FT/TT meeting minutes August 5th 2013
...About 6 minCommunityWikiMeetings
- Moderator: Steven Sackett
- Secretary: Cristina Ghita
- Participants: Steven Sackett, Cristina Ghita, Suman Ravuri, later Tobias Schoeneberg.
- Date / Time: August 05th 2013 / 12:00h - 13:05h GMT
- The meeting closed after ~1 hour
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions taken by RM -Technical team reviews
- Functional Team reviews
- Actions to be taken
Next meeting
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_July_29th_2013
Actions taken by RM
- Migration ongoing
- Cash flow - waiting for Susanne to share configuration files, sent mail to her
- Import workflow : Process was missing in repository. Sent mail to Victor requesting required data
- Dunning collection is under testing
- Smart browser is being tested
- Fix in zk for grid display column
- Public release: http://adempiere.walkingtree.in/admin
- Tobi made available adempiere 380-rc1 on asds2 for community testing: http://asds2.adempiere.de:8080/webui/
- Build is reset every day at 0:00 (don't know the timezone)
- It rolls out the build at http://asds1.adempiere.de:8080/job/adempiere-3.8.0/
- The job(adempiere-3.8.0) checks yout the code from SF http://hg.code.sf.net/p/adempiere/code, branch release/380rc1
Technical team reviews
- no progress
Functional team reviews
- no progress
Actions to be taken
- implicit in the other items
- metas will try to make some progress this week regarding providing a demo system for community to see the items that Metas offered for 3.80 inclusion
Next meeting
- Monday, August 12th, 12:00 GMT
Hi All
[05.08.2013 15:02:48] Steven: Hi Suman
[05.08.2013 15:03:09] Tobias Schoeneberg: hi
[05.08.2013 15:03:12] suman ravuri: Hi Steve
[05.08.2013 15:03:51] Steven: in preparation....
[05.08.2013 15:03:58] Steven: Agenda
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Technical team reviews
Functional Team reviews
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
[05.08.2013 15:05:16] Cristina Ghita: Hi
[05.08.2013 15:05:28] Steven: Minutes of Previous Meeting from Mario .. http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_July_22nd_2013
[05.08.2013 15:05:54] Steven: Hi Tobi, Cristina,
[05.08.2013 15:10:09] Steven: Are we ready to start or do we wait a while?
[05.08.2013 15:12:04] Steven: do we have any volunteers for moderator and secretary?
[05.08.2013 15:13:26] Steven: If there are no volunteers are there any objections to me moderating?
[05.08.2013 15:14:04] suman ravuri: +1 steve to moderate
[05.08.2013 15:14:54] Steven: ok .. assume there are no objections .. thanks Suman.
[05.08.2013 15:15:49 | Edited 15:16:02] Steven: Volunteer for secretary, candidates seem to be Tobi, Cristina and Suman ... who is it to be?
[05.08.2013 15:16:49] Steven: if we keep it short I will ..
[05.08.2013 15:16:57] Steven: Minutes of Previous Meeting
[05.08.2013 15:17:43] Steven: Suman was to have a test system avaialble for initial testing
[05.08.2013 15:18:47] Steven: Tobi was trying to rollout adempiere 380-rc1 on asds2 for community testing
[05.08.2013 15:19:05] Steven: vote to adopt the minutes?
[05.08.2013 15:19:14] Steven: Tobi?
[05.08.2013 15:19:41] Steven: Cristina?
[05.08.2013 15:19:52] Cristina Ghita: yes
[05.08.2013 15:19:54] Cristina Ghita: sure
[05.08.2013 15:20:12] Cristina Ghita: I think I can volunteer for secretary.. I guess
[05.08.2013 15:20:26] Steven: great.. you win the job!
[05.08.2013 15:20:30] Cristina Ghita: :))
[05.08.2013 15:20:59] Steven: so we adopt the minutes .. matters arising from minutes..
