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FT/TT meeting minutes December 5th 2011

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Meeting Minutes


  • Moderator: Tobias Schöneberg
  • Participants: Teo Sarca, Michael McKay, Mark Ostermann
  • Temporary Participants: Victor Perez, Mario Calderon
  • Date/ Time: December 5th, 2011 / 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM GMT


  1. Bug triaging
  2. Recording whole Meeting Log
  3. Silent participants in Team Meetings
  4. Statement about author erasure
  5. pluggable
  6. Brazil localization
  7. MSProject integration
  8. Taking stock of current Feature Requests (FRs)


  1. Bug triaging:

    • Workflow initiated for TT members to triage bug trackers and resolve issues promptly.
    • Teo Sarca will provide details and set up new tracker groups as needed.
  2. Recording whole Meeting Log:

    • The suggestion to record the entire Meeting Log is adopted by TT/TF.
  3. Silent participants in Team Meetings:

    • The suggestion to have silent participants in Team Meetings is adopted by TT/TF.
  4. Statement about author erasure:

    • The issue of contributor names in SQL files is discussed.
    • Procedure established for different cases involving contribution from remote repositories.
    • Victor to implement the procedure.
  5. pluggable:

    • Teo to finish the partial implementation posted in the wiki.
    • Michael and Victor will test the implementation.
  6. Brazil localization:

    • Interest expressed in the non-base language feature mentioned in a discussion thread.
    • Tobi to contact Ricardo for more details and offer TT's advice and help.
  7. MSProject integration:

    • Discussion about proposed MSProject integration.
    • Teo to contact Marcos for further details and offer TT's advice and help.
  8. Taking stock of current FRs:

    • A template-wiki-page for Feature Requests (FRs) will be provided.
    • FR responsible individuals will be asked to provide documentation for their requests.

Next Meeting

  • Agenda and date for next meeting(s) to be decided.
  • Consideration of having another joint meeting.


Following is the meeting log, starting after TT/FT decided to record and publish the whole meeting log in future

[05.12.2011 16:53:49] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok :) next one
[05.12.2011 16:53:52] Teodor Sarca: +1
[05.12.2011 16:53:53] Teodor Sarca: ;)
[05.12.2011 16:54:03] Tobias Schoeneberg: Suggestion to have silent participants in Team Meetings
[05.12.2011 16:54:39] Michael McKay: +1.  No problems wih that.
[05.12.2011 16:54:49] Teodor Sarca: +1 for *silent* participation
[05.12.2011 16:54:51] Victor Perez Juarez: so we should continue using the tracker system?, or maybe we can migrate to something else easier.
[05.12.2011 16:54:53] Victor Perez Juarez: ?
[05.12.2011 16:55:01] Tobias Schoeneberg: +1 from me, too
[05.12.2011 16:55:10] Mark Ostermann: +1
[05.12.2011 16:55:19] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, next one
[05.12.2011 16:55:36] Tobias Schoeneberg: pls have a look at
[05.12.2011 16:55:37] Mario Calderón: +1
[05.12.2011 16:55:45] Tobias Schoeneberg: is there more to talk about?
[05.12.2011 16:55:56] Tobias Schoeneberg: i mean, about "Emiliano: Statement from FT/ TT about author erasure. What has been answered in Forum already? "
[05.12.2011 16:56:19 | Bearbeitet 16:56:25] Tobias Schoeneberg: or do we agree with mark that it's finished?
[05.12.2011 16:56:40] Mark Ostermann: ... not finished completely
[05.12.2011 16:56:42] Teodor Sarca: i would say that the whole topic deserves a quick discussion.
[05.12.2011 16:56:52] Mark Ostermann: sql scripts stuff still open
[05.12.2011 16:57:03] Teodor Sarca: i mean just to everybody agree what is done and what is not done
[05.12.2011 16:57:10] Teodor Sarca: e.g.
[05.12.2011 16:57:11] Teodor Sarca: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 16:56] Mark Ostermann: 

