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FT/TT meeting minutes July 22nd 2013

ADempiere...About 17 minCommunityWikiMeetings



Moderator: Steven Sackett
Secretary: Mario Calderon
Participants: Mario Calderon, Victor Perez Juarez, Suman Ravuri, Teodor Sarca, Steven Sackett, Cristina Ghita, Konstantin Herold, later John Agudelo.
Date / Time: July 22nd 2013 / 12:00h - 13:45h GMT
The meeting closed after 1 3/4 hours


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions taken by RM
  3. Technical team reviews
  4. Functional Team reviews
  5. Actions to be taken
  6. Next meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Link to previous meeting minutesopen in new window

Actions taken by RM

  • Sales Management (CRM) Code Merge completed, but having issues with new Migration approach. Dependencies problems will be solved in the next 2 days.
  • Payment Allocation to charge Code Merge is in progress and will be completed by Wednesday.
  • Migration Management Code Merge is completed and under review/testing.
  • Chart into Application Dictionary Code Merge is completed and under testing.
  • Password Hash Code Merge is completed and under testing.
  • Memo Alert Code Merge is completed and under testing.
  • Release Manager has encountered technical problems. He is advised to ask for cooperation from contributors.
  • Suggestion by Teo: Review and integrate Metas Best Practicesopen in new window which includes refactored and stabilized XML migration.
  • Other functionality being included:
    • Cashflow Management
    • Add Export Account Viewer
    • Import Bill of Material
    • Import Workflow
    • Import Product Attributes Instances
    • Add Collection Status, Dunning Grace Date, Dunning Level fields into the import invoice process and Receivables Write-off
    • Print Format Copy
    • Support Java 7

Technical team reviews

  • Tobi is working on rolling out adempiere 380-rc1 on asds2 for community testing but encountered java problems during the rollout. A decision is needed whether to roll out the current rc on ADeV servers.
  • Dependencies problems: Steven offered to have Paul discuss these matters with Suman on Wednesday.
  • Libero code has been reviewed technically and functionally. It was agreed to include it. Teo suggested that this should be done in a separate folder/directory for mavenization, which Victor will handle.

Functional team reviews

  • Libero HR is missing from the review. Mario will handle the review.

Next meeting

Monday, July 28th, 12:00 GMT


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6

Monday, 22 July 2013
[05:58:57] Mario Calderón: hello everybody
[05:59:33] Cristina Ghita: Hi Mario! Hi everybody!
[05:59:35] suman ravuri: Hello
[05:59:48] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi All
[06:00:07] Schöneberg, Tobias ( Hi
[06:00:20] Victor Perez Juarez: hi All
[06:01:05] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[06:02:05] Mario Calderón: should we start?
[06:02:21] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok with me
[06:02:30] Teodor Sarca: hi all
[06:02:38] Mario Calderón: I can be the secretary
[06:02:54] Mario Calderón: moderator?
[06:03:34] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any volunteers?
[06:04:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can I volunteer then?
[06:04:46] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:05:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Teo, Tobi, maybe you get more votes...
[06:05:59] suman ravuri: +1 for Steve
[06:06:05] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. we start
[06:06:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Minutes of Previous Meeting ... anything to change?
[06:07:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mario, can you record the link to the minutes please
[06:08:12] Mario Calderón: I find only this:
[06:08:51] suman ravuri: I was secretary, sorry I missed it
[06:09:30] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. we hold that action over.  Suman, can you please publish when you have time.
[06:09:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): next item
[06:09:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Actions taken by RM
[06:09:59] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman can you pls bring us up to date.
[06:10:01] suman ravuri: Sales Management (CRM) Code Merge completed. But having issues with new Migration approache . Will be able to solve in next 2 days
[06:10:11] suman ravuri: Payment Allocation to charge Code Merge is in progress. Will be able to complete by Wednesday
[06:10:30] suman ravuri: Migration Management Code Merge is completed. Under review and testing

Chart into Application Dictionary Code Merge is completed. Under testing

Password Hash Code Merge is completed. Under testing

Memo Alert Code Merge is completed. Under testing
[06:11:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Any questions for Suman please.
[06:11:52] Schöneberg, Tobias ( i got one..not sure it i should address sumanr or victor though
[06:12:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I have one, has it been decided where we go to test the system
[06:12:33] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @steven: same complex here :-)
[06:12:50] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [17.07.2013 16:34:25] Tobias Schoeneberg: hello victor, suman

i'm currently trying to rollout adempiere 380-rc1 on asds2 for community testing

[06:13:10] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [..]

