FT/TT meeting minutes July 8th 2013
...About 10 minCommunityWikiMeetings
Moderator: Mario Calderon
Secretary: Steven Sackett
Participants: Mario Calderon, Pradeep Lavania, Victor Perez Juarez, Suman Ravuri, Mark Ostermann, John Agudelo, Steven Sackett, Cristina Ghita, Konstantin Herold, later Enrique Ruibal. (Not all were present for the whole meeting.)
Date / Time: July 8th 2013 / 12:00h - 14:300h GMT
The meeting closed after 2 hours
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Actions taken by RM
- Technical team reviews
- Functional Team reviews
- Actions to be taken
- Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Link to previous meeting minutes Amendment: Victor Perez Juarez mentioned a branch creation by Suman Ravuri for merging Trifon's patches.
Actions taken by RM
No report at this time.
Technical team reviews
- Victor reported testing GL Reconciliation and had some questions.
- Cristina reviewed Password Hash and started reviewing Chart feature from Adaxa. Questions were sent to Adaxa.
- Mark reported that his colleague Toby has been working on migrating/porting Metas dunning to Adempiere trunk code using Adaxa XML feature. Also, they are trying to migrate Adaxa CRM into Metas code.
Functional Team reviews
- Mario, John, and Enrique inquired if Adaxa could include Automatic Freight Calculation for testing.
- John Agudelo accepted contributions from WT (Walking Tree).
- Steven and Susanne raised questions from testing the new costing (average cost) functionality. Victor Perez Juarez reported his observations and uncertainties about the cost engine, especially in Central American contexts.
- Steven inquired about including Automatic Freight Calculation for 3.8 release. The suggestion was supported by three people, and Steven will ensure it can be tested in a public test system.
Test systems
- Adaxa's contributions: 38testing.adaxa.com (users have pw: SystemSystem)
- e-Evolution contributions: eevolution.nickelnetworks.com (users have pw: SystemSystem)
- Walking Tree's contributions: adempiere.walkingtree.in (users have pw: 951 820 028 / 33j2mq)
- Metas: Still preparing
Next meeting
Monday, July 15th, 12:00 GMT
Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT +9
[21:55:31] Mario Calderón: hello everybody!
[21:55:52] metas_cg: Hello!
[21:55:52] Pradeep Lavania: Hello Mario
[21:56:49] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi
[22:01:13] suman ravuri: Hi
[22:01:46] Mark Ostermann: hello all
[22:01:50] metas_kh: Hi
[22:01:59] John Agudelo: Hi all
[22:04:26] Steven: Hi all,
[22:05:01] >> CTI <<: Hi all,
[22:05:17] Victor Perez Juarez: Hello everybody
[22:05:53] Victor Perez Juarez: Can we starting ?
[22:07:53] Mario Calderón: I would say, let's start
[22:08:08] * >> CTI << has changed the chat topic to "AD GROUP"
[22:08:24] Mario Calderón: Agenda, Moderator, Secretary as always
[22:09:37] Mario Calderón: Moderator: any volunteers?
[22:10:56] Steven: don't all speak at once :-)
[22:11:09] Mario Calderón: hahaha
[22:11:19] Mario Calderón: I can be the moderator
[22:11:37] Steven: ok with me
[22:11:42] Mario Calderón: now we need a secretary
[22:12:16] Steven: if the last minutes were satisfactory i am happy to do it..
[22:12:38] Steven: unless other volunteer wants to.
[22:13:20] Mario Calderón: mmh seems to be very quit here
[22:13:35] Mario Calderón: so Steven is secretary
[22:13:52] Mark Ostermann: back thx. mario, steven
[22:13:57] Mario Calderón: Agenda
1.- http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_July_1st_2013
2.- actions taken by RM
3.- Technical team reviews
4.- Functional Team reviews
5.- Actions to be taken
6.- Next meeting
[22:15:08] Steven: can I ask if anything requires correction in last meeting's minutes?
[22:16:13] Mario Calderón: from my part, no objectons Steven
[22:16:34] Mark Ostermann: ok from me
[22:16:43] Victor Perez Juarez: may be , need add the task of RM
[22:17:15] Mario Calderón: you mean in this agenda, Victor?
[22:17:54] Victor Perez Juarez: >> can I ask if anything requires correction in last meeting's minutes?