<<< sql scripts stuff still open
[05.12.2011 16:58:10] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 16:57] Teodor Sarca: 

<<< sql scripts stuff still openok..imho, the person creating the script should put there name to the top. if they don't, it's there problem. wdyt?
[05.12.2011 16:58:45] Teodor Sarca: hmmm, to be very correct, as i understand, the answer is yes and no
[05.12.2011 16:59:12] Teodor Sarca: if the person is uploading them to our mercurial or our trackers, i would say yes, you are right
[05.12.2011 16:59:43] Teodor Sarca: but as i understand (correct me if I am wrong, because now i am not sure) those were taken from an external repository
[05.12.2011 16:59:58] Teodor Sarca: so in that case i would suggest to put the name of the contributor on top of the script
[05.12.2011 17:00:26] Teodor Sarca: i mean, i really don't want to have another painful discussions as we had
[05.12.2011 17:00:31] Michael McKay: What is the important result of this?  What do we want to achieve?
[05.12.2011 17:00:54] Mark Ostermann: a) autom. author in migr. scripts
[05.12.2011 17:01:16 | Bearbeitet 17:02:05] Mark Ostermann: b) -u parameter "with original author" in commit when code is taken from external repository
[05.12.2011 17:01:39] Teodor Sarca: i would suggest to go with a)
[05.12.2011 17:02:22] Teodor Sarca: and in case they are transplanted, automatically we are in case b)
[05.12.2011 17:02:33] Mark Ostermann: yes
[05.12.2011 17:02:40] Michael McKay: I don't think the -u parameter will work unless you are going to restrict commits to single files.  Can we divorce the author of the code from the "clerical" author of the commit?
[05.12.2011 17:02:53] Michael McKay: The importance is the history.  Where did it come from.
[05.12.2011 17:03:15] Mark Ostermann: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:02] Teodor Sarca: 

<<< and in case they are transplantedand in cases of FR/ BF patches. or not?
[05.12.2011 17:03:27] Teodor Sarca: IMHO, NOT!
[05.12.2011 17:03:52] Teodor Sarca: i mean, for all manual contributions to repo we shall go with case a)
[05.12.2011 17:04:05] Teodor Sarca: because in most of the cases, i am sorry but I don't care from where it come
[05.12.2011 17:04:17] Teodor Sarca: but who introduced and so shall be asked to fix or somthing....
[05.12.2011 17:04:42] Teodor Sarca: and as far as I see, mercurial is a SCM and not a meritocracy system, sorry :))
[05.12.2011 17:05:31] Teodor Sarca: what i think is important is to have the names of contributors in our release logs
[05.12.2011 17:05:39] Teodor Sarca: that is *important*
[05.12.2011 17:06:18] Michael McKay: Thats what I mean by important history.  The path through a thousand changes is not that relevant.
[05.12.2011 17:08:06] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok do we agree to apply a), but  not b) for now?
[05.12.2011 17:08:36] Tobias Schoeneberg: and if so, what do we do until the "automatic" of a) has been implemented?
[05.12.2011 17:08:59] Tobias Schoeneberg: suggestion: leave it to the SQL-author to add their name manually
[05.12.2011 17:09:11] Teodor Sarca: tobi, i think this is a particular case
[05.12.2011 17:09:38] Teodor Sarca: and i think it would apply only when we take something manually from a remote repository
[05.12.2011 17:09:43] Teodor Sarca: e.g. globalqss case
[05.12.2011 17:09:47] Teodor Sarca: for the rest:
[05.12.2011 17:10:01] Mario Calderón: bye people, I have to leave....
[05.12.2011 17:10:11] Teodor Sarca: * contributor shall set his name in sql scripts if uploaded in trackers
[05.12.2011 17:10:30] Teodor Sarca: * if contrbutor is also commiter, we has the name in the commit
[05.12.2011 17:10:34] Michael McKay: Bye Mario.  Have a great day.
[05.12.2011 17:10:37] Teodor Sarca: bye mario
[05.12.2011 17:10:40] Tobias Schoeneberg: by mario
[05.12.2011 17:11:03] Teodor Sarca: so, i think we somehow we discuss to apply this rule retroactively for Carlos complains
[05.12.2011 17:12:46] Tobias Schoeneberg: retroactively? you mean, identify all SQL from carlos-branch and add his name?
[05.12.2011 17:13:11] Teodor Sarca: nop, we can apply only on those 4 cases....
[05.12.2011 17:13:29] Teodor Sarca: because in rest of them, carlos is the author of mercurial / svn commit
[05.12.2011 17:14:25] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok
[05.12.2011 17:14:40] Tobias Schoeneberg: mike, mark any comments?
[05.12.2011 17:16:15] Michael McKay: Sorry - in and out.  Agree to address the areas of complaint on a case by case basis.
[05.12.2011 17:16:43] Mark Ostermann: me too. not a mass update, just because the committ came from carlos
[05.12.2011 17:17:23] Michael McKay: Or to be more general - for a complaint brought by a community member.
[05.12.2011 17:17:50 | Bearbeitet 17:18:08] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, but for the four cases of carlos, and if we manually take something from a remote repo, we add the original author's name? before thate is any complaint?
[05.12.2011 17:18:24] Teodor Sarca: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:17] Tobias Schoeneberg: 