[17.07.2013 16:35:47] Tobias Schoeneberg: when i build adempiere with java-7, the build works, but i get this error when trying to rollout:

<<< [..]
[06:13:27] Schöneberg, Tobias ( looks like java-7-support is only partially integrated to the rc
[06:13:48] Schöneberg, Tobias ( the code might work, but the rollout code (caled by run_setup) is not yet
[06:13:52] suman ravuri: @Tobi, we need to work together
[06:14:18] suman ravuri: I have automation deployment in place for java 7, with run_setup
[06:14:46] suman ravuri: we will compare configration together in two environments
[06:15:56] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @suman: ok, we can sort it out after the meeting, i guess
[06:16:31] suman ravuri: I discussed with paul today and he told new migration approach can also be automated
[06:16:53] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @steven: i think it's not yet been decided, but we could decide now. suman's and my idea was to build and rollout out the current rc at ADeV servers.
[06:17:12] Victor Perez Juarez: May is necessary add Java 7 as deployment option
[06:18:07] Schöneberg, Tobias ( the rc to be rolled out to the ADeV server. would be the version with features alredy integrated, but maybe not yet tested "together which each other". two servers, one with oracle, one with postgres (mysql possible on a 3rd instance)
[06:18:35] Mario Calderón: I'd like to know why it takes days to integrate one contribution.

I am not a Mercurial expert, but I know you have to integrate the code and update the seed.

For the code, you take the changes and apply/migrate them, for the seed you apply the SQLs.

This is what we do when we integrate all external contributions.

Unless the new code breaks the old code or the SQLs don't work, but then it'a a matter of asking the contributor.
[06:19:27] suman ravuri: Mario, CRM contribution is the one which is taking time
[06:19:53] suman ravuri: here are the reasosns for taking more time
[06:21:54] Mario Calderón: technical reasons?
[06:22:18] suman ravuri: 

1. we are trying with new migration approach

2. No where it is documented the dependent features

3. Migration feature does not tell me where it failing, it just hangs on

4. Investigation on where is failing manually taking time
[06:23:02] suman ravuri: One classic example is Probability column in opprorunity table
[06:23:15] suman ravuri: this is expecting ad_elemnent with 54396
[06:23:36] Mario Calderón: what can be done that this doesn't occur with other contributions?

I know for example that Victor did include Adaxa's CRM in his trunk.
[06:23:38] suman ravuri: but ad_element with id 54396 is not there at all
[06:23:44] suman ravuri: not sure where to find
[06:24:22] Teodor Sarca: @suman:

[3:23:05 PM] suman ravuri: 1. we are trying with new migration approach

2. No where it is documented the dependent features

3. Migration feature does not tell me where it failing, it just hangs on

4. Investigation on where is failing manually taking time

<<< please take a look, review and integrate .... there we had also refactored and stabilized XML migration
[06:24:50] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [14:24:21] Mario Calderón: I know for example that Victor did include Adaxa's CRM in his trunk.

<<< maybe AD_Element_ID=54396 belongs to another contrib that Victor integrated first, but Suman doesn'T know the dependencies, so doesn'T know what to integrate before CRM
[06:26:12] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, can I get Paul to go through these matters with you on Wednesday?  Instead of spending time on this now..
[06:26:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I would be interested to hear offline what progress he and you made today
[06:27:02] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:27:17] suman ravuri: sure Steve
[06:27:43] Victor Perez Juarez: The main issue is that feature have dependence with other
[06:27:59] Mario Calderón: I suppose also the Technical Team is there to support Suman whenever he meets a technical problem
[06:28:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman, you copied me on an email with some status info.  Do you mind if I include here?
[06:28:29] Victor Perez Juarez: Then is necessary integrare All firt
[06:28:31] suman ravuri: no problem
[06:28:44] Victor Perez Juarez: First
[06:28:47] suman ravuri: go ahead steve
[06:29:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): 


Sales Management (CRM) 	Code Merge completed. But having issues with new Migration approache . Will be able to solve in next 2 days