[22:18:35] Mario Calderón: which would it be?
[22:18:44] Victor Perez Juarez: I remember that Suman need create an branch and starting here the merge patch of Trifon and are ready for starting with the inclusion
[22:19:26] Victor Perez Juarez: but we con continue
[22:19:31] Mario Calderón: you're right
[22:19:47] Mario Calderón: can you include it Victor?
[22:19:55] Victor Perez Juarez: yes
[22:20:11] Steven: Victor, pls nominate the timestamp where it happened and it can be corrected tomorrow. (pls send to me tomorrow)
[22:20:46] Mario Calderón: any other remarks to last meeting's munute?
[22:22:45] Steven: thanks, i will add any changes emailed to me by Victor from the chat text.
[22:23:15] Mario Calderón: 2.- actions taken by RM
[22:24:01] Mario Calderón: @Suman: this is yours
[22:27:57] Mario Calderón: Suman seems to be busy
[22:28:20] Mario Calderón: let's move on and he can catch up
3.- Technical team reviews
[22:28:48] Mario Calderón: I see there has been done little or nothing on this last week
[22:29:31] Victor Perez Juarez: I advance in GL Reconciliation
[22:29:46] Victor Perez Juarez: I get some question for Paul and Steven
[22:30:06] Cristina Ghita: I finished the review on Password Hash and started to review Chart feature from Adaxa
[22:30:43] Cristina Ghita: and wrote there a question for Adaxa there
[22:30:53] Mario Calderón: oops! I didn't read that :$
[22:32:03] Mario Calderón: perhaps we should mark a revision as "finished" so we know
[22:32:21] Victor Perez Juarez: About the GL Reconciliation, @Steven , may be Paul can share the ZK form , because the adaxa repository I can not found , Where can found , id exist ?
[22:32:26] Mark Ostermann: not technical review but further work done by loby - another colleague of us. he has been working on migrating/ porting metas dunning to adempiere trunk code - using adaxa xml feature.
[22:34:30] Steven: Christina, I will ask Paul to respond. btw .. we found the system password bug also only last week :-(
[22:34:33] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven , I saw that Paul starting using the Rule table to define the rules to reconciliation, I would be very nice , but I saw that it leave some residue in the application dictionary
[22:35:02] Cristina Ghita: @Steven: thanks!
[22:36:09] Steven: @Victor, Will ask for the zk code for the gl reconcilation manual form.. it is working ok but was added later.
[22:37:06] Steven: @Mark, "working on migrating/ porting metas dunning to adempiere trunk code - using adaxa xml feature." .. should be good test also.
[22:37:39] Victor Perez Juarez: on the other hand I now understand that there were only the SQL Rules created by Paul, Which makes display only reconcilie rules, as we avoid if you create one that is to be displayed in combo of rules for GL Reconcile
[22:38:16] Mario Calderón: anything more?
will sb take another contributions?
is there an example of a technical review so this can be followed by a new member? Just put the link here.
[22:39:13] Mark Ostermann: [14:36:58] Steven: @Mark, "working on migrating/ porting metas dunning to adempiere trunk code - using adaxa xml feature." .. should be good test also.
<<< yepp, we are trying migrating adaxa CRM into metas code as next. ;-)
[22:39:22] Victor Perez Juarez: Maybe require some type of classifier, what do you think?
[22:39:33] Mark Ostermann: ... with your xml migrating tool
[22:40:43] Mario Calderón: are we finished with this?
[22:41:07] Victor Perez Juarez: my last question for @Steven is : Not found dependences for org.compiere.process.FactReconciliation where is used?
[22:41:34] Victor Perez Juarez: But I think that will send a email to Paul , so he can answer the technical question
[22:41:51] Steven: @Victor, pls email question to Paul
[22:42:25] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven, about the ZK form , my question if exist , if not then I would start with the migration to ZK
[22:43:22] Steven: @Victor, the form has been patched into some customer sites already .. just need to get u the code.
[22:43:56] Mario Calderón: can it be solved in bilateral consultations?
or in this thread, as we all have it?
[22:44:15] Victor Perez Juarez: @Mark , about of the http://www.adempiere.com/Metas_best_practices_/_bugfixes_/_improvements, The ADEMPIERE-195 Do you finish with of integration or is a working process ?
[22:44:39] Steven: @Mark, is there a public machine where I can see the Metas contrbutions?
