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FT/TT meeting minutes October 29th 2013

ADempiere...About 11 minCommunityWikiMeetings



  • Moderator: Steven Sackett
  • Secretary: Mario Calderon
  • Participants: Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Victor Perez, Steven Sackett, Mike McKay
  • Date / Time: Tuesday, October 29th 2013 / 12:00h - 13:23h GMT
  • The meeting closed after 1 hour 23 mins


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Actions taken by RM
  3. Technical team reviews
  4. Functional Team reviews
  5. Actions to be taken
  6. Misc
  7. Next meeting

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Actions taken by RM

  • GL Reconciliation -- integrated and committed code changes.
  • Language setting for Mobile UI -- Integrated and committed the code changes.
  • Acct Entities delete -- integrated and committed code changes.
  • Role flag in user window -- integrated and committed code changes.
  • HTML report changes -- Integrated and committed the changes.
  • Add Bank Statement Line Tab in Payment window -- integrated and committed
  • Configurable dashboards with smart browser setup -- Integrated and ready to commit. Took more time as we tried to integrate it with smart browser
  • Cashflow code changes code merged, commit and code review in-progress
  • Process Gear reverting back unnecessary changes -- reverted and review is pending (yet to commit).
  • Aging report with revaluation integration with ADempiere 380 -- Changes are merged and there is pack-in ( issue. We are working on that.
  • Followup with smartreport fix -- Got the fixes, need to merge.

Technical team reviews

  • none

Functional Team reviews

  • none

Actions to be taken

  • Mike has created and is testing the ZK version of GL Reconciliation. Will commit drafts tomorrow.
  • Victor will commit Warehouse management when Suman has finished with reversing Metas refactory. Warehouse Managementopen in new window
  • Manufacturing Lite still to be merged by Suman after consultation with Victor
  • Costing engine changes


Open issues

  • Updating data in Garden World
  • Start of Community test
  • Community testing needs
    • A stable branch
    • A rolled-out installation where everybody can test
    • A wiki page with bugs and tests
    • A time frame for testing
    • Showing the Jira tracker in our 3.8 test Wiki page

Next meeting

  • Tuesday, November 05th 2013 / 12:00h. GMT


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6

Tuesday, 29 October 2013
[05:52:35] Mario Calderón: hello everybody!
[05:53:06] suman ravuri: Hi Mario
[05:53:12] suman ravuri: Good Morning
[05:53:45] Mario Calderón: hi Suman, good afternoon
[05:55:08] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi
[06:03:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi All
[06:03:29] suman ravuri: Shall we start?
[06:03:51] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok with me .. same roles ok?
[06:03:58] suman ravuri: +1
[06:04:02] Mario Calderón: +1
[06:04:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. matters from last meeting?
[06:05:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Minutes