Payment Allocation to charge 	Code Merge is in progress. Will be able to complete by Wednesday

Cashflow Management 	

Add Export Account Viewer 	

Import Bill of Material 	

Import Workflow 	

Import Product Attributes Instances 	

Add Collection Status, Dunning Grace Date Dunning Level fields into the import invoice process and Receivables Write-off

Migration Management 	Code Merge is completed. Under review and testing

Chart into Application Dictionary 	Code Merge is completed. Under testing

Password Hash 	Code Merge is completed. Under testing

Memo Alert 	Code Merge is completed. Under testing

Print Format Copy 	

Support Java 7 	

Smart Browser
[06:29:55] Victor Perez Juarez: Where i created the branch I made separate the code
[06:30:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): This was the status today.
[06:31:56] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Victor, Tobi, can you both discuss the issue offline with Suman and see if problem can be overcome.  I cant get assistance from Paul till Wednesday.
[06:32:44] Victor Perez Juarez: So Suma need test this approach and include all features because exist dependences between features
[06:32:49] suman ravuri: with this I am not very much confident about migration
[06:33:36] suman ravuri: about new migration approach
[06:33:37] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @Teo:

[14:25:07] Teodor Sarca: .. there we had also refactored and stabilized XML migration

<<< would this give suman better error messages?
[06:34:31] suman ravuri: I am fine to integrate all the code as long as we have some order defined
[06:34:58] Mario Calderón: @Suman: Libero code should also be included. It has been reviewed technically and funcationally:
[06:35:16] Teodor Sarca: [3:34:25 PM] Tobias Schoeneberg: @Teo:

[3:25 PM] Teodor Sarca: 

<<< .. there we had also refactored and stabilized XML migrationwould this give suman better error messages?

<<< yes
[06:35:27] Schöneberg, Tobias ( because

[14:32:41] Steven: Victor, Tobi, can you both discuss the issue offline with Suman and see if problem can be overcome.  

<<< i don't see how to overcome it least not with a one-shot. the only we i see is find out where it works (in this case Victor) and ask that person when the missing (in this case AD_Element) is about, then find out hwat the contrib is :-(
[06:35:41] Schöneberg, Tobias ( or do you see a better way of defining the order?
[06:35:58] suman ravuri: this one i am working with Victor
[06:36:18] suman ravuri: he helped me by giving important clues
[06:36:57] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): can I just be clear for the non-technical moderator...
[06:37:58] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): there may be columns that have been used in a later migration script that are not there if things are not created in the same order as originally done?
[06:38:02] Victor Perez Juarez: The feature need integrante based on sequence tracker
[06:38:29] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @Steven: yes
[06:39:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): and @Tobi... that could occur regardless of which migration method was used?
[06:41:54] Schöneberg, Tobias ( i am not the migration expert, but when we continue to work as we currently do, then afaik yes.

an alternative might be to use specific entity types for feature contrib (what i suggested for CRM and what we do for dunning).

then (with our refactored XML import), one could create and XML-migration file for the complete EntityType
[06:42:21] suman ravuri: @Victor, do we have a documentation for sequence checker
[06:42:27] Schöneberg, Tobias ( 2pack maight be another way, but it tends to create very large, inefficient packages (accoording to my experiences)
[06:43:11] Schöneberg, Tobias ( another solution would be do docment well which contrib depends on which other contrib
[06:43:25] suman ravuri: my own experience is wtc is genetation of sqls
[06:43:33] suman ravuri: is best way
[06:43:54] suman ravuri: with this i was able to automate most of deployments
[06:44:03] Mario Calderón: ..the good thng of XML is that you are DB independent
[06:44:16] Mario Calderón: and is atomic
[06:44:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. anyone object if we leave this topic until i can get some input from Paul?
[06:44:46] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @suman: but in this case, the only benefit would be that you had a SQL-ErrorMessage..and this can well be solved in the XML-migration package (and as i'm asked to point out, has in fact been done inside our refactoring ;-) )
[06:45:04] Victor Perez Juarez: @Suman is simple Where i take of code of adaxa repository i created the feature cronologycaly
[06:45:04] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @steve: no objection at all
[06:45:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Tobi, can we see the changes to xml migration by Metas?
[06:45:56] suman ravuri: is it 195 feature?
[06:46:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. next topic
[06:46:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Technical team reviews
[06:47:21] Victor Perez Juarez: The adempiere-143 is before that adempiere-145
[06:47:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I saw lots of review work by Mario on Libero..Mario can u pls give us your views
[06:48:15] Mario Calderón: yes.