<<< ok, but for the four cases of carlos, and if we manually take something from a remote repo, we add the original author's name? before thate is any complaint?yes, exactly, +1
[05.12.2011 17:18:40] Tobias Schoeneberg: (fyi, i need to leave in around 30 minutes)
[05.12.2011 17:19:08] Tobias Schoeneberg: thate=there
[05.12.2011 17:19:09] Teodor Sarca: then, let's press the gas pedal :)
[05.12.2011 17:19:52] Tobias Schoeneberg: OK, so for the four cases of carlos, and if we manually take something from a remote repo, we add the original author's name?
[05.12.2011 17:19:53] Tobias Schoeneberg: +1
[05.12.2011 17:19:57] Mark Ostermann: +1
[05.12.2011 17:20:31] Michael McKay: +1
[05.12.2011 17:20:35] Tobias Schoeneberg:  and for other cases, it's
 * contributor shall set his name in sql scripts if uploaded in trackers
 * if contrbutor is also commiter, we has the name in the commit
[05.12.2011 17:20:37] Tobias Schoeneberg: ?
[05.12.2011 17:20:49] Tobias Schoeneberg: +1 from me
[05.12.2011 17:22:49] Teodor Sarca: +1
[05.12.2011 17:24:34] Michael McKay: +1
[05.12.2011 17:25:52] Mark Ostermann: -u parm is committer and not author. correct?
[05.12.2011 17:26:00 | Bearbeitet 17:26:07] Mark Ostermann: just to be sure
[05.12.2011 17:26:04] Tobias Schoeneberg: correct
[05.12.2011 17:26:17] Michael McKay: Agreed.
[05.12.2011 17:26:20] Mark Ostermann: ok, +1 from my side
[05.12.2011 17:26:22] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok
[05.12.2011 17:26:27] Tobias Schoeneberg: next one
[05.12.2011 17:26:29] Tobias Schoeneberg: pluggable
[05.12.2011 17:26:36] Mark Ostermann: +1
[05.12.2011 17:26:38] Mark Ostermann: :)
[05.12.2011 17:26:56] Mark Ostermann: teo said, it can be quickly done
[05.12.2011 17:26:59] Teodor Sarca: +1, but who will finish it ? i already provided to red1 the partial solution....
[05.12.2011 17:27:30] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:26] Teodor Sarca: 

<<< but who will finish it ?if you want it be done what the say :)
[05.12.2011 17:27:35] Michael McKay: No input from me on this.  Not sure what it means.  Will go with TT decision.
[05.12.2011 17:28:16] Tobias Schoeneberg: i think one can do it in 25min
[05.12.2011 17:28:24] Tobias Schoeneberg: so +1
[05.12.2011 17:28:59] Teodor Sarca: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:27] Tobias Schoeneberg: 