Moderator: Steven Sackett
Secretary: Mario Calderon
Participants: Cristina Ghita, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Victor Perez, Steven Sackett, Mike McKay, Trifon Trifonov (present)
Date / Time: Tuesday, October 22nd 2013 / 12:00h - 14:14h GMT
The meeting closed after 1 hour 21 mins
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Technical team reviews
Functional Team reviews
Actions to be taken
Next meeting
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Actions taken by RM
Manufacturing Light separate branch(ADEMPIERE-216-ManufacturingLite) creation and committed the changes. - Done
Deepak's Pedro Rozo's SmartJSP report changes integration - Done
Migration fixes of Smart Report and CurrencyExchange - Done
Configurable dashboards - In progress
Waiting for metas to fix the process gear which has unnecessary code changes and wrong migration scripts? If metas can not fix in certain time, we may need to revert the changes. Cristina will take care of it.
horizontal tab is integrated in swing
Problems with hg and git
Mike's findings: on windows, the issue seemed to be Mercurial versions <= 2.7.1. The recent 2.7.2 version works well and has solved the issues.
One can now update to pre git revisions and back to the tip without issues.
Hasn't tried commits to the git repo yet.
Mike can move around and update normally and the git is removed or added without issue.
Suman tested and it works for him.
Mike's recommendation: try the thg.exe version of TortoiseHG instead of the thgw.exe version. The former is working for me. (TortoiseHG version 2.9.2 with mercurial 2.7.2.)
Configurable dashboards( will be added to RC
ZK versions of delete entities, GL Reconciliation and prettying up the html reports will be added to RC
Walking Tree's Human Resource enhancements on Libero HR would be a great addition, but too late for 380. Victor will see the possibility of integrating it and adding more functionality.
29th October: cut of date for new features
Next meeting
Tuesday, October 29th 2013 / 12:00h. GMT
[06:06:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Main issue seemed to be the Hg/Git issue... status?
[06:06:27] suman ravuri: I did not have any issue so far
[06:06:36] suman ravuri: I sent documentation on what I am doing
[06:06:46] suman ravuri: did any got chance to review?
[06:07:05] suman ravuri: and see If there are any gaps
[06:07:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Victor, Mario .. did anyone else who is technical  do review of Suman's doc?
[06:08:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I guess it was ok!
[06:09:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): WT HR status?
[06:09:11] Victor Perez Juarez: I got but is based in win ui I have as test
[06:09:22] suman ravuri: win means?
[06:09:23] Mario Calderón: no, I haven't
[06:09:29] Victor Perez Juarez: I have not test
[06:09:37] suman ravuri: I sent FTP details to download DB
[06:09:55] Mario Calderón: about hg/git : Mike wrote a very good explanation in the wiki
[06:09:59] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes i got this today
[06:10:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor .. u mean u got the HR stuff today?
[06:10:36] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes Mike created excelent docs
[06:11:05] suman ravuri: Can you share link once?
[06:11:31] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes Suman sent me today HR resource
[06:11:44] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Mike wrote...  For info - I've had success on windows with Mercurial version 2.7.2 which was recently released. I've updated the wiki with relevant info on the process. See and

The first document needs some additional input to be complete but the basics are there.

[06:12:48] Mario Calderón: WT HR: is only the DB needed, or there is also code involved (processes, callouts, the model for documents/accessing tables....)?
[06:13:52] Victor Perez Juarez: Yes is first step
[06:14:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Nothing further from the Minutes?
[06:14:45] Victor Perez Juarez: I need convert to ABP
[06:14:54] suman ravuri: ABP means?
[06:15:40] Mario Calderón: not from my side...
[06:16:06] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): anyone know what ABP is?
[06:16:40] Mario Calderón: (Adaxa's Business Partners?) ;)
[06:16:58] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): haha
[06:17:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman: can you tell us what has been achieved in the week please
[06:17:42] suman ravuri: GL Reconciliaition -- integrated and committed code changes.
Language setting for Mobile UI -- Integrated and committed the code changes.
Acct Entities delete -- integrated and committed code changes.
Role flag in user window -- integrated and committed code changes.
HTML report changes -- Integrated and committed the changes.
Add Bank Statement Line Tab in Payment window -- integrated and committed
[06:17:50] suman ravuri: Configurble dashboards with smart browser setup -- Integrated and ready to commit. Took more time as we tried to integrate it with smart browser
[06:18:01] suman ravuri: Cashflow code changes code merged, commit and code review in-progress
Process Gear reverting back un-nesessary changes -- reverted and review is pending(yet to commit).
Aging report with revaluation integration with ADempiere 380 -- Changes are merged and there is pack-in ( ) issue.We are working on that.