[05.08.2013 15:21:18] Steven: Suman, can you tell us where we are with the test system at WT please
[05.08.2013 15:21:22] Cristina Ghita: yes, is fine with me
[05.08.2013 15:21:32] suman ravuri: I have installed it in wednesday
[05.08.2013 15:21:42] suman ravuri: shared link to team
[05.08.2013 15:21:50] suman ravuri: it is on postgres
[05.08.2013 15:22:01] suman ravuri: postgres latest seed is checked in
[05.08.2013 15:22:30] Steven: can we share the link here or are you waiting till there is a more public release?
[05.08.2013 15:22:47] suman ravuri: http://adempiere.walkingtree.in/admin
[05.08.2013 15:22:52 | Edited 15:23:04] Steven: thanks
[05.08.2013 15:23:26 | Edited 15:23:36] Steven: Is there a link to those things that are now added to that system that people can review?
[05.08.2013 15:23:46] suman ravuri: I sent release notes
[05.08.2013 15:23:57] suman ravuri: I wil paste details here
[05.08.2013 15:24:07] Steven: thanks
[05.08.2013 15:25:14 | Edited 15:25:38] Steven: I asked earlier where you would like feedback / bug reports to be entered, can you please post that link also.
[05.08.2013 15:26:08] suman ravuri: one minute
[05.08.2013 15:26:20] suman ravuri: https://adempiere.atlassian.net/browse/ADEMPIERE-198?jql=text%20~%20%22sales%20management%22
[05.08.2013 15:26:29] suman ravuri: start adding your feedback here
[05.08.2013 15:26:38] suman ravuri: I will change the description of the feature
[05.08.2013 15:27:31] Steven: Thanks Suman..
[05.08.2013 15:28:22] suman ravuri: another update is here
[05.08.2013 15:28:59] suman ravuri: 1. Cash flow - waiting for Susanne to share configuration files, sent mail to her
[05.08.2013 15:29:32] suman ravuri: 2. Import workflow : Process was missing in repository. Sent mail to Victor requesting required data
[05.08.2013 15:29:48] suman ravuri: 3. Made fix in zk for grid display column
[05.08.2013 15:31:16] Steven: @Suman, before you give us your status report can I ask if Tobi has anything to report on adempiere 380-rc1 on asds2 for community testing?
[05.08.2013 15:31:52] Tobias Schoeneberg: it finally works now :) (getting the url)
[05.08.2013 15:32:07] Tobias Schoeneberg: http://asds2.adempiere.de:8080/webui/
[05.08.2013 15:33:20] Tobias Schoeneberg: this build is reset every day at 0:00 (sorry timezome coming soon)
[05.08.2013 15:33:39] Tobias Schoeneberg: and it rolls out the build at http://asds1.adempiere.de:8080/job/adempiere-3.8.0/
[05.08.2013 15:34:26] Tobias Schoeneberg: that job (adempiere-3.8.0) checks yout the code from SF
[05.08.2013 15:34:43] Tobias Schoeneberg: http://hg.code.sf.net/p/adempiere/code
branch release/380rc1
[05.08.2013 15:36:16] Steven: ..and this is Suman's most up-to-date code location?
[05.08.2013 15:36:23] suman ravuri: yes
[05.08.2013 15:36:29 | Edited 15:37:39] Steven: excuse my ignorance on this stuff
[05.08.2013 15:37:28 | Edited 15:38:06] Steven: So, will this 'take over' what you are displaying on the WT site or is it there for a different purpose?
[05.08.2013 15:38:58] Steven: come back to that later...
[05.08.2013 15:39:21] Steven: Suman, Can you give us your Release manager report for the week...
[05.08.2013 15:39:50] Steven: 1. Cash flow - waiting for Susanne to share configuration files, sent mail to her
2. Import workflow : Process was missing in repository. Sent mail to Victor requesting required data
3. Made fix in zk for grid display column
[05.08.2013 15:41:12] Steven: Is there anything you are waiting on adaxa for?