<<< if you want it be done what the say :)tobi, i like when we talk in proverbs :))
[05.12.2011 17:29:13] Tobias Schoeneberg: thx, me too
[05.12.2011 17:29:52] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, to we decided to make it pluggable. we will nag mark to give a time-slot to do it to teo
[05.12.2011 17:30:01] Tobias Schoeneberg: we= teo and I :)
[05.12.2011 17:30:01] Teodor Sarca: zo, ok i can finish it but then i need Victor and/or Mike to test it that it still working for their case
[05.12.2011 17:30:15] Tobias Schoeneberg: sure
[05.12.2011 17:30:22] Mark Ostermann: ok, great
[05.12.2011 17:30:30] Tobias Schoeneberg: next one
[05.12.2011 17:30:32] Tobias Schoeneberg: Brazil localisation
[05.12.2011 17:30:48] Tobias Schoeneberg: what is the question here?
[05.12.2011 17:31:39] Teodor Sarca: i added to agenda for the history. from last meeting we managed with Brazil community to integrate with us
[05.12.2011 17:31:54] Mark Ostermann: no question. was just for history
[05.12.2011 17:32:08] Mark Ostermann: as reminder for actions done
[05.12.2011 17:32:27 | Bearbeitet 17:32:54] Mark Ostermann: ;) ah, thanks teo. i'm writing to slowly
[05.12.2011 17:32:57] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok. one?
[05.12.2011 17:33:09] Mark Ostermann: one moment
[05.12.2011 17:33:24] Mark Ostermann: ricardo asked about non-base-language
[05.12.2011 17:33:55] Mark Ostermann: does anybody know if he has created a repository yet to push his code?
[05.12.2011 17:35:11] Tobias Schoeneberg: aparently not.
[05.12.2011 17:35:57] Mark Ostermann: ok
[05.12.2011 17:36:00] Teodor Sarca: shall we create one, or for the first stage we shall advice to add it in brazil repo
[05.12.2011 17:36:33 | Bearbeitet 17:36:39] Teodor Sarca: and then integrate in an adempiere branch, and then following the process and mixing with our current work, shall reach the base line
[05.12.2011 17:36:39] Teodor Sarca: ?
[05.12.2011 17:37:20] Tobias Schoeneberg: i think we can leave it to him to decide
[05.12.2011 17:38:00] Mark Ostermann: i just thought it would be a good FR for FT/ TT. We already have started with our solution. Would be good to compare how the brazilians want to solve this problem and we could see if we can merge/ combine our efforts somehow
[05.12.2011 17:38:27] Mark Ostermann: i think we can leave it to him to decideyes, sure
[05.12.2011 17:38:45] Tobias Schoeneberg: i think the most convenient solution for us would be a FR in the adempiere-repo.
[05.12.2011 17:39:08] Teodor Sarca: @tobi, me too
[05.12.2011 17:39:25] Tobias Schoeneberg: we can contact and ask him. agree? is yes, who wants to do it?
[05.12.2011 17:39:42] Mark Ostermann: someone of TT?
[05.12.2011 17:40:06] Teodor Sarca: i can do it. or if tobi wants, is fine... maybe is better.
[05.12.2011 17:40:18] Tobias Schoeneberg: i can do it.
[05.12.2011 17:40:35] Mark Ostermann: here's the thread:
[05.12.2011 17:40:43] Tobias Schoeneberg: thx. ok. ready for next one?
[05.12.2011 17:40:47] Mark Ostermann: y
[05.12.2011 17:40:49] Tobias Schoeneberg: MSProject integration proposed by Marcos Vinícius Coutinho da Silva
[05.12.2011 17:41:09] Michael McKay: This is a great idea.  I have no time but would love to support it.
[05.12.2011 17:41:15] Teodor Sarca: ok
[05.12.2011 17:41:27] Teodor Sarca: let me add some brief intro first
[05.12.2011 17:41:29] Tobias Schoeneberg: same here :)
[05.12.2011 17:41:47] Teodor Sarca: the idea is the guy contacted me and told me about what he is doing
[05.12.2011 17:41:55] Teodor Sarca: (the discussion is in CC to TT/FT)
[05.12.2011 17:42:12] Teodor Sarca: i encouraged him to also join the community and present him self
[05.12.2011 17:42:33] Teodor Sarca: until now, i have to response but I've added also to agenda
[05.12.2011 17:43:12] Teodor Sarca: hope in nearest future to have any contact from him because i think this contribution can open new horizonts to adempiere...
[05.12.2011 17:43:17] Teodor Sarca: (end)
[05.12.2011 17:44:15] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:42] Teodor Sarca: 