I reviewed Libero quite thoroughly but on the technical side
[06:48:23] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [14:46:41] suman ravuri: is it 195 feature?

<<< yes (
[06:48:29] Mario Calderón: on the functional side it was already reviewd
[06:48:39] Victor Perez Juarez: So All the adaxa contribution need integrare first this way you have not issue I mede this in repository
[06:48:39] suman ravuri: @teo, May I know the feature id for XML migration that you are working
[06:49:12] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [14:49:24] suman ravuri: @teo, May I know the feature id for XML migration that you are working

<<< also included in a sort of "proof of concept"
[06:49:29] suman ravuri: I tried with 195
[06:49:46] suman ravuri: it gave many time "differed constaraints are implemented"
[06:50:31] Mario Calderón: according to , there hasn't been any furhter reviews last week. This is also because most contributions have been reviewed functionally.
[06:51:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so we are at the point where the technical and functional teams need to confirm that Libero should go into core?
[06:51:47] Mario Calderón: yes...
[06:52:06] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): do the team members now vote on this?
[06:52:25] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): in favour?
[06:52:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): please vote...
[06:52:37] Mario Calderón:
[06:53:21] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we must decide this issue soon.. Are we able to decide now?
[06:53:30] Mario Calderón: +1 from my side
[06:53:46] Victor Perez Juarez: Mario somebody need check payroll
[06:54:01] Mario Calderón: I can do it functionally
[06:55:41] Teodor Sarca: [3:49:59 PM] Tobias Schoeneberg: @teo, May I know the feature id for XML migration that you are workingalso included in a sort of "proof of concept"

<<< mainly, it was stabilization, full refactoring to be service oriented.... features: support for applying migration scripts when some columns are missing, posiblity to have descriptive errors when something is failing, support for executing migration scripts with constraints deferred etc.... i will ask my collegue to provide the full list
[06:58:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Teams can do one of two things ... vote now to include or not ... or vote to defer decision for few days .. what is it to be?  Don't want to see decisions by one or two people on such important matter... so what do we do?
[06:59:21] Teodor Sarca: [3:53:25 PM] Mario Calderón:

<<< technically speaking i would be pro integrating libero in adempiere, BUT as a separate folder (e.g. packages/libero) and not merging directly in "base"
[07:00:21] Teodor Sarca: so my vote is: +1 to be integrated in adempiereTrunk, in packages/libero, as an official sub-module
[07:01:40] suman ravuri: @teo, May I know the technical/funtional reasons for not makiing part of base?
[07:03:06] Teodor Sarca: because one of the thinging that i think we will have in mind in nearest future of adempiere would be mavenization and modularization. in this case, we would like to separate the concerns, be able to automate tests modules individually
[07:03:30] Teodor Sarca: having adempiere monolitic would be a deadend, sooner or later
[07:04:04] Mario Calderón: seems reasonable, hough I actually don't know what mavenizing means altogether
[07:04:11] Victor Perez Juarez: @Teo i think that are 2 type integration of code and binary
[07:04:39] Schöneberg, Tobias ( @teo. agree..that's why i hesitated with my vote..i'd like to have libero, but also not to put even more classes e.g. in the model package..
[07:04:49] Teodor Sarca: [4:04:59 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: @Teo i think that are 2 type integration of code and binary