[05.08.2013 15:42:51] suman ravuri: oracle seed in under preperation
[05.08.2013 15:43:03] suman ravuri: will be done by wednesday
[05.08.2013 15:43:29] suman ravuri: 1. Dunning collection is under testing
[05.08.2013 15:43:42] Tobias Schoeneberg: [5 august 2013 15:36] Steven:
<<< ..and this is Suman's most up-to-date code location?this also made me think..the polling of the SF repo was not active. i fixed it
[05.08.2013 15:43:47] suman ravuri: 2. Smart browser is being tested
[05.08.2013 15:45:37] Steven: @Suman, Victor is not with us yet, have you heard anything further about moving Libero to a sparate folder as was discussed a couple of weeks back
[05.08.2013 15:47:23] suman ravuri: no
[05.08.2013 15:47:35] suman ravuri: I did not hear anything yet
[05.08.2013 15:48:18] Steven: Are there further things that you are planning for this week or is it listed above?
[05.08.2013 15:48:42] suman ravuri: We need to add more feature
[05.08.2013 15:48:47] suman ravuri: one
[05.08.2013 15:48:53] suman ravuri: I can accomdate one more feature
[05.08.2013 15:49:06] Steven: Manufacturing Light?
[05.08.2013 15:49:34] Steven: a small one ;)
[05.08.2013 15:49:50] suman ravuri: :)
[05.08.2013 15:49:55] suman ravuri: fine with this
[05.08.2013 15:50:09] Steven: ok ... perhaps we can move to Technical team reviews
[05.08.2013 15:50:49] Cristina Ghita: I don;t have anything new to report; I did not have time last week :(
[05.08.2013 15:51:10] Steven: thanks ... much same issue.
[05.08.2013 15:52:22] Steven: @Tobi, a few weeks back I think it was said that Metas would provide a demo system for us to see the items that Metas offered for 3.80 inclusion. Is this available?
[05.08.2013 15:52:39] Steven: Is it still planned?
[05.08.2013 15:57:47 | Edited 16:02:59] Steven: we will come back to this when Tobi is free
[05.08.2013 15:58:16] Steven: Functional Team reviews ??
[05.08.2013 15:58:47] Steven: none this week ..
[05.08.2013 15:59:29] Cristina Ghita: it's also a bit of vacation season :)
[05.08.2013 16:00:30] Steven: Actions to be taken
[05.08.2013 16:01:04] Steven: Cristina, perhaps you can ask Tobi about the test system ..
[05.08.2013 16:01:10] Steven: any other matters?
[05.08.2013 16:01:25] Cristina Ghita: ok
[05.08.2013 16:01:52] Steven: Lets close .. in 1 hour and 1 minute!
[05.08.2013 16:02:16] Cristina Ghita: fast! but not furious ;)
[05.08.2013 16:03:15] Tobias Schoeneberg: (back)
[5 august 2013 15:52] Steven:
<<< @Tobi, a few weeks back I think it was said that Metas would provide a demo system for us to see the items that Metas offered for 3.80 inclusion. Is this available?sorry, not yet..but thx for the reminder i'll try to have some progress this week
[05.08.2013 16:03:35] Steven: ok, bye to all..
[05.08.2013 16:03:38] Cristina Ghita: ok
[05.08.2013 16:03:40] Cristina Ghita: bye!
[05.08.2013 16:03:46] Cristina Ghita: Have a nice week!
[05.08.2013 16:03:50] suman ravuri: by
[05.08.2013 16:04:00] suman ravuri: bye
[05.08.2013 16:04:22] Steven: thanks .. btw I am on vacation for next two meetings with no wifi...
[05.08.2013 16:04:56] Cristina Ghita: ok. Have a nice vacation and have fun!
[05.08.2013 16:05:09] Steven: thanks .. bye
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