[22:45:43] Mario Calderón: Metas was about to publish a site
[22:45:56] Mario Calderón: I think OFB published one , too
[22:46:33] Mark Ostermann: @Steven: we have this in our queue. not finished atm.
[22:47:28] Mario Calderón: here is OFB's connection:
it is a teamviewer (?!) access
user: 951 820 028
pass: 33j2mq
[22:47:31] Mark Ostermann: @Victor: Loby is integrating/ porting these to ADempiere trunk code atm
[22:48:32] Mark Ostermann: we have further (technical) stuff that we have to contribute in 3.80 because our contributions rely on them
[22:48:45] Mark Ostermann: ... finding that atm during porting
[22:49:00] Mario Calderón: last question: can somebody of the TT put here the link of a good technical review, or better: create a page to be followed?
[22:49:20] Mario Calderón: I'd appreciate it
[22:49:34] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok, @MArk I will wait, to starting review this improves
[22:49:35] Mario Calderón: perhaps I start reviewing also
[22:49:54] Mario Calderón: @Mark: great!
4.- Functional Team reviews
[22:50:49] Mario Calderón: as I wrote before, OFB (Ramiro's company) set up a site to test
[22:51:22] Victor Perez Juarez: Mario I think that should be based on http://www.adempiere.com/index.php/ADempiere_Best_Practices
[22:51:48] Mark Ostermann: my status: i'm sorry i haven't moved in reviewing, due to lack of time last week
[22:51:53] Mario Calderón: @Victor: Iknow this page, but I thought of something more practical
[22:51:55] Mark Ostermann: trying to manage this week
[22:51:58] Mario Calderón: like an example
[22:52:08] Victor Perez Juarez: So I think we need update with the new procedure , some rules only change because we have a new infrastructure
[22:52:47] Mario Calderón: John Agudelo tested WT's contribs, but he missed some functionality there.
Perhaps John/Suman can add sth. to this
[22:54:49] John Agudelo: I was reviewing the contributions of WT and I accepted
[22:55:11] Victor Perez Juarez: @Mario , maybe we can start with a new page called How should be a Technical revision , and set here of steps , the same for functional review.
[22:55:22] John Agudelo: I would like review autocomplete and gear in window from metas
[22:55:27] Mario Calderón: @Victor: great idea
[22:55:36] Victor Perez Juarez: I can give some my ideas for this:
[22:55:43] Mario Calderón: if you help me, I can gladly cooperate with you
[22:56:01] Victor Perez Juarez: 1.- Review if exist an Jira tracker
[22:56:01] John Agudelo: but I have to wait for demo site
[22:56:27] Victor Perez Juarez: 2.- Exist a branch based on development procedure?
[22:57:05] Mark Ostermann: sorry guys, have to go now to next meeting. cu next week again. will read the minutes afterwards. bye all
[22:57:36] Victor Perez Juarez: 3.- Exist change in application dictionary , this changes are rightly , for example no duplicate element, the names are right , the help info is documented
[22:58:40] Victor Perez Juarez: 4.- A general revision , all new element into the application dictionary , for example tables , columns , window , tab , fields , report , forms , etc
[22:59:14] Mario Calderón: bye Mark
[22:59:28] Mario Calderón: seems good Victor
[23:01:25] Mario Calderón: @Victor: I think your ideas are very good.
Can you put them together somewhere here in this log so they can be documented in one chunk?
[23:01:30] Victor Perez Juarez: 5.- The code use our Adempiere style, something can be a recommendation , for example in the case the GL Reconcile , Paul use intensive result set, I like that we can maintain code with new approach of Query vs SQL native, but it is only a stile
[23:02:11] Victor Perez Juarez: 6.- the variables names is right
[23:02:25] Mario Calderón: any further observations to functional reviews?
[23:02:54] Victor Perez Juarez: 7.- the class is sufficiently documented
[23:03:45] Steven: I have a question.. I meant to ask if anyone was interested in auyomatic freight calcultion ... https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B3bIqlUcP8LccElYY25nNkNCMlU/edit?pli=1&docId=0B3bIqlUcP8LcR3FzTTdYZHZFckU
[23:04:15] Victor Perez Juarez: All new classes involved have a reason to exist, so you need to check its dependence
[23:04:27] Mario Calderón: @Steven: Susanne wanted to ask you to include it, and she volunteered herself to test
[23:04:29] Steven: if others think this would be a usefull addition can they let me know pls.