<<< until now, i have to responseyou mean "no" response?
[05.12.2011 17:44:39] Teodor Sarca: yes, i mean NO response. sorry typo error
[05.12.2011 17:47:20] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, can you contact him once more? we could provide a repo for him.
[05.12.2011 17:47:43] Teodor Sarca: sure, that was also my intention
[05.12.2011 17:47:50] Tobias Schoeneberg: then we can review and think about next steps
[05.12.2011 17:48:18] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, everybody agree
[05.12.2011 17:48:19] Tobias Schoeneberg: ?
[05.12.2011 17:48:40] Mark Ostermann: +1
[05.12.2011 17:48:45] Tobias Schoeneberg: +1
[05.12.2011 17:48:50] Teodor Sarca: +1
[05.12.2011 17:49:10] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, next one
[05.12.2011 17:49:11] Tobias Schoeneberg: Taking stock of current FRs, maybe provide a template-wiki-page for them and ask the FR repsponsible to provide documentation
[05.12.2011 17:49:28] Tobias Schoeneberg: i need to leave now
[05.12.2011 17:50:02] Mark Ostermann: i believe we already have a template
[05.12.2011 17:50:06] Mark Ostermann: i'll check
[05.12.2011 17:50:23] Mark Ostermann: bye tobi. have a nive evening.
[05.12.2011 17:50:33] Mark Ostermann: are we finished then?
[05.12.2011 17:50:39 | Bearbeitet 17:51:06] Tobias Schoeneberg: [Montag, 5. Dezember 2011 17:50] Mark Ostermann: 

<<< i believe we already have a templateyes, but i would like to create pages, add them all to a common category like "FR in progress"
[05.12.2011 17:51:26] Mark Ostermann: ok
[05.12.2011 17:51:29] Tobias Schoeneberg: ok, cu
[05.12.2011 17:51:40] Teodor Sarca: cu
[05.12.2011 17:51:42] Tobias Schoeneberg: mark can vote for me, if there is anything to vote
[05.12.2011 17:52:40] Michael McKay: Sorry - on the phone.  Re MSProject.  +1 I'm aware of serveral large companies that are struggling to implement MSProject in a SAP environment.  Teh key problem is tracking of project data.  Being able to roll-up project budgets and forecasts in ADempiere would be a great feature.
[05.12.2011 17:53:48] Teodor Sarca: @Mike, i will contact the guy tomorrow and see what is happening. we are only on inception phase with this project.
[05.12.2011 17:54:17] Teodor Sarca: ok, do we have more points to discuss?
[05.12.2011 17:56:12] Mark Ostermann: i think that were all points on the agenda and we can close for today.
[05.12.2011 17:56:29] Trifon: sorry i just came back.
[05.12.2011 17:56:34] Trifon: missed the whole meeting.
[05.12.2011 17:56:35] Teodor Sarca: yep, i think that too
[05.12.2011 17:57:13] Teodor Sarca: them, bye bye to everybody and thanks for the fastforward productive meeting
[05.12.2011 17:58:47] Mark Ostermann: bye teo. thanks alot too
[05.12.2011 17:58:51] Mark Ostermann: bye everybody
[05.12.2011 18:19:30] Victor Perez Juarez: I sorry . I had that go
[05.12.2011 18:19:50] Victor Perez Juarez: my network connection was disconect
[05.12.2011 18:51:20] Mario Calderón: I'm back . bye to all
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