<<< just to be precise, i am talking about having the java code in packages/libero, as an submodule project
[07:05:06] Teodor Sarca: same as we have client/, zkwebui/ etc
[07:05:37] Schöneberg, Tobias ( it could be in dedicated packages (folders), and the final assembly could implude it into the standard adempiere.jar for the time beeing..
[07:06:30] Schöneberg, Tobias ( and maybe with the next release, we could offer different "flavours", most of them leaner than the current standard-zip, with less stuff that the user doesn't need for their particular business
[07:06:42] Teodor Sarca: (btw, same approach i would like to have for de.metas.dunning too)
[07:06:56] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok i think that is the reason of package approach ie org.eevolution.model
[07:07:01] Schöneberg, Tobias ( similar to to
[07:07:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor ... your thoughts?
[07:08:11] Victor Perez Juarez: So your sugestion is move this to different directory ?
[07:09:14] Teodor Sarca: yes, and that is my suggestion for any other module, vertical, functionality etc...
[07:10:09] Victor Perez Juarez: I think is posible but then need some rule to determine when is modify any core class
[07:10:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Is this a change that can be managed in this 3.8 release or will it cause many delays?
[07:10:59] Teodor Sarca: [4:11:11 PM] Steven: I this a change that can be managed in this 3.8 release or will it cause many delays?

<<< for the time being, we need just to copy the classes there (basta!).
[07:11:11] Mario Calderón: There are already many Libero classes in core
[07:11:21] Schöneberg, Tobias ( [15:09:59] Teodor Sarca: yes, and that is my suggestion for any other module, vertical, functionality etc...

<<< for dunning, i would even like to have a dedicated repo, and dunning only be included at assembling time ..but it might be a bit to soon to ask this for other contribs :-)
[07:12:18] Teodor Sarca: [4:10:57 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: I think is posible but then need some rule to determine when is modify any core class

<<< agree. and i can prove that in most of the cases, all that we need to do is to make some parts of adempiere a bit more flexible in order to be able to plug our functionality.... so at this moment we are ready for not changing the adempiere core business logic
[07:12:28] Victor Perez Juarez: For example what happen with X_ and I_ clases
[07:12:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any responses to Mario: "There are already many Libero classes in core"
[07:13:57] Teodor Sarca: [4:13:38 PM] Steven:  "There are already many Libero classes in core"

<<< yes there are, and IMHO they should not be.... but for not delaying the release, i think we can leave them there, and just move the rest of libero module to a separate folder
[07:14:16] Teodor Sarca: this can ease a bit the modularization that we will need to do in future
[07:14:56] Victor Perez Juarez: So then each feature need be integrate in an directory and package for each entity type
[07:15:10] Teodor Sarca: [4:15:43 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: So then each feature need be integrate in an directory and package for each entity type

<<< yes
[07:15:58] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok Teo i can make this
[07:16:32] Victor Perez Juarez: What is your sugesstion about the model
[07:16:40] Teodor Sarca: [4:16:45 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok Teo i can make this

<<< victor, you just need to copy them to a separate folder and modify a bit the assembly ant script to include built libero JAR
[07:17:20] Mario Calderón: IMO, the decision is technically correct, but this treat Libero different from other contributions....

I'd like to know if this is backwards compatible to former releases
[07:17:40] Victor Perez Juarez: X_ and I_ it should are into need directory
[07:17:43] Teodor Sarca: [4:17:19 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: What is your sugesstion about the model

<<< if you don't have a lot of core dependencies there, i think you can try to move them... if it's too much overhead, then we can do it later (those model classes are already there)
[07:18:05] Teodor Sarca: but idealy would be to have the whole libero code in that submodule folder
[07:18:11] Mario Calderón: I'd rather suggest to leave this mavenize thing for later, and decide for all
[07:19:05] Teodor Sarca: [4:18:59 PM] Mario Calderón: I'd rather suggest to leave this mavenize thing for later, and decide for all

<<< it's not mavenization, it's just putting the code separatelly... why? because having the code separated from the very first start is not an overhead.... and this is preparing next steps
[07:19:13] Teodor Sarca: so i see it as a win-win situation
[07:19:29] Mario Calderón: if there are not further implications...
[07:20:03] Teodor Sarca: [4:20:17 PM] Mario Calderón: if there are not further implications...

