FT/TT meeting minutes Feb 03th 2011
...Less than 1 minuteCommunityWikiMeetings
Moderator: Victor Participants: Teo, Karsten, Tobias, Mark, Mario, Paul Missing: Michael, Kai, Ramiro
Mercurial Repository Structure
- PMC is not responsible for contributions (just for the main line).
- Only PMC will have access to the shell.
- PMC create repositories on request of any contributor, each contributor can have your repository.
ADempiere Framework Test Suite
- ADempiere Test Suite will be created with the goal to have functional tests that allow validate if a new version is stable.
- The functional tests will be based on script test using the ADempiere webui in the first stage.
About the new functionality (Delivery_Policy, Rounding, Hide list view)
- The new functionality should be evaluated and approved by Functional PMC, if new functionality is approved then can be released as a stable next version.
ADempiere Roadmap
- ADempiere will have 3 releases per year, a release every 4 months.
- The first cycle starts in February + 3 months and + 1 month for stabilization, so the next release date will be 31st May.
- The new version will include the new functionalities approved and bugfixes.
Next meeting
We will meet next on Thursday, February 10th, 2011, at the same time (15:00 hours GMT). Karsten will moderate the next Meeting.
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