[23:04:46] Mario Calderón: I don't know if she emaild you
[23:05:22] Steven: @Mario, I dont remember any email.
[23:05:43] Mario Calderón: I just aksed her. She says she forgot to write you
[23:06:16] Mario Calderón: but I think it would be a good functionality. Can you add it to your contribs? She will test it.
[23:06:28] Victor Perez Juarez: 8.- the new code not break the Backwards compatibility
[23:07:00] Mario Calderón: are we finished with Functional reviews?
[23:07:27] Victor Perez Juarez: So not should exist rename methods , if you need create other method sing then define the current method as @deprecated , and create a new method with new sing
[23:07:52] Mario Calderón: dear all, let's stick to the agenda?
[23:08:03] Victor Perez Juarez: I have some question from Steven about the cost engine
[23:10:10] Victor Perez Juarez: I can saw that the costing is very different approach of America Latina that other country as Usa , UK or Australia
[23:10:41] Victor Perez Juarez: So I not am sure if should I continue as an extension vs core integration
[23:11:00] Victor Perez Juarez: I can see that the Usa , UK or Australia is very practical
[23:12:10] Victor Perez Juarez: About of landed cost can be merge with material , I think that is possible , I need modify an display rule and make some testing , but it would be solve easily
[23:13:27] Mario Calderón: are we finished with functional review?
5.- Actions to be taken
[23:15:10] John Agudelo: @steven I am interesting for automatic freight calculation
[23:15:42] Steven: @others .. in email exchanges Victor, Susanne and Paul were discussing two main things .. should the landed cost for freight etc be in its own cost element ot just added to material cost (2) if we do an immediate adjustment of cost, do we restate each individual sale cost for all sales on periods that are open OR just calc what the total difference is and post in the current transaction which be definition is in an open accounting period.. if you have a thought or a need then pleas let Victor and me know.
[23:16:19] Victor Perez Juarez: I think the advance is slow but we started that is most important, we are all learning and I think we will improve in the future, self-criticism for me is that we should go a little faster :$
[23:16:41] Mario Calderón: @Victor: agree
[23:17:16] Mario Calderón: I think that 5.- actions to be taken is just to finish the reviews, don't you think so?
[23:17:33] Mario Calderón: push a bit more
[23:17:46] Mario Calderón: a call to us all to invest more time
[23:18:09] Steven: yes .. we have a lot pf people missing for today. we should do no more without more involvement and agreement.
[23:19:03] Steven: @John, I will check that the freight calculation stuff is working in the adaxa test system and advise you and Susanne.
[23:19:54] Mario Calderón: any more comments on 5.- actions to be taken?
[23:20:41] Steven: bye all, have to go.
[23:20:49] Mario Calderón: bye Steven
[23:21:00] Mario Calderón: only item left is next meeting
[23:21:01] Victor Perez Juarez: on the other hand I would like to ask Teo if he can review my contributions from the technical point of view, I know he is very busy, but would be great if I can help with this.
[23:22:04] Mario Calderón: @Victor: you have lots of contributions and some of them (like Libero) are huge, so sb. has to take the time to review them
[23:22:27] Mario Calderón: so then remains 6.- next meeting
[23:22:39] Mario Calderón: think we stick to next Monday, same time?
[23:23:13] John Agudelo: @steven ok, bye
[23:23:51] metas_cg: bye
[23:23:51] John Agudelo: yes, next week in same time
[23:24:08] Mario Calderón: bye Cristina
[23:24:28] Mario Calderón: @Cristina: greetings to your husband!!!
[23:24:48] Mario Calderón: always remember our trips in Berlin
[23:25:19] metas_cg: thanks! also greetings to Susanne;
Yes! me too! it was great :)
[23:25:59] Mario Calderón: bye to all and have (still) a happy day
[23:26:22] metas_cg: bye!
[23:26:53] John Agudelo: bye all
[23:50:00] enrique.ruibal: Hi Just read the conversation from this morning, please add to this minute:
[23:50:18] enrique.ruibal: 1) Payment Request test is oinging will have results published this week
[23:51:20] enrique.ruibal: 2) I support Steve's offering to include Automatic freight calculation, I have at least one customer using similar functionality and know others require it as well
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