<<< i don't see... at the moment we have libero project external and it works ;)
[07:20:10] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): so, sounds like Technical Team need some more time to decide this... can we get an agreement and recommendation for next meeting?  ... and perhaps some proof of concept if Victor has some free time... which TT members agree to produce a recommendation?
[07:20:39] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok then i will integrate this way i have not problem so i think is better use extension directory
[07:21:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): other TT members now in agreement?
[07:21:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Tobi, Teo, Mario   you agree?
[07:22:06] Schöneberg, Tobias ( yes (sorry, in chat with customers)
[07:22:21] Mario Calderón: +1
[07:22:24] Victor Perez Juarez: Teo yes it are work but with a hight cost because not integrare completly
[07:22:24] Teodor Sarca: +1 for keeping modules separated ;)
[07:23:08] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Ok we note that agreement.
[07:24:20] Victor Perez Juarez: So i am agree but we need use the same approach with all features
[07:24:34] Teodor Sarca: +1
[07:24:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can I ask now about functional because I dont have functional expertise to understand Libero.  Those people who do have that knowledge have used/tested and are in agreement to include?
[07:25:05] Mario Calderón: I definetely
[07:25:21] Victor Perez Juarez: That can be a problem because adaxa not use this style
[07:25:49] Teodor Sarca: note: even if i am in TT, long time ago i've used libero and i was using some APICS book to understand how it works. That proves that is developed according to standards. +1 from my side
[07:26:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor, that is why others should decide .. we do not use/understand it.
[07:26:14] Cristina Ghita: yes, +1; I used libero, wit payroll and all
[07:27:12] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. sounds good.  it is such an important piece of work .. are there other users (just for the record)
[07:27:22] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven you say about libero
[07:28:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): are we all agreed that functionality is correct so we proceed?
[07:28:24] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): sounds like it to me.
[07:28:33] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): next
[07:28:41] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven my idea is integrate with documentation as creative conmmon
[07:28:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any Functional review news or questions?
[07:29:08] Mario Calderón: not from my part..
[07:30:27] Victor Perez Juarez: So if any want undenrstan can make with some time read the manual and know apics concepts
[07:30:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor, I can report that Paul is using your costing framework to do a job we have to do and is trying to make it work in your framewok.  the things we need to do may be candidates for some later addition
[07:31:33] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I hope to catch up with Susanne for some more discussion and testing of costing
[07:32:23] Teodor Sarca: @suman, my collegue added a brief list of fixes and improvements:

please let me know if u need more info or support
[07:32:47] suman ravuri: ok
[07:33:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): What does Suman need before Libero can be incorporated?
[07:33:47] suman ravuri: @teo, what is expectation from me ?
[07:34:35] Mario Calderón: I'd suggest to first include Libero as it is and later try to separate it as voted
[07:35:14] Mario Calderón: on a second step
[07:35:40] Victor Perez Juarez: Suman not worrie for libero i will integrate
[07:36:00] Teodor Sarca: @suman, good point... we need technical review first ;)
[07:36:12] Victor Perez Juarez: When is ready only you need an merge
[07:36:27] suman ravuri: for migration review comments you prepared?
[07:36:49] Teodor Sarca: for all functionalities from there
[07:37:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other matters anyone wants to raise?
[07:38:27] Schöneberg, Tobias ( yes: it's too damn hot in germany, and we don't have AC
[07:38:28] Victor Perez Juarez: Teo we need go more fast id we need an metting for each step never finish
[07:38:39] Schöneberg, Tobias ( and the UN does nothing
[07:39:19] Schöneberg, Tobias ( (joking scnr..)
[07:39:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): quick wrap of actions?
[07:40:00] Victor Perez Juarez: So we should work offline and any question should be discusion in Mail list
[07:40:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Paul and Suman to see what is causing problem for Suman and how to fix..
[07:40:31] Mario Calderón: @all in Germany: enjoy your day of summer!!
[07:41:20] Teodor Sarca: ouch :)
[07:41:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): any other actionsother than Sumans continuing work and Victor's changes to make Libero a "module"
[07:41:43] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven , Suman now know the issue he need integrate cronologycaly the features
[07:42:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[07:42:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks.
[07:43:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): we close the meeting ..        Mario issecretary.
[07:43:20] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye from me..
[07:43:34] Victor Perez Juarez: Bye
[07:43:35] Teodor Sarca: bye Steven
[07:43:35] Mario Calderón: by and till next week
[07:43:52] Schöneberg, Tobias ( bye
[07:43:54] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): opps .. next meeting in a week's time
[07:43:55] Teodor Sarca: bye all
[07:44:09] John Agudelo: Hello and bye all, I just start to reading the meeting
[07:44:58] suman ravuri: bye
[07:45:37] Konstantin Herold: bye
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