Followup with smartreport fix -- Got the fixes, need to merge.
[06:19:02] Victor Perez Juarez: Adempiere best paractice
[06:19:03] Michael McKay: Hi everyone.  Can't stay for the whole meeting.  I've created and am testing the ZK version of GL Reconciliation. I'll commit drafts tomorrow.
[06:19:22] suman ravuri: I need some to repond to my comments on
[06:20:01] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Mike ... can you check its not already done ..
[06:20:06] Mario Calderón: hi Mike
[06:20:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I think it was coz he Idempiere guys did it (thanks Idempiere guys)
[06:21:20] Victor Perez Juarez: suman when you merge Cristina
[06:21:33] Victor Perez Juarez: Revisión
[06:21:34] Michael McKay: I'm allready 90% there - I'll continue.  Its largely cut-and paste.
[06:21:37] suman ravuri: today it will be comitted
[06:22:19] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman, when can I review the changes in the site?
[06:22:19] Victor Perez Juarez: I need to integrate WM
[06:22:47] suman ravuri: today night build will happen
[06:22:59] suman ravuri: tomorrow morning your time things will be ready
[06:23:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. thanks
[06:25:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): can I record here one small thing .. u remember the template role that had all every window set as inactive and every process that appeared directly on the menu as inactive ... was that going to be added?  I recall it was an issue as it had to be in a client like GW?
[06:25:25] Mario Calderón: @Steven, Suman: ABP = Adempiere's Best Practices
[06:25:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks .. guess it was wasted on me!
[06:26:29] suman ravuri: ok
[06:26:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): after this what are waiting on to close the 380 developement?
[06:26:49] Mario Calderón: I think this should be it
[06:27:16] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): warehouse management?
[06:27:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): things still needed from Metas?
[06:27:37] Mario Calderón: don't know when Victor plans to integrate it...
[06:28:11] Victor Perez Juarez: i need that suman finish with reverse metas refactory
[06:28:28] Mario Calderón: Cristina wrote that she had done the changes needed for their contribution
[06:28:37] Mario Calderón: so merging can proceed
[06:28:42] Victor Perez Juarez: I can not créate a new seed vía new refactory migration
[06:28:48] suman ravuri: what feature are we expecting from metas?
[06:28:56] Mario Calderón: nothing new...
[06:29:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): just the things that Cristina commented on last week as far as I know?
[06:29:20] Victor Perez Juarez: I not hope metas
[06:29:32] Mario Calderón: @Steven: exactly
[06:29:48] Victor Perez Juarez: I hope metas change are revert
[06:29:53] suman ravuri: so olny revert
[06:29:56] suman ravuri: ok
[06:29:59] suman ravuri: only
[06:30:04] Victor Perez Juarez: This not are work
[06:30:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Suman.. can u comment?
[06:31:02] Victor Perez Juarez: If integrate now of merge will be a lot issues
[06:31:27] suman ravuri: [6:00:57 PM] Victor Perez Juarez: This not are work

