06:20:38] suman ravuri: [5:43:42 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: What happen with other contribution
[06:20:41] Enrique Ruibal: we need to now exactly where we are
[06:20:55] Enrique Ruibal: Java 7 support
Sales Management (CRM) Adaxa
GL reconciliation Adaxa
Payment Request OFB
Forecast Management e-Evolution
Budget Management e-Evolution
New Costing Engine e-Evolution
Cashflow Management e-Evolution
Warehouse Management e-Evolution
New Dunning Functionality metas
SPM Software Project Management metas
Initial Client Setup Adaxa
Info forms Mike McKay
Add Export Account Viewer e-Evolution
New grouping for product e-Evolution
MRP Supply and Demand Pegging e-Evolution
MRP Browse for demand and supply e-Evolution
Net Change Material Plan and Selective Material Plant e-Evolution
Smart Browse for approval of Planning Order e-Evolution
Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation e-Evolution
Import Bill of Material e-Evolution
Import Workflow e-Evolution
Import Product Attributes Instances e-Evolution
Add Collection Status, Dunning Grace Date Dunning Level fields into the import invoice process and Receivables Write-off e-Evolution
Process Gear in Window metas
Autocomplete metas
Mobil WebUI Adaxa
Migration Management Adaxa
Chart into Application Dictionary Adaxa
Password Hash Adaxa
Memo Alert Adaxa
Control Columns Grid Adaxa
Smart Browser e-Evolution
AIT/ Unit Testing Framework metas
Customization of mail sent by request notifications Freepath
Allow consolidation of PO from Req with different dates Freepath
Payment Order OFB
Automatic Bank conciliation OFB
Print Format copy Adaxa
Report cube Adaxa
Graphics on one window Adaxa
Payment-Allocation improvements Adaxa
Manufacturing Light(ML) integration approach Adaxa
Windows improvemnts with web services Metas
[06:21:48] Mario Calderón: better is to list it Enrique, for editing it ;)
[06:22:14] Mario Calderón: important is to know what is still missing
[06:22:26] suman ravuri: @Enrique, I got list of features to be included as intital set
[06:22:32] suman ravuri: most of them are completed
[06:23:01] suman ravuri: now we prepare another list of items, but it seems many items have TT review pending
[06:23:19] Mario Calderón: @all: most items are reviewed
[06:23:28] suman ravuri: TT review?
[06:23:36] Mario Calderón: functionally and technically
[06:23:41] Enrique Ruibal: we need to be specific we should update this chart
[06:24:00] Mario Calderón: there are just one or two who miss technical review
[06:24:33] Enrique Ruibal: It correctly states a column for each status:
[06:24:39] Mario Calderón: just have a look at the page: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS
[06:25:00] Enrique Ruibal: Contributor, Priority, Tested/Operational, Integration Estimate, Decision
[06:25:13] John Agudelo: we need demo site for features of metas
[06:25:45] suman ravuri: [5:55:55 PM] Enrique Ruibal: Contributor, Priority, Tested/Operational, Integration Estimate, Decision
<<< good format +1
[06:26:04] Enrique Ruibal: right so let us have it filled in
[06:26:18] Enrique Ruibal: we can do it right now
[06:26:44] Enrique Ruibal: or have interested parties fill in themselves
[06:26:52] Enrique Ruibal: what do you suggest?
[06:27:11] Enrique Ruibal: shall we go and review each item?
[06:27:23] suman ravuri: I would suggest to some one to come up with format
[06:27:44] suman ravuri: then FT/TT will decide priority, I will fill estimate and status
[06:27:58] Enrique Ruibal: @Mario could you help us with it?
[06:30:10] Mario Calderón: one question Suman: in my opinion, the integration should just be done with a "merge".
Why the need of days to include it?
[06:30:32] Mario Calderón: just merge one branch with another, and you're done}
[06:30:38] Mario Calderón: matter of seconds
[06:31:05] Mario Calderón: (in my limited knowledge)
[06:31:40] Enrique Ruibal: OK. I suggest we conclude this item of the agenda
[06:32:10] Enrique Ruibal: I guess we all agree we need to have this concentrate of the new features properly filled in the status of each item
[06:32:13] Enrique Ruibal: do you all agree?
[06:32:27] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:32:30] Enrique Ruibal: +1
[06:32:32] John Agudelo: +1
[06:32:34] Cristina Ghita: +1
[06:33:05] Mario Calderón: but I'd like to know how long it takes to integrate one branch which is already approved
[06:33:17] suman ravuri: @Mario, I will list the items I am doing,
[06:33:21] suman ravuri: give me 2 minutes
[06:34:42] Enrique Ruibal: Ok while suman provides this list then we'll conclude that we are going to update this chart during the week and review it for next meeting
[06:35:14] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:35:17] Enrique Ruibal: Next Item on the Agenda is Technical Team reviews
[06:35:35] Enrique Ruibal: Please TT Members come forward we your feedback?
[06:36:11] Cristina Ghita: I started to review Memo Alert
Not finished yet..
[06:37:20] Mario Calderón: any time to finish Cristina?