<<< did not understand?
[06:31:48] Victor Perez Juarez: So i prefere that you merge last change of cris
[06:32:06] suman ravuri: so we are in process of that
[06:32:15] Victor Perez Juarez: Before i include WM
[06:32:25] suman ravuri: I am planning to commit related merge today night
[06:32:39] Victor Perez Juarez: Ok then we finish i can integrate WM
[06:34:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor .. I have not checked .. sorry .. is ther user doc that I can read about WM?
[06:36:33] Victor Perez Juarez: Ir are in wiki in original project
[06:36:55] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks
[06:37:05] Mario Calderón: I'd like we set the closing date for the RC and organize the communuty testing...
[06:37:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I thought plan was close off at end October?
[06:37:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): and we are working to that?
[06:37:48] Mario Calderón:'re right
[06:38:13] suman ravuri: I can commit on all ongoing changes in next two days
[06:38:22] Mario Calderón: perhaps we do it!
[06:38:26] Victor Perez Juarez:
[06:40:14] Victor Perez Juarez:
[06:40:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I had seen that .. Is there any user documentation as well to help me test?
[06:42:16] suman ravuri: Off the topic : committed dashboard changes
[06:42:17] Victor Perez Juarez: This more design and referente
[06:42:39] suman ravuri: now dashboard creation is just a configuration :)
[06:43:30] Mario Calderón: @Suman: I like this functionality very much. Thanks to WT.
[06:43:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I need to go back and read yr instructions in the WT wiki .. sounded good.
[06:44:07] suman ravuri: it is improved further
[06:44:18] suman ravuri: we will provide test case document
[06:44:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): So .. we have a small amount remaining .. then WM to be added?
[06:44:54] Mario Calderón: we've worked with WM in a logistics project
[06:45:17] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thats good .. did u develop any user doc?
[06:45:32] Mario Calderón: :$
[06:45:50] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): hmmm...
[06:46:53] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman .. the question above about the template role .. worth bothering with? you have the sql script
[06:47:52] suman ravuri: Does this mean Role flag in user window?
[06:49:10] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): no .. we just created a role to be used as a seed for any manual role that already has every item in the role but by default they are ticked as inactive .. so a new role is .. copy the template, tick a few things as active and you are done.
[06:50:02] suman ravuri: I don't have sql with
[06:50:06] suman ravuri: me
[06:50:10] suman ravuri: kindly share it
[06:50:17] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[06:52:56] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman .. emailed to you
[06:53:38] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): One other thing I like to mention .. have looked at Gardenworld data for updating..
[06:54:09] suman ravuri: thanks
[06:54:29] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): suggestion is to write a java program to add x years to all dates where date is earlier than ???
[06:54:48] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): this can then work for all databases
[06:55:14] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): then some hand work to make the rest of the changes and create a script
[06:55:18] suman ravuri: for all entries?
[06:55:51] suman ravuri: all date fields in all tables?
[06:56:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): that was the plan
[06:56:19] suman ravuri: ok I need to think
[06:56:31] suman ravuri: I have another Item to discuss
[06:56:56] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): some data goes back to 2002 and 2003 ... want to bring that to (say) 2011 and 12.. later stuff stays as is
[06:57:38] suman ravuri: looks like suggestion is fine
[06:58:02] suman ravuri: let me think
[06:58:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): as per last week comment .. it can wait till during the testing.
[06:59:17] suman ravuri: may be can continue conversation on mails
[06:59:29] suman ravuri: I have another topic
[06:59:36] suman ravuri: I and Victor agreed to create a separate branch for manufacturing lite and I created it. When can we merge with 380/rc1?
[06:59:51] Mario Calderón: there is a tool in linux called "sed". You can take a stream and change characters on the fly. A bit tricky, but you can do awesome things with it.
[07:00:20] Mario Calderón: @Suman: I thought it was merged ?!
[07:02:42] suman ravuri: not yet it is in seperate branch now
[07:03:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I thought there was a plan to modify to the Libero BOM structure .. is that for now or  later?
[07:03:55] suman ravuri: We need to discuss with Victor
[07:04:22] Mario Calderón: so, what about organizing community testing?
[07:05:57] Mario Calderón: 1.- we need a stable branch
2.- we need a rolled out installation where everybody can test
3.- we need a wiki page with bugs and tests
4.- we need a timeframe for testing
[07:06:58] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): all true .. but we need WM and Manuf Light first?
[07:07:12] Mario Calderón: sure, it was so agreed
[07:07:36] Mario Calderón: can Suman and Victor integrate it until Nov. 1st?
[07:07:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): are we gonna use the adempiere e.V. server for testing ... thought that was the plan.
[07:07:58] Mario Calderón: yes, I think it is
here we need Metas' help
[07:08:09] Victor Perez Juarez: I need go
[07:08:15] Mario Calderón: bye Victor
[07:08:36] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I thought Tobi was providing Victor with root acces?
[07:08:43] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye Victor
[07:09:01] Mario Calderón: think so. The matter is that they do it
[07:09:24] Mario Calderón: they don't assist to the meetings, so we have to email them
[07:11:16] Mario Calderón: another issue: I asked Norbert for a solution of showing the Jira tracker in our 3.8 test Wiki page. He told me long time ago that he had solved it. I am going to ask if he can provide us the solution.
[07:11:39] Mario Calderón: this way, we see both tests and tracker at once
[07:11:56] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): let us know the outcome please
[07:12:02] Mario Calderón: ok
[07:13:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I would like also to hear result of Suman/Victor discussion on Libero BOM in Manuf Light ..
[07:13:45] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): could cause a big holdup
[07:13:54] Mario Calderón: Suman would take care of it, wouldn't he?
[07:14:16] suman ravuri: I will initiate the discussion
[07:14:20] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Suman .. wot are you waiting on Victo for?
[07:14:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok
[07:14:53] suman ravuri: Me and Victor has to work together
[07:15:57] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ok .. any other matters?
[07:16:35] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): 10 ... 9 ... 8 ....
[07:16:53] Mario Calderón: no...
[07:17:05] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): let's close the meeting then.
[07:17:11] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): all done?
[07:17:37] Mario Calderón: yes, I will write Metas about rolling out RC and jira/wiki page
[07:17:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): thanks .. bye then.
[07:17:55] Mario Calderón: Suman and Victor announce when testing can begin
[07:18:05] Mario Calderón: bye and good night
[07:18:32] suman ravuri: good night
[07:18:32] suman ravuri: bye
[07:23:47] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): oops .. costing engine changes still to be considered!
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