[06:37:34] suman ravuri: Here are the steps I am doing
1. Code merge. HG flow merge it is easier as simple merge command it would work. BUt in case of conflict I need to review and add code
2. Not all features are in adempiere repo, some of them are repo belong to specific contibutor, then I need to identify the specific code chanages and merge
them manually( it takes couple of steps)
3. After merging code apply the scripts in corresponding data base
4. It has to appled in both oracle and postgres
5. check the order of scripts and apply them, if it has dependency on another feature get them
6. test the funtionality in following diffrent formats
postgres swing client
postgres webui
oracle swing client
oracle webui
[06:37:52] Mario Calderón: we must set dates , otherwise we will meet forever
[06:38:30] Cristina Ghita: I will be in vacation starting tomorrow.. so a possible date is 26 august I think
[06:38:32] Mario Calderón: @Suman: thank you very much
[06:38:43] Victor Perez Juarez: I have pending integrate libero
[06:38:53] Mario Calderón: I wll put it in the minutes
[06:39:03] Victor Perez Juarez: I finish this work this weekend
[06:40:20] suman ravuri: @Mario, any suggestions and comments on process
[06:40:59] Enrique Ruibal: @Mario I think in order to set milestone dates we need a clear picture of the progress we have by filling in that chart with the status of each feature
[06:41:09] Mario Calderón: @Suman: you know how to apply all scripts at once, instead of manually? You can do it in eclise, with ANT
[06:41:34] suman ravuri: DDUtils?
[06:41:51] Mario Calderón: @Enrique: yes
And the responsibles must give a final date when the will be finished.
[06:42:07] Enrique Ruibal: @Mario right that is the way to go
[06:42:14] Mario Calderón: @Suman: in /migration
[06:42:38] suman ravuri: you mean run_migration.sh?
[06:43:15] suman ravuri: one way is to use DDUtils
[06:43:15] Mario Calderón: @Suman: migration/build.xml
[06:43:44] suman ravuri: I will check and let you know
[06:44:01] Enrique Ruibal: all right let us move on with next item on the agenda
[06:44:17] Enrique Ruibal: Functional Reviews.. comments any one?
[06:44:23] Mario Calderón: is there a last meeting minutes?
[06:44:40] Enrique Ruibal: http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_August_5th_2013
[06:44:42] Mario Calderón: (just to include it in my minutes)
[06:44:48] Mario Calderón: thanks
[06:45:03] Enrique Ruibal: Any comments for functional reviews?
[06:45:53] Mario Calderón: we cannot review Metas' functionalities
[06:46:06] Enrique Ruibal: I am still testing payment requests it seems to be for some users only and I am discussing ways to make it more general
[06:46:35] Enrique Ruibal: any comments from Metas team?
[06:47:30] Cristina Ghita: We have no update, yet.. :(
But maybe Tobi knows more..
[06:48:25] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): yes have a dedicated server now, but i didn't get to finish rollout of our stuff yet
[06:49:06] Mario Calderón: @Tobi: any date to finish it?
[06:49:35] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): i hope to finish this week
[06:51:45] Mario Calderón: @all: I would like that all responsibles finish to review the items they have sigend or put a date so Suman -and we - know when they can be integrated
[06:52:55] Enrique Ruibal: all right I guess then the release dates will wait until we have a clearer picture of the overall progress we have
[06:54:35] John Agudelo: I am testing mobile web ui, I hope finish today, I need to go, bye all.
[06:54:45] Mario Calderón: I will take up "Picklist simulated explosion and consumption calculation"
[06:54:57] Cristina Ghita: bye
[06:55:07] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): but didn't we aggree on a release date and the stuff not ready by the to be added in ta leter release?
[06:55:08] suman ravuri: Did any get chance to start community testing based on instances hosted at walkingtree?
[06:55:40] Mario Calderón: @Suman: john Agudelo did
[06:55:54] suman ravuri: any feedback?
[06:56:30] Mario Calderón: he's gone :(
I will remind him
I will also have a loot at them Suman
[06:56:45] Enrique Ruibal: walking tree instance is very good... I think we need to focus on having a single testing instance including all changes
[06:57:02] Mario Calderón: ..the release candidate....
[06:57:10] suman ravuri: as we progress all the features will be added there
[06:57:14] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): that can be asds2
[06:57:26] suman ravuri: and tobi got another instance as well
[06:57:42] suman ravuri: I think we are good to start testing
[06:57:43] Schöneberg, Tobias (metas.de): it's updated to the current build
[06:57:51] Enrique Ruibal: we should focus on having a main testing instance with perhaps an alternative one
[06:58:50] Enrique Ruibal: all testing instances whould shave the same code
[06:59:54] Enrique Ruibal: all right I think we finished reviewing all items on the agenda
[07:00:37] suman ravuri: [5:37:04 PM] Mario Calderón: Actions to be taken
<<< ?
[07:00:56] suman ravuri: Can you list them in simple points?
[07:01:18] Mario Calderón: 1. update page: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS
2.- Metas finishes review instance
3.- finish all technical and functional reviews
4.- Suman continues merging
[07:01:38] Enrique Ruibal: finish all functional testing
[07:02:01] Enrique Ruibal: what about human resources from walking tree?
[07:02:12] Enrique Ruibal: would that be included for testing too?
[07:02:51] suman ravuri: my suggestion is some one review it functionally at http://eaglerp.walkingtree.in/admin
[07:02:58] suman ravuri: and share feedback to team
[07:03:03] Enrique Ruibal: ok.. great to know it
[07:03:05] Enrique Ruibal: thanks suman
[07:03:17] suman ravuri: then we can decide on what can be done
[07:03:48] Enrique Ruibal: all right then I guess we can call off this meeting
[07:04:41] Enrique Ruibal: Next Meeting same time next monday Aug 19th
[07:05:09] Mario Calderón: ok
thanks to all
have a nice day (for Suman , the rest of it)
[07:05:32] suman ravuri: thanks, bye
[07:05:41] Enrique Ruibal: thank you, see you next mdy
[07:05:44] Cristina Ghita: thanks
[07:05:45] Cristina Ghita: bye
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